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meg is the best fire emblem girl


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meg would slap your face

if she were as barbaric as the other fe girls

but she is perfect

she is refined and proper, yet she doesn't lack that good old country charm

she is the best fire emblem girl, hands down

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you spelled "oh my god yes, meg" wrong

lemme fix it for you real quick

oh my god yes, meg

ah, there we go-- much better!

Edited by Esme
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I'm sorry what was that?

Esme, I love Meg so much! Please, tell me more about her!

Oh, sure! I'd love to tell you more about Meg!

She's cute... chubby... romantic... beautiful... gorgeous... so handy... independent... strong... attractive... wonderful... awe-inspiring... caring... humble... lovely... fantastic... sexy... sleek... Oh my! I could go on an on!

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E-Esme... I must confess my love for Meg! She truly is the best fire emblem girl!

I'm glad you share my sentiments, Polydeuces.

Let's be friends, and hold hands whilst basking in the glorious aura of Meg.

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E-Esme, I'd love to do that, but I'm a little shy though...

It's ok, Polydeuces! There is absolutely no need to worry. Why? Because Meg judges no one. Shy or confident, beautiful or ugly, small or large... they're all the same and just as beautiful and precious in her eyes.

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I'm so confused here

It's alright, Polydeuces. I'll give you a bit of time to sort out your feelings.

Sometimes, realizing you truly feel a deep and sincere love for someone can be a bit overwhelming.

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