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label the heights of the different levels of your maps. You should have a continuous wall being 1 high on two levels differentiated by stairs. Also, why no direct image (why smallness) posting ?

Edited by deranger
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First Map: The stair that connects the grass and the pebble tiles (I call them this at least XD) shouldn't be there. Also the walls here should be one tile higher: http://gyazo.com/16b0486ce9e99871ba0ff8ecb0bd90d9
Second Map: I like this map, though I think it's a bit disorganized... well nto really but I'm not sure how to convey my point XD. One thing, the stairs that connect the bottom level (the ground basically) with the center platform shouldn't be there.
Third Map: The Middle stairs at the bottom of the map should only be one tile high, other than that not much to say. I do like the design, though maybe you could do something with that water? it seems like it's there to just be there IMO.
Fourth Map: Well this one has alot of height errors. which is it's main problem... and I just got you post fixing most of them XD. One thing though, if you don't plan on doing something here than there are tiles for a thicker wall: http://gyazo.com/7832ddb7fbbeb5f157d003cb34948a08

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Thanks for the feedback :)

Map 1: Thanks for pointing out the stairs, I totally missed that :P. I'll change the height of the wall that you pointed out.

Map 2: I didn't choose how the maps would be laid out, I am just revamping them for LunaSaint's hack. This is the original:msg-3498-0-43332400-1387397673.pngIts hard to explain the gameplay without actually playing it so.... yeah :P

The points you and fuzz made though will be taken into account.

Map 3: Yet again I didn't choose the design and it's like that for a reason :O LunaSaint said that he'd change the tileset anyway though, so it doesn't really matter.

Map 4: Why do I need a thicker wall? :S

Thanks anyway though, you helped a lot :D

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Yeah it's the right height. What Sariento said is correct, but since you're not showing grass under the bottom wall it doesn't pose a problem (IMO anyway).

Map 4: Why do I need a thicker wall?

You don't, I just thought it looked kinda weird with that tile in the middle XD

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you need to shade the throne, the wall I mentioned (the shadow should be one tile longer because of the wall being two tiles high), and you need to shade the wall in the middle

Edited by Silent Zero
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Can't help but feel like the "skirt part" of the outfit should be removed, and I could've sworn I've seen this sprite done before (ppl with the same ideas I suppose xD)

As for gif animation, it can be done in Gimp, Photoshop, and probably some other programs that I've never really bothered to use.

Edited by Blade Lord S - IX
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Well, first of all, he needs to be more muscular on the arms. He shouldn't be super buff, but right now he looks like he has a girl's arms.

Next, you should also remove the skirt-thing and add pants, like what BladeLord said.

Finally, remove the boobs. They look odd.

That's all I can see.

Edited by PixelmanFE
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Thanks for the feedback!

Its quite likely that other people have tried making this :D

The skirt part of the outfit is meant to be there, and he is wearing trousers/pants underneath anyway.

I tried to remove the boob part though :P I totally missed it.

I've widened the arms in a few places too :)

Here it is now, I just kept one palette btw.


Also does anyone have the generic enemy/player palette?

EDIT: made the animation frames into a zip file, I don't know what to do from here :/

Lyn Male Battle Animation.zip

Edited by Haku
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Quick thing to say, if you're going to make an anim package, you may give it the blue coloring with green hair, because it is an easier, more uniform palette to edit/for nightmare to properly recolor.

It actually doesn't make any difference :P: The colours in the frames just have to be in the same order as Lyn's and they'll be cross-compatible

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Just so you know, thieves and Eliwood/Lyn lords can cross river tiles (with some difficulty). Obviously it's not an issue if you're not planning to make a hack but if you are, the moar you know.

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It will be inserted, Agro, that was why I put thickets there, but I think I might replace them with another bit of cliff :P

These new ones aren't quite as chaotic as some of your earlier stuff and I like that. Thumbs up.

I especially like the survival chapter though there's a few cut off tree and thicket tiles.

Thanks Prime! My old maps were quite chaotic and choky :S

Where are the cut off tree tiles btw?

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I suppose it goes without saying, but if there would be any allied flying units on that Seize chapter, they would potentially trivialize the map in the same way the river does.

As for the question directed at Prime, I think that he's just referring to Thicket tiles that are supposed to be used as part of a group but are instead used singularly or used in conjunction with tiles that they aren't normally paired with, such as the top-right Thicket tile in the cluster of 3 in the bottom-center of the map.

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