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Teach me to like Lucina


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Neither do I. She's boring and ugly, imo. I also don't like that she has no sense of humor. I'm a person that prefers someone that can tell me good jokes and laugh at my own. xP Or just someone I can laugh with a lot.

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It makes me sad that people dislike Lucina, or can claim she's ugly. Lucina has been through a lot, and I think her quiet, determined resolve makes her beautiful and mature. She had a life of hell, like the rest of the future children. She sacrificed a lot to return to the past and change the future, and the end of chapter 13 never fails to break my heart. The poor girl needed to be loved for so long.

Neither do I. She's boring and ugly, imo. I also don't like that she has no sense of humor. I'm a person that prefers someone that can tell me good jokes and laugh at my own. xP Or just someone I can laugh with a lot.

Like Freddy Bear for instance. That man is such a joker. =P

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Lucina comes from the grand tradition of shounen hero type protagonists in Fire Emblem games (Roy, Marth, Chrom, etc). Do-gooders who try their best to the make world a better place. Much like Naruto and Goku as their shounen manga counterparts. Where she stands out is here willingness to do what is necessary to stop a heinous future. So she is more strong willed than the others in this regard, as the end of chapter 21 suggests.

Her design is a refinement of the classic lord archetype. As a female protagonist, it is nice to see a female in a non-overly sexualized and effective outfit. Another thing that draws me to character is her non-sexualization within the game art or her design (can't speak for the internet). Much like my favorite member of the X-Men Kitty Pryde, this leads to a stronger role for her as a protagonist. Within the game, she is all about action and fighting. And she is supposed to look young. Hence she is not overly gorgeous. She comes from a war torn future where she lost both her parents. I think when we first meet her, she is probably only 15 or 16.

As I've alluded to, I believe that she is strong female protagonist and there really isn't enough of these of gaming, especially with Nintendo. It's like they created Samus as a surprise many years ago, and just gave up. Fortunately, the Fire Emblem series has strong females in prominent roles within the series, and she might be the strongest female protagonist in the series (aside from Lyn). Since FE7, the FE series has produced a slew of main female protagonists. But Lucina stands out.

Unlike Eirika, she isn't naive in comparison to her male lord counterpart. Unlike Micaiah, the first scene you see her she is defending someone, rather than being defended by Sothe. Unlike Elincia, she is not a sheltered character who cant seem to get her hand off her chest. Her only real competition is Lyndis, who is a wonderful character. I view Lucina as a successor to Lyn's legacy.

It makes no sense to hate a character for their fanbase or their perceived overratedness. Video games, as art, should be looked in isolation in how it is meant to be experience. You can agree with the points haters make, but there is no reason to be convinced purely by a fanbase. Just in case anyone has considered disliking her for this reason.

Besides all that, she is an effective unit. Provided she gets a strong mother, she can be one of the most useful units in the game. She starts off with Aether, has her own unbreakable strong sword, and be paired up with the mandatory unit (Chrom) with a C support already. She is capable of having galeforce if her mother is capable, and she is one of the only children units that can be more easily trained in just the regular chapters (no skirmishes or paralogues).

This is longer than I intended, but I think had to make up for the lack of defense from the other posts.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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The more people who hate my waifu, the more exclusive she is to me. So let the haters hate; she is all mine~

To be completely honest, I have no idea why I like her. She just "clicks" with me for some reason. Maybe it is because she is passionate and her sense of purpose? I really do not have a clue, but I love her all the same.

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She's boring and ugly, imo.

As much I agree on Lucina being boring.

She is not ugly. Her design is off the chart. Especially her Great Lord outfit. The sprite is cute, too. Tiny shiny little leg armors

Plus more shiny than you know, some early promo unit who has serious picky problem on food.

Edited by Amelia
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Lucina comes from the grand tradition of shounen hero type protagonists in Fire Emblem games (Roy, Marth, Chrom, etc). Do-gooders who try their best to the make world a better place. Much like Naruto and Goku as their shounen manga counterparts. Where she stands out is here willingness to do what is necessary to stop a heinous future. So she is more strong willed than the others in this regard, as the end of chapter 21 suggests.

Her design is a refinement of the classic lord archetype. As a female protagonist, it is nice to see a female in a non-overly sexualized and effective outfit. Another thing that draws me to character is her non-sexualization within the game art or her design (can't speak for the internet). Much like my favorite member of the X-Men Kitty Pryde, this leads to a stronger role for her as a protagonist. Within the game, she is all about action and fighting. And she is supposed to look young. Hence she is not overly gorgeous. She comes from a war torn future where she lost both her parents. I think when we first meet her, she is probably only 15 or 16.

As I've alluded to, I believe that she is strong female protagonist and there really isn't enough of these of gaming, especially with Nintendo. It's like they created Samus as a surprise many years ago, and just gave up. Fortunately, the Fire Emblem series has strong females in prominent roles within the series, and she might be the strongest female protagonist in the series (aside from Lyn). Since FE7, the FE series has produced a slew of main female protagonists. But Lucina stands out.

Unlike Eirika, she isn't naive in comparison to her male lord counterpart. Unlike Micaiah, the first scene you see her she is defending someone, rather than being defended by Sothe. Unlike Elincia, she is not a sheltered character who cant seem to get her hand off her chest. Her only real competition is Lyndis, who is a wonderful character. I view Lucina as a successor to Lyn's legacy.

It makes no sense to hate a character for their fanbase or their perceived overratedness. Video games, as art, should be looked in isolation in how it is meant to be experience. You can agree with the points haters make, but there is no reason to be convinced purely by a fanbase. Just in case anyone has considered disliking her for this reason.

Besides all that, she is an effective unit. Provided she gets a strong mother, she can be one of the most useful units in the game. She starts off with Aether, has her own unbreakable strong sword, and be paired up with the mandatory unit (Chrom) with a C support already. She is capable of having galeforce if her mother is capable, and she is one of the only children units that can be more easily trained in just the regular chapters (no skirmishes or paralogues).

This is longer than I intended, but I think had to make up for the lack of defense from the other posts.

Wow. Why can't I like this?

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I actually like Elincia for having character development in PoR and in RD, because we are able to see her grow into the strong queen that she is in RD part 3. That alone sort of trumps Lucina for me, in all honesty.

Lyn's not a female lord I particularly like. So if Lucina is a "successor to Lyn's legacy", no wonder she's not on the top of my favorites list!

What I DO like about Lucina is that she is a strong female lord with a purpose. She wants to prevent the dark future that she came from and she probably has more determination than any previous lord to do so.

However, I kind of feel like she sort of fades into the background after a while in the story. Like ... she's supposed to be important, but after she joins your army she doesn't really DO anything. That, and she is a little bland. I understand she REALLY wants to save the future, but at times it feels like that's all there is to her. Plus, there's something about the chapter 22 scene that REALLY bothers me, but I won't get into that.

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Lucina comes from the grand tradition of shounen hero type protagonists in Fire Emblem games (Roy, Marth, Chrom, etc). Do-gooders who try their best to the make world a better place. Much like Naruto and Goku as their shounen manga counterparts. Where she stands out is here willingness to do what is necessary to stop a heinous future. So she is more strong willed than the others in this regard, as the end of chapter 21 suggests.

Her design is a refinement of the classic lord archetype. As a female protagonist, it is nice to see a female in a non-overly sexualized and effective outfit. Another thing that draws me to character is her non-sexualization within the game art or her design (can't speak for the internet). Much like my favorite member of the X-Men Kitty Pryde, this leads to a stronger role for her as a protagonist. Within the game, she is all about action and fighting. And she is supposed to look young. Hence she is not overly gorgeous. She comes from a war torn future where she lost both her parents. I think when we first meet her, she is probably only 15 or 16.

As I've alluded to, I believe that she is strong female protagonist and there really isn't enough of these of gaming, especially with Nintendo. It's like they created Samus as a surprise many years ago, and just gave up. Fortunately, the Fire Emblem series has strong females in prominent roles within the series, and she might be the strongest female protagonist in the series (aside from Lyn). Since FE7, the FE series has produced a slew of main female protagonists. But Lucina stands out.

Unlike Eirika, she isn't naive in comparison to her male lord counterpart. Unlike Micaiah, the first scene you see her she is defending someone, rather than being defended by Sothe. Unlike Elincia, she is not a sheltered character who cant seem to get her hand off her chest. Her only real competition is Lyndis, who is a wonderful character. I view Lucina as a successor to Lyn's legacy.

It makes no sense to hate a character for their fanbase or their perceived overratedness. Video games, as art, should be looked in isolation in how it is meant to be experience. You can agree with the points haters make, but there is no reason to be convinced purely by a fanbase. Just in case anyone has considered disliking her for this reason.

Besides all that, she is an effective unit. Provided she gets a strong mother, she can be one of the most useful units in the game. She starts off with Aether, has her own unbreakable strong sword, and be paired up with the mandatory unit (Chrom) with a C support already. She is capable of having galeforce if her mother is capable, and she is one of the only children units that can be more easily trained in just the regular chapters (no skirmishes or paralogues).

This is longer than I intended, but I think had to make up for the lack of defense from the other posts.

Wow. THIS. Everything good about Lucina, you put very eloquently.

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True, she does have the personalty of sand paper. At least she backs up her action.

She's just...rather unneeded in Eliwood's story/Hector's story. At least until after Castle Caelin is seized.

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Wow. Why can't I like this?

I'm not saying this about you in particular, but I think Lucina suffers from what I call shounen hero syndrome. Essentially they are put in the role of hero in the story, and fulfill that role to the best of their ability. They are generally the most liked character in the series, but they also generate a fair number of haters. Naruto and Goku are some of the most popular characters in the series, despite their relative boring personalities. But they are driven, and that's why people like them. This "driven" nature make them the mainstream option, and thus harder to like for some people. Because I can't like what everyone else likes.

But they buy the manga named Naruto. And every whose smart in strategy puts Lucina on their team, but somehow they find the ability to hate her too.

why can't i reblog this !!?

Feel free to. Credit me if you can.

I generally agree with Viewtiful_Joe, but Lyn's actually not that great of a character.

I admit that may have been some of my FE7 nostalgia. But she does have her own story arc where she learns and grows as a character. She is just another typical hero type. And her design is very strong, hence she was the second most downloaded spotpass character according to Knights of Iris.

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