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[FE8] Live Speedrun Draft 28-09-13


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Vykan and I finished about 10 minutes ago. I finished around 5 minutes before Vykan but took a 15 minute penalty to ferry someone in chapter 19 (wasn't worth it), and Vykan also took a 40 minute break to do homework. Which really says something about his quality of play compared to mine.

I'm not convinced Warp NEEDS to be banned, although it would depend on the number of players I guess. It doesn't really save much time in chapter 19 (I 2 turned it with minimal hassle) while in chapter 20, a flier can substitute for not TOO much loss. But there's plenty of units who can get to and use Warp reasonably - Artur, Lute, Saleh, Natasha, Moulder, and possibly L'arachel. It might depend on player number though. I think you probably want around 4 players ideally, enough so everyone has a good shot at a staff user, flier and other various roles but not so few that you can just get all of the key units.

Anyway not having either a flier or staff user really screwed me over at various points. Joshua was a bad pick - he comes early but that's about all he does well. With savestates, growths are somewhat abusable and can be manipulated in key places - Joshua doesn't really offer anything when you consider that, he's just another worse Eirika. Not having 1-2 range is a huge hassle. Franz was a total beast, doing a huge amount of the mid to late game on his own. Tethys was not that useful - the team was somewhat too small to properly make use of her, and her recruitment cost a reasonable amount of time. Dozla was a surprise star - after manipulating a few early speed levels and giving him a secret book, he was actually really awesome, with great defence and offence. Ewan was as expected, a total dud. He did help a little though!

Overall I think if I did this again, I would have a much better idea of the strategies I'd want to use and how to cut probably 1-2 hours off my time. And I would be up for this again, probably!

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This was pretty fun, although I wasn't expecting it to take this long. I'd recommend next time we do a double draft of sorts, meaning each person gets to draft twice. This way two people can have Franz, Vanessa, etc, and you wouldn't end up in situations like me and Kirby having so few earlygame units we had to solo the first 10 chapters with Eirika. Then again, that could just be us making really bad picks, but in the context of a speedrun, it's better not to have your team line-up to be overly restrictive. Speedrunning the game Sethless is pretty challenging in itself.

I'm definitely down for a similar race like this for Radiant Dawn. How does everyone feel about setting it up for next Sunday?

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This was pretty fun, although I wasn't expecting it to take this long. I'd recommend next time we do a double draft of sorts, meaning each person gets to draft twice. This way two people can have Franz, Vanessa, etc, and you wouldn't end up in situations like me and Kirby having so few earlygame units we had to solo the first 10 chapters with Eirika. Then again, that could just be us making really bad picks, but in the context of a speedrun, it's better not to have your team line-up to be overly restrictive. Speedrunning the game Sethless is pretty challenging in itself.

I'm definitely down for a similar race like this for Radiant Dawn. How does everyone feel about setting it up for next Sunday?

Shiz got real. I'll have to find out how to stream and everything. Possibly more time than just next sunday though? That's probably too soon. But yeah...I would definetely be up for an RD run.

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I'll have to find out how to stream and everything.

All you really need is a capture card and maybe a 2nd monitor, and xsplit software (the free version works fine). If you're interested I can PM you my setup, although my setup is far from perfect.

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ok notepad doc copypasta go


- did the trick where you move seth to the top corner so Eirika crits 4 times in a row and gets STR/SPD.


Seth carried Eirika to victory, Gilliam almost got a level too I think.


Seth killed the mountain reinforcements, Garcia never missed, and Eirika handled the south.


Seth OHKO'd the walls with silver, and other units ran through. It's probably pretty important to recruit Colm ASAP even if you don't have him drafted, no NPC phase saves a minute or so


Gilliam smashed the snag and went south, Ross stayed and took out the reinforcements on a mountain, Artur and Eirika killed everything else.

Deployed undrafted Vanessa to trigger the reinforcements early by flying her south above the village on turn 1.


Went up the side by the vendor, except Gilliam who tanked Joshua, and Colm who chilled by the dracoshield. Recruited Joshua for his stuff, got all villages except the top one, because I didn't realize undrafted units could visit them -_-


Orson went places, Ephraim got a few levels. Ignored all the chests. Orson actually died, but not after killing the boss.


Ross ate the secret book and dragonshield. Gilliam charged the boss slowly, while Artur killed things to the north.

Gilliam exactly 2hko'd the boss, which was nice. Ross hit level 10. Had to restart twice this chapter because Artur got crit once, and Eirika died another time


Ross promoted to Pirate this chapter.

He carried went across the river and killed stuff, while Colm stole the energy ring from the mage, which went to Artur. Ross switched the boss to his Javelin, then OHKO'd him with the Halberd from last chapter.

Gilliam hit level 14 and promoted with the knight crest.


Ross and Gilliam lead the charge to the throne room, Ephraim easily handled himself because of his Elixir and Reginleif. Gilliam unfourtunately didn't double the boss, but Eirika wasn't OHKO'd (she was left with 1HP) so she armourslayered him.


Actually pretty easy. Ross went across the water, getting the Ocean seal. Gilliam charged ahead with the rest of the team, and went south while Artur and Eirika took out the Reinforcements. Got the other dragonshield, and stole Amelia's speedwings with Colm, who sadly didn't ORKO her.

didn't get the rapier village though.

Ross hit like level 12 or so here lol


Gilliam and Ross just ran to the boss. Ross easily disposed of him with the Killer axe.

Ross promoted at level 16 to berserker, and took the Dragonshield and Speedwings. Artur got Tethys's Icon.


Artur promoted at level 14 to sage and spammed torch all chapter and hit C staves. Gilliam went to the right, and Artur and Ross went down, Eirika waited for the reinforcements at the start. Artur unlock staved the door and killed the enemies there, and the boss actually killed L'Arachel after Ross hit him twice, and Dozla took the bosskill, lol.


Just spread out and killed stuff (mostly ross since Gilliam had 7 speed)

Waited out the last 14 turns and spammed Barrier with Artur netting him B staves, since the entombed in the top right is non agressive.


Ross handaxed everything, Gilliam Horseslayed a Ranger in the way, allowing Ross to kill the boss with the Halberd on turn 2.


Ross and Artur lead the charge ahead, Artur using the unlock staff to open the doors. Gilliam took a chest key and got the last energy ring (oops i forgot to mention Artur ate Ewan's energy ring as well) and gave it to Artur after the chapter. Ross easily killed Carlyle with the Swordreaver recieved earlier in the chapter.


fuck this chapter

I had to restart once because Colm died with my hammerne staff :( I didn't deploy him a second time.

Ross went south, and ORKO'd everything (im not kidding) with a hand axe, except Valter. Gilliam and Eirika hung around the start, waiting for the pegasus knights, while Artur went to kill Caellach. Eventually Eirika's lancereaver broke and Gilliam left all the pegasi with 1HP, so they ran away to all the forts and all my units have 6 move and AHHHHHHHHHHH

then the reinforcements spawned and Ross killed them all. Artur hit A staves at some point mid chapter as well. Eventually caught up to the pegs with Artur and Ross and put an end to them.


Warped Ross up, he killed Orson turn 2, warped Eirika up, and seized. Got the Purge tome.


Warped Ross, killed Lyon, Warped Eirika, Seized.


Repaired warp, and Warped Ross ahead, Knoll's summons were actually pretty useful, as was Ephraim's 7 move and 1-2 range. just kind of ran around killing all.


only deployed Ross, Artur, and Colm, who still isn't level 10.

Colm ran ahead and used a Torch, allowing Artur to Warp Ross to Riev. Colm ended up dying, but w/e his purpose was served.


Warped Ross, killed Morva, Warped Eirika, seized.


Ross was warped to Lyon on turn 2 and he killed him with Garm.


Ross doubled Forty, so life was easy, and game was completed.


she... existed? People were really rigging her levelups earlygame, I and suppose with an Eirika solo you need it, but she served her purpose well enough I suppose.


reached the magical 26 magic mark for chapter 20, with the help of 3 energy rings. He was ok early on, but such is life. He had the chapter 8 robe to imporve his durability a little bit.


beat peoples faces in from chapter 7 onwards

his high luck is actually a big deal, it made 40's on other units into 25's, which is a pretty huge difference. I didn't expect him to be this good, but hence, he was.


he just never really worked out tbh, but he was clutch earlygame. Gave him the body ring for shits and giggles.


found the body ring in the desert with 1 base luck rofl

his summons were good at eating shadowshots in chapter 18, otherwise a waste of space


Ephraim's stats are just so good. Even on Eirika's route, just promote him, and he's once of your best units already


i guess you helped too

anyway this was fun!

If I had more stable internet yesterday, I definately would have been able to steam, but thunderstorms unfourtunately exist.

definately do this again on another GBAFe

Edited by General Horace
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Man Horace knows the draft strats methinks. Looking at your list it's no wonder you did so well - you had basically something great for every chapter from midgame onwards.

Next time one of these drafts comes around I think people will value super-early units a lot less. Eirika + Seth really can just demolish those early chapters, and having a good staffer or at least flier saves a lot of time later. I think I'd actually carefully consider where units are recruited as well - Kirby shot himself in the foot with Cormag, and I did kind of the same with Tethys (she was nice... but saving her and her group wasted a lot of time). And as I said before, I do wonder if Ephraim's route is worth considering. Especially if you're the only person going it, you can get much easier and better access to Duessel, Gerik, Tethys and Marisa (lol), and Eirika's route has three massive routs (9, 11, 12) compared to Ephraim's two (11, 13).

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faster than FE10/10

FE10 lets you skip animations though? I mean the game would probably be faster....probably...

By this metric FE11/FE12 would be the best yes.

Edited by Refa
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It wouldn't be a bad idea to do an FE10 run for only part of the game. I like playing from 1-P to 3-6 personally since the chapters that follow are what really eat time in terms of long enemy phases. Consider:

3-7: Fixed turn count (12 turns)

3-8: Rout

3-10: Rout

3-11: Basically a rout in principle

3-12: Rout

3-E: 15 minutes worth of combat

4-P to 4-4: All routs

4-E-1: Rout

It would also be possible to do a partial run from a save file, stuff like 3-P to 4-E or a part 4 run, although someone would have to upload a save to wiisave or google drive that everyone would use for their draft.

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:(( If I had more resources (time, hardware, etc...) I'd definitely join some of this stuff.

Ever since getting back into FE, I've always been rather interested in this kind of thing (moreso single-segment stuff and drafts/races than absolute lowest RTA/game time/turns). I think it has potential to get much bigger too (perhaps after AGDQ, as I think an FE game will be run there).

Regardless, good stuff, and I'll try to follow more closely in the future. ^_^

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I think a Part 1 only run could be cool but it runs the problem of having very few units which could be kind of boring

Part 4 only could be cool but then we'd have to set that up and decide stuff for level grinding and rigging level ups etc

Edited by Paperblade
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Part 4 only could be cool but then we'd have to set that up and decide stuff for level grinding and rigging level ups etc

I'd say the best way to deal with that is to have a common 3-E clear save file everyone uses with tons of BEXP (and maybe stat boosters and other goodies) that can be assigned to base level units (assume only forced units were used to beat the game up to this point). Then the drafter can take as much time as he needs to BEXP his chosen units, assign stat boosters, manage item inventories, etc, and make a 4-P advancement save from that. The race would then be conducted based on the moment the 4-P file is loaded until Ashera is dealt the finishing blow.

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FE10 lets you skip animations though? I mean the game would probably be faster....probably...

By this metric FE11/FE12 would be the best yes.

FE10 is definitely not faster, even the not-that-optimized FE9 run on SDA is 30 minutes faster than Vykan's super-optimized (if somewhat outdated) FE10 run (not to mention the FE9 run is just as, if not more outdated anyway)

now it would probably feel faster, yes

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Yeah FE10 has too many chapters with a horde of NPC units that just waste a bunch of time. It also has about 33% more chapters (42-43 vs. 31-32 depending on how you count some things).

I like that idea for a Part 4 run, would want the file made before drafting with stats and stuff posted so people could have a better idea of what to draft. We'd also want all units roughly equally used so that you don't randomly have like a Level 15 unpromoted DB unit to pick.

also ban royals

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FE10 is definitely not faster, even the not-that-optimized FE9 run on SDA is 30 minutes faster than Vykan's super-optimized (if somewhat outdated) FE10 run (not to mention the FE9 run is just as, if not more outdated anyway)

now it would probably feel faster, yes

Oh, I meant FE9 would be faster lol. I should've specified.

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