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Katsu's Playlog! (Lunatic+/Classic) With Pics! (Chapter 13)


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Hey everyone

Katsu here, I had this sudden urge to do this, I dunno why. But *Ahem*, anyway...

Welcome to my Lunatic+/Classic playlog! This isn't the first time I've done a playlog (just wasn't for any FE games). With my format, when I type down what's going on in this run, I'll add pics and such for a visual aid.

Without further ado, allow me to show you my superior eugenics:


My Avatar:


Name is Chloe, her asset is Magic and her Flaw is Resistance so her mods look something like this:


At any rate, I'll update again with the first few chapters, later.

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Question - why is Owain the only one not in a promoted class in your chart? Any particular reason?

This looks interesting though. :)

I forgot to promote him in the chart, lol.

This looks interesting. I'll follow this. (I mean, after a chapter is made)

I see that FeMU is going to marry Chrom. Are you going to pass Veteran down to Lucina?

Of course.

Currently on chapter 2, got school to go to, though :c

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GMT -5

Anyway, I'm on chapter 4 now, so I'll get this started!

[spoiler=Premonition - Invisible Ties]

Not much to say here. Paired up with Chrom and beat Validar in 3 turns


[spoiler=Prologue - The Verge of History]

So after we meet Chrom again, we're thrown into battle with brigands. They're all armed with Hawkeye... Luna+... Vantage+... and Pass? Lol, okay.

I really wish the game didn't go through the tutorial stuff on higher difficulties:


Especially since I had to reset a few times...




But don't worry Frederick, I only had to reset once after you died! And you got a really good level up:

Freddy here also found a Seliph's Blade. Woooo! It came in handy for chapter 3


Anyways, it's time to face off against the boss. Packing Vantage+, Hawkeye, and Luna+, he was a force.


Chrom dual-guarded the first Luna, but the subsequent ones I was not so lucky.... But hey, we managed to defeat him though, and in 12 turns!



Chapter 1 and 2 later!

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A little late, some things came up and also classes. Anyway, let's do this.

[spoiler=Chapter 1 - Unwelcome Change]

Aaaah! Zombies!

Anyway, the main strategy here is to get Frederick paired up with Chrom and have him hang out by the fort and kill stuff with his Bronze Sword, but whaddya know...


Hawkeye Luna Hammerbro? Nothx.

A few resets later I got the combination I wanted, Frederick leveled up and gained some nice stat ups, but sadly no defense:


Sully and Virion show up and I put them off to the side.When it came down to an Archer and the Chief, I had Virion snipe the Archer and then killed him with Sully while Frederick focused on luring the Chief out. It worked out and I beat the chapter in 8 turns!


[spoiler=Chapter 2 - The Shepherds]

This... FUCKING... chapter.

Soo many resets I don't know where to begin. Had to use a different strategy for this. One run Frederick got surrounded by enemies and was left barely standing with one HP:



...I still had to reset. It was so bad I ragequit for a few hours to draw something. I came back later and gave this another go. Surprisingly the RNG was in my favor, and I managed to clear the first half of the map. I healed up Frederick with Lissa and she gained a level:



The second half of the map where the Chief was wasn't too hard. Thanks to the forts I was able to defend Frederick a little better, I also gave Vaike his axe so he helped out a lot. I beat this map in 12 turns:


Tune in next time for chapters 3 and 4!

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You're not doing the water trick/leveling the MU?

Good luck with chapter 2 >.>

Never mind, you already beat it. How many resets did it take?

Over 9000!

a lot

Grind playthrough?

Yup. This is my first forray into Lunatic+, I'm not THAT masochistic.

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Sorry about the lack of posts. Been very busy lately, what with my site and things happening in the MegaTen community. Also been recording stuff for my gaming channel, and have had school papers to write. Will get chapter 3 and 4 sometime soon, hopefully tomorrow

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Rey, you don't even know the pain of my suffering during Chapter 2, no amounts of sympathy will make me feel better about it :cccc

Sorry to keep everyone waiting... It's time for chapters 3 and 4!

[spoiler=Chapter 3 - Warrior Realm]

This... FUCKING... Chapter.

So many resets, most of them were so I could get the perfect combination of enemy skills. Others were do to Freddy dying, poor knight goes through so much shit for the sake of the Shepherds.

Finally I got a combination where very few enemies had the counter/pavise+ setup. I paired up Frederick with Vaike initially but when that didn't work I paired him with Chrom for the speed boost (though Sumia could do that better, arguably). I had Chrom talk to Kellam the first turn and took his Javelin to give to Fred (Kellam ain't using it.)

We got to work taking out the enemies on the left, then baited out the enemies on the right, had Lissa heal Frederick when the carnage was done.

We entered through the right entrance since the Hammer Bro had Luna and Hawkeye (ughgh) One of the Mercenaries has Counter so he gets a nice Javelin to the dome.

Few more turns later we lure the Hammer Bro out, and I kill him with Chloe's magic, all that's left is an Archer and Raimi, the Archer I THOUGHT had counter, so I was scared to fight him, turns out he only had Hawkeye and Aegis+

Anyway, a few turns later and Raimi was toast.


[spoiler=Chapter 4 - Two Falchions]

Decide to do the 'ol Chrom/Fred duo for this map. Thanks to spotpass being unlocked, I went and bought a Spear from Ashnard (thanks, buddy).

Small amount of enemies, all with L+ skills, there was this one mage a few resets back with a pretty nasty combination:



Frederick wouldn't have survived half of the skills the mages got, let alone the counter/pavise+ Fighters and Pavise+ Luna Marth.

Few resets later we got the perfect combination, and started to whittle away the enemies with Spear shenanigans.

Then it came down to this...


Marth had Counter and Luna, and the Spear did 22 damage. Marth would use his Parallel Falchion to recover HP, so I had to keep attacking with the spear and hope to get in a range where I could one shot him. I did get a Luna proc that WOULD'VE killed Marth if Chrom didn't miss on the dual strike (ugh).


Eventually, Chrom landed a Dual Strike, and we win


I we beat this map in 11 turns (thanks to Marth stalling).

Now that we've beaten chapter 4, we get to grind on DLC, yaaaaay!! See you guys in Paralogue 1!:


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You're certainly advancing quickly.

I can't even get past Lunatic. I have horrible tactics... but I'm almost done.

My tactics aren't particularly stellar either, lol

At any rate. Let's get started on Paralogue 1 and Chapter 5!

[spoiler=Paralogue 1: Sickle to Sword]

Shouldn't it be Sickle to Lance...? Whatever,


Thanks to the grinding I did everyone's around lvl 20, save for a few like Stahl. I paired Donny up with him, Chloe with Chrom, Lon'qu with Vaike, and Fred with Lissa. The enemies up top weren't so tough, I managed to get Donny a kill, netting him some EXP.

I had Chrom and Chloe block the lower area, Chloe nearly died from the Hawkeye Barbarians, eugh.

We slowly make our advance, Stahl nearly got counter'd but he got a crit off his Eirika's Blade, and now the moment of truth:


To make a long story short...



After a few resets I got my shit together, we trudged our way to the mid/upper area of the map. I sent Stahl to the archer in the corner and placed Donny in front of him, and left him to it. Poor Archer kept getting poked for 3 damage. (He had 32 EXP). I had Stahl get the Rescue staff in the chest.

When Donny finished poking the Archer he leveled up! Once he was set we made our way to the boss, who had Hawkeye, Luna+ and Gamble...


...Fortunately he had a Sliver Axe equipped and not his Short Axe. So Chloe gives him 10k volts of fun and he drops dead. Battle is won in 16 turns

[spoiler=Chapter 5: The Exalt and the King]

An Anna showed up after Chapter 4, she came with a Master Seal so I promoted Chrom after Paralogue 1.

Anyway! I gave Lissa a Tiki's Tear so that she could get enough rescue range to save Maribelle and Ricken from gory deaths. I paired Chrom up with Chloe and take care of the chokepoint above. Thanks to the Noble Rapier we managed to one shot most of the enemies... until this guy rolled around:


I had equipped Chrom's Falchion so he could oneshot Wyvern Riders, but I didn't notice that Barbarian show up, and this was the result:



...But I get my runback! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA:


His shitty little Pavise+ couldn't even save him cuz Chrom critted!:


The rest of the map wasn't too difficult. None of the reinforcements had counter, some had Luna+ which fucked up Sully/Sumia. Thankfully Stahl/Kellam tanked a lot of damage, and Stahl delivered with his Eirika's Blade.

Vaike and Lissa were mostly on standby, Lissa did heal Stahl when he got Luna'd twice in a row (and nearly died).

Map was finished in 14 turns.

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Will you be getting Master Seals from the Harvest Scramble?

Or will you be waiting for Anna shops/Chapter 12?

Anna Shops/Chapter 12

Unless a pop a blood vessel from rage, then Master Seals for everyone~

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I kind of miss the specialized promotion items..

I wish they would bring them back, but still keep Master Seals.

Just like FE8.

I don't miss them, as it lets me have as many of one class as I want. ^^ A little more freedom in picking my army out. At least, that's how I always felt.

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After going to the doctor for treatment, yes? *innocently*

Lol, yes.

at any rate, it's time for Chapters 6 and 7!

[spoiler=Chapter 6 - Forseer]

Omg Marth was actually a girl :oooooooooo

Anyway, we enter this battle and notice right away there's quite a few Counter peeps, they aren't so bad thanks to Vaike and his trusty Hand Axe, and Chrom with dat damage. Had to be careful not to kill Sumia's husband, tho:


Shame everything was for naught since Sully kinda bit the dust off an unchecked Counter guy:


Few resets later and I give Sully a Miniature Lance, and she was critting for days. I set up blockades near the usual spots. Sumia/Gaius with Vaike/Lissa near Marth, Fred/Sully and Stahl/Kellam on the opposite side. Sumia doing some nice damage with her Ephraim's Lance, and Vaike just chucked Axes at Dark Mages who tried to act cute and attack him. Vaike is shaping up to be one of my better units, he deserves a promotion whenever I stumble upon another Master seal.

I decide to let Gaius take a swing at a Dark Mage trying to punk Marth:


Later on, Validar makes his way up to is, with Luna+ overriding his Vengeance (At least I think that's how it works due to priority):


Chrom dunked on him in swing of the Seliph's Blade, ending this charade in 4 turns (wooo!) Oh yeah, Panne joined sometime during this chapter, thought I'd throw it out there.

Vaike and Lissa get Married after this. (Seems appropriate, I guess?)

[spoiler=Chapter 7 - Incursion]

This chapter was a doosey, I tell ye.

Pair up Chrom/Chloe, Vaike/Lissa, Lon'qu/Miriel, Gaius/Sumia and leave Stahl on his own until Cordelia shows up. During the enemy phase, everyone thought it'd be cool to attack Vaike. And omg, did they pay for it. Vaike Critted them ALL. And critted one Wyvern Rider TWICE IN A FUCKING ROW:



Stahl's wife arrives with bad news, reinforcements on the way D:


To bad we don't survive long as Chrom gets blindsided by Hawkeye Luna+ Riders:


I take that time to S support Chrom and Chloe, and restart the battle. Vaike still performed awesomely, and we just about bulldozed the opposition, there were some snags where Sully stopped critting with her Miniature Lance, and nearly got Countered to death, thankfully Frederick Dual Striked, so that didn't happen. I had Stahl and Cordelia take down the enemy commander, while the rest of us picked off the trash.

We win this in 4 turns:


After chapter 7 an Anna spawned with a Master Seal, so I gave that to Chloe. The next day (today) another appeared with a Master Seal, gave that to the Vaike

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