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I'm trying to give myself a good reason to use Snipers outside of Lunatic+


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Note I haven't yet unlocked Lunatic+, but I'm going through Lunatic to actually finish it this time around.

I plan on using Virion and Noire...just because they look cool. e___e Well, the only one time I've used Noire was in a draft, and I liked her as a Sniper.

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The above posters are wrong. How DARE you try and play FE:A in a way that's pleasing to yourself, and not one which conforms to the standard practices laid out in tier lists. What made you think a game was designed for FUN and not for OPTIMISATION? Honestly, kids these days.

Since this is the internet I think it's probably best to clarify that, no, this isn't serious. Do whatever. Snipers are fine.

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