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Remakes/Future of Ruby and Sapphire Discussion

Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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This is my response to this link.

Ever since the remakes of Pokemon Red/Green and Pokemon Gold/Silver, there's been many speculations; amongst some Pokemon fans, that a Ruby/Sapphire remakes is bound to happen. IMO, I don't want a remake for this series simply because we may as well expect a remake for Diamond/Pearl in the next decade, following that a remake of Black/White.

Rather than a remake, I much rather see a sequel of Ruby and Sapphire: with a new story; new characters; and perhaps new evolutionary lines for Pokemon introduced in Generation 3. Its better because it brings together old fans; who enjoyed the series, and attract new fans; who never played R/S/E before. While the chances of this is very slim, the reason why I believe this is because when Black/White was released, many fans were convinced that a Pokemon Grey would eventually come as the third installment of the series. But it turns out we got 2 sequels instead - Black 2/White 2.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Wang Yuanji
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I think that would be great.

Also, you could get like a free code to download R/S/E from the eshop too, so that way, we have the sequels, and the old ones.

To the old ones, maybe add simple things; play online, play secret base games with friends, etc.

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do ruby and sapphire even have enough of a plot to make a coherent sequel?

It's OK, in the sequel it'll be like the exact same plot, the difference being people will be like "DID YOU KNOW NORMAN HAD A SON" and "OMG GYM LEADERS CAN PROCREATE" and "THAT SLAKING HAD A BROTHER WHO WAS HUMAN ONCE THEY FOUGHT" and it'll build up suspense bcuse u'll be liek "THAT WUZ TOTES ME WHY IS TEAM OGMA (becauseaqmasoundsliekogmaifurhigh) STILL HERE I THOUGHT I BEAT THEM" but then at the end in a SU-PRIZE TWIST ENDING it actually never happened invalidating all of your actions from the first game which is why all of the same stuff is happening again and Nintendo totally got you to buy the same game TWICE SUCKER just like FireRed 10/10.greatest remake ever.

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I think that the bigger reason why remakes of Ruby and Sapphire (/Emerald) won't be made is because the window of opportunity to time it to meet their tenth anniversary has come and gone. (FireRed and LeafGreen can be excused as not coinciding on an anniversary since they're remakes of the very first titles - I would think that any other remake would be better timed to its anniversary.)

Of course, that might not be the be all and end all to the situation - maybe it just happened to be a coincidence that HG/SS came out ten years after the originals.

The other issue would be one of timelines. The games' lore expressly states that FR/LG (as they retcon R/B/Y) and R/S/E take place at the same time, with HG/SS (as they retcon G/S/C) and D/P/Pt taking place 3 years later, B/W taking place a few years after that, and B2/W2 taking place 2 more years after that. Remakes of R/S/E, if made today and featuring connectivity to the most recent games, would cause a huge time paradox problem. There would be at least a 7 year gap between the times depected in the games. You would almost HAVE to make sequels akin to the new 3DS Zelda where the region is mostly the same, but updated and with tweaks all over the place for it to fit in the modern era. (And this is only counting the main games, too.)

The other, slightly off-topic point I have is based on the linked article. I personally think that the Swords of Justice are going to factor in to X/Y somehow (even just as a mini-event) and shatter the whole "unique to Unova" thing. X/Y are based on France, and the Swords of Justice are based on the primary characters from Alexandre Dumas' The Three Musketeers, a novel obviously heavily related to France. It really only seems natural for the two to intertwine at some point. (Maybe it would only end up being a minor cutscene where if Transfer ends up being implemented and you send over all four and have them in your party at a certain location, you get to see it.)

Edited by Lord Glenn
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The other issue would be one of timelines. The games' lore expressly states that FR/LG (as they retcon R/B/Y) and R/S/E take place at the same time, with HG/SS (as they retcon G/S/C) and D/P/Pt taking place 3 years later, B/W taking place a few years after that, and B2/W2 taking place 2 more years after that. Remakes of R/S/E, if made today and featuring connectivity to the most recent games, would cause a huge time paradox problem. There would be at least a 7 year gap between the times depected in the games. You would almost HAVE to make sequels akin to the new 3DS Zelda where the region is mostly the same, but updated and with tweaks all over the place for it to fit in the modern era. (And this is only counting the main games, too.)

I don't think this is an issue. The games already treat Pokémon from Gens III and IV as "Arrived after a long journey through time" when transferred to Gen V. Besides, time travel trading was already a thing with Gen II connecting to Gen I and back, so it's pretty much possible in the Pokémon world. If you mean connectivity beyond just trading Pokémon... hmm, I forgot if you could battle cross-gen back with Gens I and II, so I'll probably have to look into that to see.

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I would be happy with either a remake or a sequal. In my opinion Ruby and Saphire is in the biggest need of a remake since i think it needs the most polish out of any game in the series. I thought it lacked a lot of things that previous pokemon games had :l

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It's OK, in the sequel it'll be like the exact same plot, the difference being people will be like "DID YOU KNOW NORMAN HAD A SON" and "OMG GYM LEADERS CAN PROCREATE" and "THAT SLAKING HAD A BROTHER WHO WAS HUMAN ONCE THEY FOUGHT" and it'll build up suspense bcuse u'll be liek "THAT WUZ TOTES ME WHY IS TEAM OGMA (becauseaqmasoundsliekogmaifurhigh) STILL HERE I THOUGHT I BEAT THEM" but then at the end in a SU-PRIZE TWIST ENDING it actually never happened invalidating all of your actions from the first game which is why all of the same stuff is happening again and Nintendo totally got you to buy the same game TWICE SUCKER just like FireRed 10/10.greatest remake ever.

10/10 would sequel again
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I don't think a R/S/E remake is coming, but not for any of the reasons in that article. None of that sounds relevant to me from Nintendo's perspective:

1. Even without FR/LG and HG/SS there were other ways to get Kanto/Johto Pokemon via stuff like Pokemon Colosseum. FR/LG and HG/SS were not necessary for such a thing.

2. Really, like Nintendo cares about this. And if they really do, we've got boats in the games. Go on a cruise to an island with exotic Pokemon. It's not hard to work around.

3. The article rebuts itself here by pointing out various things that could be upgraded. Too much water? Add more land mass. How in the world is this "nearly impossible to logically fix"? Hoenn wasn't so reliant on its water.

No, the reason I think it won't come is simply demand. R/S/E doesn't hit the nostalgia factor like the previous gens did. There aren't as many people who really want remakes of them.

It would be rather interesting to send a Pokemon from Gen 3 R/S/E to Gen 6 R/S, though.

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2. Really, like Nintendo cares about this. And if they really do, we've got boats in the games. Go on a cruise to an island with exotic Pokemon. It's not hard to work around.

”Thanks for your thoughts. Ruby and Sapphire are important games to me. I will consider your request.” - Junichi Masuda



I have know idea what this implies, but anything could happen...

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I'm almost through with pokemon, i think GF forgot what had made the series unique in the first place.

BW were decent games, but the huge amount of new pokemon makes collecting them all a boring task (why did GF create 700+ pokemon anyway? there aren't enough bird and bug pokemon to justify that huge number) and competitive battling is looking more and more like the olympics.

Edited by viyut
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Mega evolutions are unfortunatly where I believe pokemon remakes/potential future pokemon games start to die, Mawhile now can't have a cool evolution, and I'm sure torkoal and spinda and all the other less usable pokemon aren't far behind on the mega train now.

RSE remakes/sequels would be extremely different from their originals, as much as I clamor for a sequel to my original pokemon games, I don't know if this the right time for them.

Plus, let's be honest, unless the other hoenn starters mega-evolve, only diehard fans of the other two won't pick blaziken, because of his mega and it being presumably ridiculous outside of competitive play.

Note: this is my opinion and I almost expect you to disagree with me.

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It would be rather interesting to send a Pokemon from Gen 3 R/S/E to Gen 6 R/S, though.

It would. Imagine the time paradox. :P

I wouldn't mind a remake or a sequel. It wasn't my absolute favorite region like Johto, but the region itself should receive polishing in some form like Kanto and Johto did. It'd make the series feel a little more complete to me.

Incidentally though, has anyone continued using pokemon from the original R/S/E in the newer games (specifically B/W 2)??? I'm currently still using the same Metagross that I got as a Beldum from Steven all those years ago now in Black 2. Its actually sort of amazing to think that its been traveling long and far from game to game, region to region, ever since.

In fact, now that we have pokemon bank, I might just see if I can move every single pokemon I trained over the games and years into it. So many memories can now be preserved better! I still have nightmares about losing my cartridges...

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I have wanted to see R/S/E remakes for a very long time. But i agree with you, they probably won't happen now since the best time for them would've been before Gen6. GF announced Gen 6 too soon.

And i don't think Megaevolutions will make any difference on the game being created or not since GF can make it so they're avaliable only after endgame.

Also, i strongly disagree about Blaziken. He won't be that much better than he was at Emerald since he still won't be strong enough to solo the game by himself. (unlike Swampert, who has better typing, learns Earthquake naturally and can be a HM slave if needed) and with Wallace as champion instead of Steven, blaziken would probably lack a super effective move (at least a physical one) to take down his pokes and would be OHKO'ed back by any decent water attack.

From reading this thread i realized that there's one thing that most fans have forgotten: Pokemon is an open world RPG, Which means it doesn't need any plot to be a good game. All you need is a world to explore and a goal (completing the pokedex, for example). I believe the people who want the R/S/E remake want it because they liked Hoenn's map and all the different stuff you could only do there (Secret bases, diving, the unique pokemon, the contests, the music and so on) and thus most of them wouldn't mind having an entirely new game based in hoenn instead of a R/S/E remake.

The first time i played a pokemon game was back in 2001, on my cousin's blue version. Back then i couldn't read anything in english so i didn't knew the goal of the game was to beat the E4 and thus i simply played the game the way i wanted, i would just wander around in kanto checking every building and catching every pokemon i liked and use them to battle, and guess what? It was very fun, because that's the how GF meant it to be in the first place. there's no need for a plot because what made the game fun was the freedom to explore the world while you catch, battle and trade pokemon. And i think some fans never noticed it.

Edited by viyut
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While I now see how rash my previous statement about blaziken was, I won't completely withdraw it. I must assume that, because in X and Y, Korrina, a gym leader, is known to be rather knowledgable in the way of mega pokemon, that they can be obtained during the main game. Not only that, but because you get the kanto starters early into X and Y, mega evolution of AT THE VERY LEAST them, can probably happen during the game.

Thus my reasoning for either unfortunately needing to mega evolve the other two starters, or face the possibility of people either A) finding blazikenite during the game and becoming all but invincible, or B) sending the blazikenite from X and Y and getting mega blaziken at the first opportunity.

If they do give the other two megas though...

I say sceptile gets +defense and +attack, and slap defiant on him.

Swampert should get +sp defense and +attack, and give him, uhm...

I'll do this later.

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In the article 2. is completely stupid. Why ? Beldum. He comes from Unova, but Steven got a hold of one. They are also found swarming in Sinnoh.

BW2 also imprts a lot of older Pokemons, so the opposite can be true. And there is still the Safari Park, at worst.

3. contradicts itself (The Physical/Special split is really a major change, sorry.If only because of the maor change of Dark Type (From Special to Physical, even if you don't care about Mightyenna and Absol, that's pretty important).

1. At least Rayquazza is not really easy to obtain, because you need HG and SS.

Besides, even with the Pokemon Box (A payed sevice), it isn't really easy to obtain old Pokemon. This argument was more relevant during Gen V.

There's still special events for legendary, right.

A remake absolutely isn't the priority right now, I'd agree, but I think it will happens eventually. (Though I would prefer the idea of a sequel).

Wasn't there a lot of persons saying GSC will never be remade as well ? I even think argument 1. was used as the time, as well...

Edited by TendaSlimeKnight Ikkar
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I'd buy it. I doubt it will happen, but I wouldn't care if newer Pokemon didn't even make an appearance. And as already said, I'm sure there's an easy way to make such things happen anyway.

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  • 4 weeks later...

In the article 2. is completely stupid. Why ? Beldum. He comes from Unova, but Steven got a hold of one. They are also found swarming in Sinnoh.

BW2 also imprts a lot of older Pokemons, so the opposite can be true. And there is still the Safari Park, at worst.

3. contradicts itself (The Physical/Special split is really a major change, sorry.If only because of the maor change of Dark Type (From Special to Physical, even if you don't care about Mightyenna and Absol, that's pretty important).

1. At least Rayquazza is not really easy to obtain, because you need HG and SS.

Besides, even with the Pokemon Box (A payed sevice), it isn't really easy to obtain old Pokemon. This argument was more relevant during Gen V.

There's still special events for legendary, right.

A remake absolutely isn't the priority right now, I'd agree, but I think it will happens eventually. (Though I would prefer the idea of a sequel).

Wasn't there a lot of persons saying GSC will never be remade as well ? I even think argument 1. was used as the time, as well...

What the heck do you mean that Beldum comes form unova? He was introduced in Gen III! your statement makes no sense!

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Actually guys, i just found that in X and Y, there are several instances where NPCs seem to hint at RSE remakes. Many characters referance a "land far away from Kalos", and one backpacker from such place will give you an item called the "Strange Souvenir", and a nearby woman encourages you to hold on to it. This item is described as being from a faraway place. It's possible that these people are talking about Hoenn, and tat this item may serve a purpose in the remakes.

There's hope yet guys!!!

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Nope, the backpacker mentions it's not from "the previous 5 regions" (not exact words, but general idea), so it can't Hoenn.

Wlell, maybe I was wrong about the item, but with so many npcs talking about faraway places,and the fact that Zygarde means that there will most definitely be a

Pokemon Z version(dear god!), we can't expect a new region for at least 2 years, I still think that RSE remakes are pretty probable.

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