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Dusk scanned through the letter again, hoping that what he just read wasn't actually wasn't what he was thinking... but alas, it was. Swallowing hard, he looked at the members that had gathered around and, with his eyes closed. Carefully murmured out "... Breezy's dead. Breezy's... no longer with is any more..."

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Dusk scanned through the letter again, hoping that what he just read wasn't actually wasn't what he was thinking... but alas, it was. Swallowing hard, he looked at the members that had gathered around and, with his eyes closed. Carefully murmured out "... Breezy's dead. Breezy's... no longer with is any more..."

*saddened and depressed by the news but is strangely unsurprised. Crawls into bed to sleep on why that is.*

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Ace blinked in shock, "NOOOOO! Breezy...oh why..."

Alicia gasped, "I...I have to...judge Breezy's soul..." Alicia broke down in tears and fled back to her tent and buried her face on Poly's chest, sobbing loudly.

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He walks to the entrance of camp and looks inside. This area is obviously settled, but he feels reluctant to walk in on some strangers and ask for help. He sits down by the gate and rests, while feeling the need to make sure no Risen had followed. The coast looks clear.

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Ace blinked again, who was that by the entrance to camp? Her mind clearly in deep pain, she tried to mask her feelings but it was no use. So she just looked at the boy sitting there, blinking back tears.
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He walks to the entrance of camp and looks inside. This area is obviously settled, but he feels reluctant to walk in on some strangers and ask for help. He sits down by the gate and rests, while feeling the need to make sure no Risen had followed. The coast looks clear.

Ace blinked again, who was that by the entrance to camp? Her mind clearly in deep pain, she tried to mask her feelings but it was no use. So she just looked at the boy sitting there, blinking back tears.

"Least that bastard is dead" Still saddened by what he read, Dusk turned and saw a figure near one of the entrances of the camp. "Oh," his voice rose and went stern. "Who goes there?"

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"Huh? Oh, um... hey. My name's Draco. I'm a... nomad, of sorts. You guys having problems with Risen, too? I got orphaned because of them."

"Someone's really casual. I don't like it" Dusk has had a crap day and, with the recent news, REALLY didn't want to bother with anybody right now. Lifting his chin up slightly, he smirked and readied his bow. "State your business"

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He was startled. He quickly threw his hands up and dropped whatever weapons he had. "I-I'm not here to cause trouble! I lost my home and families from the Risen, so I hid out in a bunker for a few years! I, gradually ate up the supply, and I started to run low, so I took the last of it and left! I... I saw this camp from the distance and limped over. I thought I could get help, but... I decided against it. I just camped out by the gate and watched for Risen. I'm not here to hurt you guys or cause trouble, or... whatever."

(By the way, my internet is crap so sometimes it accidantly double posts. Sorry if that happens.)

Edited by dracojawn
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He was startled. He quickly threw his hands up and dropped whatever weapons he had. "I-I'm not here to cause trouble! I lost my home and families from the Risen, so I hid out in a bunker for a few years! I, gradually ate up the supply, and I started to run low, so I took the last of it and left! I... I saw this camp from the distance and limped over. I thought I could get help, but... I decided against it. I just camped out by the gate and watched for Risen. I'm not here to hurt you guys or cause trouble, or... whatever."

(By the way, my internet is crap so sometimes it accidantly double posts. Sorry if that happens.)

(No problemo)

"Hmm..." Dropping the bow, he started to walk over to Draco. "Now, I'm going to pat you down to make sure you aren't secretly armed or something. Any resistance, and..." Dusk revealed the silver axe that was strapped to his belt. "... He wakes up. And let me tell you something, boy, he doesn't like to be disturbed... Now stick your arms out!"

(As you can tell, Dusk is in a pretty foul mood)

Edited by DodgeDusk
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"All I have on me is... *digs around on back* this... *reveals Silver Sword* and... *pulls a sword out of sheith on waist* this... *reveals Draco's Sword* my remaining food... and my clothes, which I would rather keep. Oh, and... forgive my prying, but you guys seem a little distraught over something. Do you mind me asking, or...?"

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"All I have on me is... *digs around on back* this... *reveals Silver Sword* and... *pulls a sword out of sheith on waist* this... *reveals Draco's Sword* my remaining food... and my clothes, which I would rather keep. Oh, and... forgive my prying, but you guys seem a little distraught over something. Do you mind me asking, or...?"

"You haven't met us for five minutes and you're asking a question like that?" Dusk mockingly laughed, although his expression went gloomy afterwards. "Ha... Just... stay there" He proceeded to pat him down. Draco had no other weapons on him, or at least Dusk didn't find any more. "Mhmm, right, now what to do with you...? I suppose I should take you to our leader, but she isn't available right now... which more than likely means I'm the one in charge..." Frustrated, he spat on the ground and quietly grunted. "Pah, what do you think, Ace?"

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He was startled. He quickly threw his hands up and dropped whatever weapons he had. "I-I'm not here to cause trouble! I lost my home and families from the Risen, so I hid out in a bunker for a few years! I, gradually ate up the supply, and I started to run low, so I took the last of it and left! I... I saw this camp from the distance and limped over. I thought I could get help, but... I decided against it. I just camped out by the gate and watched for Risen. I'm not here to hurt you guys or cause trouble, or... whatever."

(By the way, my internet is crap so sometimes it accidantly double posts. Sorry if that happens.)

Samson groggily stumbled from the darkness "who said they needed help?"
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Ace put her glasses back on before speaking, "I really don't see Draco as an enemy, Dusk. I see...a youth, looking to rid the plague that is the Risen and Annas. So why not let him join us? Ack, I was supposed to get Silvia." Ace quietly cursed. "I got distracted..."
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Ace put her glasses back on before speaking, "I really don't see Draco as an enemy, Dusk. I see...a youth, looking to rid the plague that is the Risen and Annas. So why not let him join us? Ack, I was supposed to get Silvia." Ace quietly cursed. "I got distracted..."

"Hmm... Ace was the tactician for the Shepherds in some other realm..." Dusk thought for a couple of long moments, still unsure on what to do. Eventually, he decided to trust Ace's judgement and allowed him in. Turning to face Draco, his voice went sharp and commanding. "... Fine, you're free to stay. But if you try anything funny, you won't be waking up in the morning, do you understand me?"

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"Hmm... Ace was the tactician for the Shepherds in some other realm..." Dusk thought for a couple of long moments, still unsure on what to do. Eventually, he decided to trust Ace's judgement and allowed him in. Turning to face Draco, his voice went sharp and commanding. "... Fine, you're free to stay. But if you try anything funny, you won't be waking up in the morning, do you understand me?"

Dusk, what's- Samson decided he would ask him later, and turned to draco. "i think you said you needed help?"
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Ace felt a wave of joy wash over her, a new comrade. Though she did keep Dusk's words in her mind.

Alicia meanwhile, was still crying her eyes out, her face still buried on Poly's chest. The mere thought of judging Breezy's soul scaring her down to the core.

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"Hmm... Ace was the tactician for the Shepherds in some other realm..." Dusk thought for a couple of long moments, still unsure on what to do. Eventually, he decided to trust Ace's judgement and allowed him in. Turning to face Draco, his voice went sharp and commanding. "... Fine, you're free to stay. But if you try anything funny, you won't be waking up in the morning, do you understand me?"

"Yeah, I understand. And thanks for having me. You guys are free to take whatever food I have on me. It's not much, but it's something. "

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"Yeah, I understand. And thanks for having me. You guys are free to take whatever food I have on me. It's not much, but it's something. "

"Meh, keep it. It's yours, not ours. Besides..." He faked a smirk, still upset with the loss of his comrade and fellow Valm-brother. "... We've got enough as it is" The sheer thought of Breezy's death brought his already crap mood down. Walking away from the others, he picked up his bow and looked past his shoulder. "... And yes, we are distraught. We've... recently lost an ally... Good lad, and one I would always call 'friend'..." Dusk quickly walked off, knowing that the others couldn't see his weakness. Times like these, morale had to be as high as possible

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(I'm assuming it's nighttime, but I'm not certain.)

"I'll do what I can to contribute. If there's anything you need me to do, just say it." He says as he sits against the gate. He takes off his cloak and uses it as a blanket, then goes to sleep.

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