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Ace thought for a moment, still torn up inside over another loss. "There's me, Dusk I think, Sampson, Glaedyr, Crizix, maybe Nathaniel. He looked like he was hurting deep down, Alicia seems stable enough to help out. As long as that wound doesn't open up."

Hmm.... Our numbers are rather low. And after all of that, our morale is in shambles. Perhaps its best that we rest before continuing, and get our minds cleared. What of your uncle? Is he well?

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Ace racked her brain,"He's fine last I saw him. When I noticed Poly had vanished, he was gone too. Must've went after Poly."

Alicia then walked over, "It's my fault Poly walked off. I took an arrow meant to kill him. He was in pain, I could feel just how much he hurt inside. Uncle Jack left to try to talk to him."

Ace just sighed, "An arrow to the thigh isn't fatal right away unless left untreated. From what I gathered, that arrow went pretty deep to cause bleeding like that."

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I see. Now, I'm need to ask you to stay completely still. Kneeling down to her thigh, I placed a hand on top of her thigh wound, focused, closed my eyes and activated Lifesphere. A light formed around my body, and then transferred over to Alicia, healing all wounds and bruises that she incurred. *opens his eyes and stands up* There, you should be better now.

(Marth's max HP is now reduced to 70)

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You are most welcome milady. Now, shall we continue onward? Marth led all those who were able from the last battle to the top of the tree, where the true enemy resided

Meanwhile, near the top of tree where the Divine Dragon Tiki once resided, a couple of the undead was beginning to gather. A human too, yet how the man co-existed with the undead was unknown to the few people that witnessed it. They're no longer alive, as the carcass' littered across the floor clearly showed. In the middle of the crowd forming was a towering figure. Coloured indigo and having glowing pink lines running across its body, the.... thing was surely a sight not to be seen. The crooked four horns on its head, heavy fists digging into the floor and its humongous wingspan showed off how intimidating and powerful the creature was, never minding the creepy 'smirk' it bestowed on its face. Tail snapping in the air, it was truly a terrifying creature. It began to stretch its body out, pushing its shoulders back and raising its head as it does, looking down and its subordinates it once and still ruled. "... It appears we have the humans in our land..." It scanned the area below him and snapped its tail once more, a thunderous crack ripping through the sky. "My slaves, tear them apart, limb for limb. Show the humans what happens when they defy us. Make them tremble in their boots in despair and awe as you slay them on the spot. Make it known that Fomortiis has returned. And this time..." The Demon King pulled a faint smirk. "... Without a Sacred Stone in their grasp, I am unstoppable!" Fomortiis turned to face a cloaked humanoid and a white-ish draco zombie near him. "I want you to take this pawn and lead the assault against the idiotic humans. I want their faces to drop as they realise their life leaks out of their bodies like a waterfall. Slowly though. I want them to see themselves bear witness to their own demise"

(steming off of this, as I will now take over Fomortiis)

Atop the Mila Tree, it awaits the Dreamers to approach. It sits idly at the Tree's apex, `completely unfazed by the defeat of its subordinates. As a matter of fact, it appeared to be pleased by their performance. They many have succeeded in rending only one of the humanoids who dared to challenge him, but the impact and despair wrought from it satisfies its sadistic salivation of seeing them suffer. Course, it wasn't enough to fully satisfy its lust. Humans.... are a strange species of being. Resilient to their very end, and yet so easily broken. Regardless, the seeds of despair have now taken root into their minds. Formortiis sees them coming So you call yourselves the Azure Dreamers, who fight for the future? Let it be known that I, Fomortiis, will PERSONALLY turn your so called "Dream" into a horrifying Nightmare. The marrow in your bones will shiver. Every droplet of blood that courses through you veins shall grow cold with fright. All pigment within the skin of your bodies will grow pale. The glitter of hope in your eyes will fade into pure despair, as hell's most dangerous Devil, gives rise to a new era of Darkness. You, and all of you kind... will understand the meaning.... of TRUE TERROR! His wailing roars echoed through the skys and could be heard within a 10 mile radius

Edited by Hero-King
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Ace slighty shuddered from the mere sound of the roar, but found her voice "Formotiis, your rein of terror ends today! Let me just say how annoyed I am at you for bringing back yet another assassin to tear my family apart!"

Alicia faced Formotiis, "It was you who wrought this pain, and for that you shall be punished!"

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The roar woke Nathaniel up from his dozing state, and he ran to the top of the tree, panting wildly. "Is that- For heaven's sake! Why?! Why can't we just-" Nathaniel stamped one foot on the ground as if he were a small child in the middle of a tantrum. "D-d-d-damn it! Why couldn't you just let me sleep?" He reached for his Ruin tome. "...Formotiis. You were the one who got those risen fellows to attack us, right? You're responsible for giving Glaedyr that cut, the injuries to Alicia, and for what happened to Duck... I'm afraid I'll be assisting my friends in the effort to defeat you. My apologies in advance..."
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Ace slighty shuddered from the mere sound of the roar, but found her voice "Formotiis, your rein of terror ends today! Let me just say how annoyed I am at you for bringing back yet another assassin to tear my family apart!"

Alicia faced Formotiis, "It was you who wrought this pain, and for that you shall be punished!"

The roar woke Nathaniel up from his dozing state, and he ran to the top of the tree, panting wildly. "Is that- For heaven's sake! Why?! Why can't we just-" Nathaniel stamped one foot on the ground as if he were a small child in the middle of a tantrum. "D-d-d-damn it! Why couldn't you just let me sleep?" He reached for his Ruin tome. "...Formotiis. You were the one who got those risen fellows to attack us, right? You're responsible for giving Glaedyr that cut, the injuries to Alicia, and for what happened to Duck... I'm afraid I'll be assisting my friends in the effort to defeat you. My apologies in advance..."

Fomortiis: Infidels! The advent of my return marks the end to all man kind. Was that last demonstration not enough for you? Or have you already forgotten about the life of your dear friend? Regardless, your confrontation has just spelled your demise. Soon you will join him in entering a place that I like to call.... the afterlife.

Marth: You're as fearsome as the sagas spoke of. A true abomination of malice and destruction, matched only by its callous intent. You also turned a longtime friend against me and into a monster..... For her, and humanity,by our hands, you shall return to the depths from whence you came!

Fomortiis: Did i now? She was quite the specimen to create. And that is the fate of any who have the audacity to challenge me, now, with absolutely no hope for survival. One of you currently shares her same fate, as my newest addition of puppets. Can't think of who? The time hath come for a little re introduction. The demon calls forth Duck's deceased carcass front and center. But he is no longer the man that he once was. His eyes were lifeless and glowing a crimson red, body decomposed and still full of the wounds that he incurred before his untimely death. Not too long afterwards, more zombies accompanied him and rose from the ground Worms, tell me. Do you like Death's Embrace? Yes? Wouldn't it be nice if you shared that sensation with those that you once called friends? According you you humanoids, "sharing is caring". And you'd have to be horribly selfish to deny your friends from basking in its glory. See to it that they are not singled out, and that the Desolation of Fomortiis comes to pass.

Player Phase:

Edited by Hero-King
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Ace couldn't believe what she was seeing, Duck was now a zombiefied corpse under Formotiis's command. "I haven't forgotten about Duck, or any of those who died for this dream! Let me make this clear, I don't intend for anymore to die here!" Ace decides to pair up with Marth, for it was better to fight together than alone. Even moreso with their former friend and comrade now turned against them as a puppet.

Alicia frowned, this was troubling. Duck's spirit would not be able to move on until this puppet body was destroyed. (Poly...Uncle Jack...We could use you both right now. Please tell me you managed to talk some sense into Poly. For now...) Alicia drew out her forged Celica's Gale tome, "Duck...what has happened to you is truly awful. As the Judge of Souls, allow me to finally lead you to the peace you deserve." Alicia moves to attack Zombie!Duck, firing off a spell at him. And noting the zombie horde behind him. (Poly...if you were here. This scene would be familiar to you.)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Dan was unfortunately unequipped, and he didn't know where his sword was. Marth had used it to stab the draco-zombie to its death, but he hadn't seen him carry it. And since his last attempts ended in failure, he decided not to fight with his fists. Besides, if he was summoning zombies, getting bit was the last thing he wanted. And using fists would definitely open him up to that. He moved a bit farther away from Formortiis.

Edited by DenDurgon
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So the dead Dreamer was resurrected as a zombie...Crizix never noticed him when he was alive, but she still felt a pang of sadness...though she probably had an advantage right now over those who did know him. After a long moment, she decided that she should attack the Dreamer zombie first. She quickly flipped her Rexcalibur tome open and fired at the one called "Duck".

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Such a better Fomortiis than I

Dusk had lagged behind a bit, still distraught and uncomfortable about Duck's demise. He had a constant shiver down the back of his spine, which was very unlike him during events like these. He'd lost many comrades during missions and the such, but the last few... he almost couldn't handle it. He was pretty sure that if he didn't have those 'blessings' chaining him back, he'd ravage this world as a psychopathic monster, not caring about the ones he would once call 'friends'. Losing a friend was so much different from losing a comrade.

Dusk slowly made his way up the tree and entered what was now the second battlefield of the day. He didn't even have to emerge from the trunk to realise what was happening; another skirmish was unfolding, and leading the enemy side was a creature he wouldn't even be able to comprehend if not for history books existing. Dusk recognised the monster as Fomortiis, the Demon King from the War of the Stones. Gulping, he reluctantly took out his killer bow and stared hard at the brute, completely oblivious to the zombie that bared an uncanny resemblance to his friend that just died

(Consider Dusk a reinforcement. He won't be performing an action this turn)

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So the dead Dreamer was resurrected as a zombie...Crizix never noticed him when he was alive, but she still felt a pang of sadness...though she probably had an advantage right now over those who did know him. After a long moment, she decided that she should attack the Dreamer zombie first. She quickly flipped her Rexcalibur tome open and fired at the one called "Duck".

"Hey! Crizix! Let me lend a hand... Both hands!" *pairs up* Edited by BravuraLevi
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*just now returning to the battlefield* Jack Taylor reentered the battlefield to find not only his twin nieces, the rest of the Dreamers and nephew in law facing off against Zombies, but also The Demon King from Magvelian Lore. "...Dang. Never thought I'd get the chance to fight Formotiis. And there look at that, Poly and Alicia are standing rather closeby but don't see the other." Jack Taylor had to laugh at how ironic this situation was, "Phew, before I go slitting the throats of these zombies, I better catch my breath. All the running tired me out."

(Count Jack as a reinforcement also, he won't be doing anything this turn)

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"Hey! Crizix! Let me lend a hand... Both hands!" *pairs up*

"...That was horrible and you should get hit just for that."

" Of cour-." *tree branch falls into his hair* "-se"

"Thank you, Samson." Crizix giggled.

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