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Well, now that we have this subforum, I feel like this is appropriate. And yay, I get to blab more about this awesome game.

Smite is a relatively new MOBA game, from developer Georgia based developer Hi-Rez. They have an official Twitch channel where employees will usually be streaming during the day. http://www.twitch.tv/smitegame

Hi-Rez Kelly and Bart are the ones I know the most about and watch sometimes, but there are a couple other people.

Smite is free to play like other MOBA's, but what sets it apart is it's unique 3rd person graphics and skillshots as opposed to the traditional isometric view. Autoattacks are skillshots, so get ready to practice your aiming kids!

As always, you can spend money to purchase gods or skins, but while the game is still currently in Open Beta, you're able to purchase the God Pack for $30 and get all present 42 gods and all future gods. There's also custom voice packs where any pings you made are voiced by your god. The ping system is amazing, and you an ping where the enemy is missing from, whether you are going for a buff, where to defend and a whole bunch more.

Actives are also purchased, but act similar to Summoner Spells from League. The typical meta is a supportive healer built as an off tank run in the solo lane (marked by towers being closer together), a mage with good wave clear mid, a tank and marksman in the long lane (marked by towers being farther apart), and an assassin bruiser in the jungle.

The smite active (called Hand of the Gods) is encouraged on the solo laner, as unlike league, any minions hit by the turret, even if they aren't last hit, give no money at all. You can't even track last hits, you simply get money for autoing a minion once. Supports also get a lovely item called Watcher's Gift which allows you all the gold anyone earns from last hitting a minion nearby. Wards are also limited to being purchased 3 at a time, so it's a pretty good support life.

There's a bunch of fun game modes, and a cool one called Match of the Day where all sorts of random things such as 5 of the same champion or 100k gold at the start of the game can happen.

Champions are mythological gods from Greek, Roman, Chinese, Hindu, Egyptian, and Mayan mythology, with Mercury as the next god to be released, Ah-Muzen-Cab (a Mayan Bee god), a Sun Wukong rework, and a Hel rework coming up.

I'm sure I forgot a whole bunch of cool stuff, but this is a great game and everyone should check it out.


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A good thing about the game is that server locking is decided in client, so you can use one account to play on either EU or NA. You have a preference and it will match you on that server, but you can switch whenever.

Player List:

Psych -- Psychout40

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