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Remakes/Future of Ruby and Sapphire Discussion

Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Yeah, him. I've seen some people thinking it's for the Gen VII region, and that it will be possible to transfer it then. If I remember correctly, it's not a Key Item, so I take it you can put it on a Pokémon for trade...?

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Yeah, him. I've seen some people thinking it's for the Gen VII region, and that it will be possible to transfer it then. If I remember correctly, it's not a Key Item, so I take it you can put it on a Pokémon for trade...?






Edited by shinpichu
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No thanks to Ruby and Sapphire remakes. Those games had the worst storylines in the series. In terms of what there was to do in the game, it was a step back from Gold and Silver.

Yes because adding abilities was a step back [sarcasm]

Also Gen 1 says hi to barebones story

Gen 2 is overrated [i hate this word but in this case it applies] completely, its good sure, but it isn't the holy grail of pokemon games just because you can go to Kanto to have nothing other then a glorified boss rush. That is the ONLY reason people love the post game of Gen 2, because OMGKANTO and there is absolutely nothing to do there except a boss rush as stated previously.

Gen 3? May not have the king of post game but at least it didn't pretend to be 2 whole worlds without truly being 2 whole worlds

Edited by Jedi
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In terms of what there was to do in the game, it was a step back from Gold and Silver.

Which is exactly something a remake could rectify. They could totally add something a la the Sevii Isles to expand the postgame.

Edit: Also, I legit don't see how Gen 3's plot can possibly be worse than Gen 1's.

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Also its kinda funny to be talking about plot in terms of pokemon and not talking about the amazing Manga

Other then the Orre games I feel there really isn't any [some bits in gen 2 and gen 5 sure but nothing super solid]

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Also, carrying on from what i said earlier, one npc who mentions that they come form a faraway place says that you'll "see it soon enough". Now, i'm no sherlock holmes, but seeing as how we can expect 2-3 years between generations, and about 1 year between games within a generation(eg. remakes), soon enough seems to be referring to the latter.

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Come to think of it, I do like the idea of a remake for Colosseum/XD; just because of the storylines overall, and the idea of 'stealing' trainer's pokemon. But I don't tend to consider Colosseum/XD as one of the main series, since the lead developers were Genius Sonority and not Game Freak. For that reason, I doubt this series will ever get a remake...

Edited by Wang Yuanji
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Disclaimer: I haven't beaten Gen 3. My remake idea was still the best there ever was. Also a Colosseum remake would be rad, especially with better graphics and faster animations.

Yes because adding abilities was a step back [sarcasm]

By your logic, it's statistically impossible for a Pokemon game to ever be a step back.

Also Gen 1 says hi to barebones story

Barebones != Bad.

Gen 2 is overrated [i hate this word but in this case it applies] completely, its good sure, but it isn't the holy grail of pokemon games just because you can go to Kanto to have nothing other then a glorified boss rush. That is the ONLY reason people love the post game of Gen 2, because OMGKANTO and there is absolutely nothing to do there except a boss rush as stated previously.

Pretty sure the whole postgame that most people care about is in Gen 2, which is the competitive multiplayer (and when I say most people, I don't mean EV training levels of competitive, I just mean generally battling other real life people).

Although multiplayer only got good in Pokemon when it stopped making use of link cables which I still don't own, thank you Gen 4.

Gen 3? May not have the king of post game but at least it didn't pretend to be 2 whole worlds without truly being 2 whole worlds

You liked it so much when SotN did it, what's wrong with Pokemon?

But really, so did Gen 1,4,5, and 6, so it's not really particularly impressive to say that Gen 3 did what most other Pokemon games did.

This is what happens when you're not on Skype, I'm forced to complain to you on the actual thread!

Edited by Refa
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Kanto in Gen 2 was AWFUL. No really, it's awful. It's a butchered version of Kanto from Gen 1. And Johto itself suffers because they stuck Kanto in there/ Neither region is even slightly interesting in Gen 2. WOuld have been better to not include Kanto and fix Johto instead.

And let's not even start with the plot. Neo Team Rocket are rejects from the old Team Rocket who, in the grand of scheme of things, were so unimportant that they were never informed that Team Rocket had been disbanded. They're the same people from the Sevii Islands who carried on with Team Rocket business because the rest of TR didn't even care enough to tell them to disband. Can't take Neo Team Rocket seriously.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Well to be fair to Gen 2's Kanto they had the data of Kanto from Gen 1 still in the cart when they finished Johto so they said

"What the hell lets keep it in there"

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No thanks to Ruby and Sapphire remakes. Those games had the worst storylines in the series. In terms of what there was to do in the game, it was a step back from Gold and Silver.

>Only complaint is the story. In a Pokemon game. In the gen with one of the better stories (only gen that wins in my eyes is 5).

I liked having Kanto in gen 2, but it really is kind of just fanservice.

Also, if they remake gen 3, will they remake gen 4 next gen or the gen after? And then will a gen 5 remake come in 7 years? Are they going to keep remaking gens forever? And if they remake gen 3, will they release a remake of gen 1 alongside it?

I can't wait for gen 12 where we'll get remakes of gens 9, 7, 4, and 2!

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I think GameFreak is aware at the massive desire for RS remakes, so I wouldn't be surprised if they showed up at some point. It's a massive cashgrab for them because the demand is huge.

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I just found a Hoen reference in X and Y. In the hotel in Ambrette Town, there is a lady that says, "Aren't there any hot springs here? Where I come from, we have a hot spring right next to the Pokemon Center, and it's incredible!" She's obviously talking about Lavaridge Town.

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I think GameFreak is aware at the massive desire for RS remakes, so I wouldn't be surprised if they showed up at some point. It's a massive cashgrab for them because the demand is huge.

Of course, so would releasing Pokemon Gray which would take 100% less effort to make than B2/W2 and probably not make significantly less sales; so clearly cash isn't the only thing that motivates Game Freak. :p

Not saying that this is a valid reason that the Gen 3 remakes won't exist, of course.

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I think it will also depend of what they can add to the game.

Not sure for FR/LG, but HG/SS added many things like being able to walk with your pokemon,and the PokéWalker, and made Kanto more complete.

And even remaking the entire game in 3D may take some time.

They're also trying to stay innovative and to surprise us.

We also waited quite a lot to have HG/SS.

I think it will eventually come, but it may not be their priority.

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Of course, so would releasing Pokemon Gray which would take 100% less effort to make than B2/W2 and probably not make significantly less sales; so clearly cash isn't the only thing that motivates Game Freak. :p

Not saying that this is a valid reason that the Gen 3 remakes won't exist, of course.

Some people buy both paired versions and I believe B2/W2 is not an exception even if they are the substitute to a possible 3rd version for the Unova games, so I believe a possible "Gray" version would sell significantly less

An idea kind of crossed my mind, what if they instead of making the remakes they made a huge DLC where you could actually go to Hoenn. It could be something to add to the post game, they could make the wild and trainer Pokemon levels higher or go with something like this:

-You can't take your pokemon with you during your travel due to it being international travel;

-Once you are there you don't have access to your Pokemon boxes in Kalos due to system incompatibility between both regions which Lanette and however runs the storage system in Kalos only fix after you've beaten both regions Pokemon League

-For the plot, maybe Team Magma/Aqua would be back and like the Hoenn games, which one you would be facing would be version dependent it's not like I care that much for the story in pokemon games

-You would meet Brendan and May at some point and which one of them would be Norman's or Professor Birch's son/daughter would depend on the player gender in X/Y

The price could be something close but cheaper than a full game, something like $30.00. And they could also add more evolutions and Mega evolutions

EDIT: also, maybe if they made something like that it could work even before you finished the game, with the player being able to go between regions but only share the Pokemon Storage systems after you did beat both Leagues

Or they could make the remakes, it's not like I wouldn't buy either way...

Edited by Tonton
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well,anyway, here are my ideas...

  • You fight Magma or Aqua (version dependent)
  • Things like mega evolutions and new evolutions (Mega Blaziken, roserade, etc) not available till after you beat the Elite 4(like in FRLG)
  • Horde battles and triple battles worked in some where.
  • maybe a full 3D sprite of your starter following you on the overworld(Didn't like the whole "anyone and everything can follow you!! in HGSS.)
  • more encounters with wally.
  • Post game rematch with Brendan/May
  • The story would be mostly te same, but with the Three-way fight between legendaries in Sootopolis left in there.
  • during post game rematches with the League, Wallace could replace Steven as Champ, and You Can battle Juan somewhere...
  • Also, bring back the Pokemon World Tournament.(Could replace battle tents)
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IGN's articles have left me pretty unimpressed recently, but this one was OK and is relevant to the subject.


And be sure to read the 1st comment, it gives an interesting image of what a RSE sequel could look like.

My take on this is skewed by the fact that Sapphire and Emerald are the first pokemon game I owned (I played through Blue on an emulator and started but never finished Gold on emulator). I really loved those games. I saw some people thrash the design of the pokemon, but some of my favorite pokemons come from that gen(including but not limited to Sceptile, Metagross, Gardevoir, Blaziken, Aggron and Anorith).

The secret base were a pretty fun idea that also helped you level up pokemon and I still think that the contest from these games are the best of their kind(Super Contest, Pokeathlon, Musical, Movie making).

And they are currently the only region you cannot access with a DS(I count Kanto as available because of HGSS).

Moreover, there are plenty of little hints throughout X&Y that let's you think that a RSE remake could happen.

Slightly off-topic here: I've heard some interesting speculation that the Strange Souvenir could be a reference to either a completely new region or to a region close to Kalos that would contain other 'Gen 6' pokemon(the traditional legendary trio is completely absent and Zygarde seems like it could really use a alt-form).

And I saw a pretty decent argument about why Mega-evos are better than evolution. As someone I sadly can't remember said if you give an overlooked pokemon an evolution to make it more relevant, chances are that while the evolution may get some attention, the pre-evo will be just as ignored as before(Yanma for example). But if you give a pokemon like Mawhile a Mega-Evo, it makes Mawhile itself more relevant.

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I dropped so much time in Emerald's Battle Frontier and I still never completely beat it (All 7 silver badges and 2 gold). If a R/S remake came and included that same Battle Frontier but updated, well, you all wouldn't be seeing much of me anymore.

Emerald is also the last time I filled the Pokedex. I'm still wary of the idea that these remakes might come, but I sure as hell would love if they do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

IGN's articles have left me pretty unimpressed recently, but this one was OK and is relevant to the subject.


And be sure to read the 1st comment, it gives an interesting image of what a RSE sequel could look like.

My take on this is skewed by the fact that Sapphire and Emerald are the first pokemon game I owned (I played through Blue on an emulator and started but never finished Gold on emulator). I really loved those games. I saw some people thrash the design of the pokemon, but some of my favorite pokemons come from that gen(including but not limited to Sceptile, Metagross, Gardevoir, Blaziken, Aggron and Anorith).

The secret base were a pretty fun idea that also helped you level up pokemon and I still think that the contest from these games are the best of their kind(Super Contest, Pokeathlon, Musical, Movie making).

And they are currently the only region you cannot access with a DS(I count Kanto as available because of HGSS).

Moreover, there are plenty of little hints throughout X&Y that let's you think that a RSE remake could happen.

Slightly off-topic here: I've heard some interesting speculation that the Strange Souvenir could be a reference to either a completely new region or to a region close to Kalos that would contain other 'Gen 6' pokemon(the traditional legendary trio is completely absent and Zygarde seems like it could really use a alt-form).

And I saw a pretty decent argument about why Mega-evos are better than evolution. As someone I sadly can't remember said if you give an overlooked pokemon an evolution to make it more relevant, chances are that while the evolution may get some attention, the pre-evo will be just as ignored as before(Yanma for example). But if you give a pokemon like Mawhile a Mega-Evo, it makes Mawhile itself more relevant.

Actually, The trio was leaked a few weeks ago, along with two new megas. These pokemon aren't available w/o cheating, so we should expect an event for them in the next year or two. These new pokemon are -

****Spoiler Alert In 3.....2.....1......I Warned You!!*****(How do I make a spoiler tab?)

Trio: Dancie, Volcanion, Hoopa.

New Megas: Mega Latios and Mega Latias.

You can Check Serebii's archives for images.

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