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Lunatic+ help


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I'm doing a lunatic+/classic thing and stuck on chap 3. I can kill off the bottom floor pretty easily but how the heck do I go about killing everyone on the top floor bc those freaking axe guys are nuts. How did everyone else go about dealing with the top floor? o:

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Open both doors. Run around in laps with Frederick with a Bronze Sword. Hope and pray the Hammer guy doesn't have Hawkeye. When Fred takes counter hits from the Bronze Sword attacks, he just BARELY survives... at least hope the two Archers don't have Luna+.

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I'm doing a lunatic+/classic thing and stuck on chap 3. I can kill off the bottom floor pretty easily but how the heck do I go about killing everyone on the top floor bc those freaking axe guys are nuts. How did everyone else go about dealing with the top floor? o:

Well, you already beat the hardest part. Once you clear the bottom floor, you have the easiest choke point in the world in those narrow corridors (just clog everything with trash units to keep Pass enemies from making it through). Stick your biggest badass at the head of the class, unequipped, and just fire over their heads with Miriel or Virion or whomever. Watch out for the Archers.

If there is so much Luna+ that you can't hold a position, just kite them in a circle. Lissa gets a fresh Heal staff in this chapter so you should have plenty of sustain.

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