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Enemy Phase!!

Besides the zombie hit, which hurt, Crizix suddenly felt something sinister in the air. She felt relatively normal, though, so she thought nothing of note had happened until she looked around and saw that most of her fellow Dreamers were now asleep.


This must have been Fomortiis's doing. She wasn't sure why she wasn't affected by the spell...What should she do? Should she attack the fabled Demon King? After a minute, she decided to try firing Rexcalibur at Fomortiis and hope she survived.

"..." *leaves, sticking Armads into a nearby tree before he does so*

The Demon King's spell caused most of the Dreamers to render unconscious, but Eirika was one of the small few who wasn't effected by the attack. Looking at the sleeping Dreamers, she tried to push back the crude thought that, because they were sleeping, the Dreamers were now dreaming. It made her chuckle gently, but soon the seriousness of the predicament caused her to grip her lance tightly and wished that they somehow had access to one of the Rausten sacred twins; Latona. The staff was so great, it would automatically undo all damage and status aliment every ally had. She didn't have it though, and soon she was on her knees, unsure on how to react to the situation. Waking them up manually wasn't going to work; she just had to wait. In the meantime, she decided to use her physic staff on the one known as Nathaniel, hoping that the staff would ensure his survival

"It's fine' it's just an arrow sho-" Samson promptly fell asleep' only to stand back up a while later. However, he was still fast asleep. He was sleep walking' while being tormented by bad dreams. "Huh? Who are you people?get away from me!" He promptly kicked the zombie which had attacked Crizix.
(This should be interesting.)


  1. ​Attacks Ephraim for 7 damage
  2. Attacks Samson, but misses, due to his sleepwalking
  3. Critical Attacks Marth for 42 damage
  4. Attacks Ace for 12 damage
  5. Attacks Nathaniel for 15 damage
  6. Attacks Dan for 15 damage
  7. Attacks Eirika but misses
  8. Attacks Alicia for 14 damage
  9. Attacks Jack for 17 damage
  10. Attacks Dusk for 17 damage
  11. Attacks Crizix for 19 damage

Fomortiis: Crizix's Rexcalibur spell would have hurt him, but Aegis nullified the attack from doing enough damage, which was down to 3. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Do you see now that all of your struggles up til now were naught? All of your endeavors are full of sound and fury, humanoids. Ultimately signifying nothing. And now all that stands to defy me are an insufferable princess and but a wee lass? *Activates Stun and uses Demon Light on Eirika for colossal damage of 63 damage* Heheheheh. It's over for you now. Hell's gate awaits all of you.

Fomortiis HP: 20

Player Phase!!

(Oh dear, what'll happen now?)

Edited by Hero-King
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*Sees the situation, hesitates, before taking a deep breath* "Maybe... maybe this'll work. What was this bow again? ...Yewfelle? Well... well, maybe it'll help fell him?" *fires an arrow*

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The others were delayed by quite a bit. I hope that they're all okay...

"Kat, I'm worried about the others. I'll head on up to them,and see if they need any help. Should anything go wrong, take Florence and run."

Yuffie looked around his tent, and saw the Fortify that he had used before. They can dish out the damage, I suppose. Yuffie swapped out Celica's Gale for his Fortify, and dashed out of the camp, heading for the tree.

Yuffie surprise reinforcement, arriving next turn for all your healing needs!

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Ace mutters something about killing Formotiis, Alicia cries out in her sleep, thinking Poly forgot all about her, causing her to make motions of slicing herself with a nonexistant knife. Jack Taylor was odd, he reacted by sleep slicing the offending zombie. Yet, all three semi divine warriors still slept.

Ace max health 67/80

Alicia max health 66/80

Jack Taylor max health 53/70

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The others were delayed by quite a bit. I hope that they're all okay...

"Kat, I'm worried about the others. I'll head on up to them,and see if they need any help. Should anything go wrong, take Florence and run."

Yuffie looked around his tent, and saw the Fortify that he had used before. They can dish out the damage, I suppose. Yuffie swapped out Celica's Gale for his Fortify, and dashed out of the camp, heading for the tree.

Yuffie surprise reinforcement, arriving next turn for all your healing needs!

"Have fun, I suppose."

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Enemy Phase!!


  • ​Attacks Ephraim for 7 damage
  • Attacks Samson, but misses, due to his sleepwalking
Fomortiis: Crizix's Rexcalibur spell would have hurt him, but Aegis nullified the attack from doing enough damage, which was down to 3. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Do you see now that all of your struggles up til now were naught? All of your endeavors are full of sound and fury, humanoids. Ultimately signifying nothing. And now all that stands to defy me are an insufferable princess and but a wee lass? *Activates Stun and uses Demon Light on Eirika for colossal damage of 63 damage* Heheheheh. It's over for you now. Hell's gate awaits all of you.

Fomortiis HP: 20

Player Phase!!

(Oh dear, what'll happen now?)

Samson felt a lance pass right behind him. "N-no... Get away.. Don't hurt them, please... No' no get away! STOP!" In his slumber induced senselessness, he began to swing his mend staff, before accidentally throwing it. The rod landed at Eirika's feet, Healing her for 36 HP, but making the staff damaged beyond repair.
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Crizix's HP: 41 - 19 = 22

Her attack...barely did anything. Ah, she should have known that she wouldn't be strong enough...What now? Just about everyone was still asleep, except for that lady in a wedding dress...who just took a terrible beating from Fomortiis. She would have healed her, but Samson did so first, even though he was asleep. Odd.

Attacks Marth for 42 damage

(What the heck kind of zombie attacked Marth? O.o)

Edited by Crizix
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Marth began to tremble violently as he was sleeping. He had been caught within a horrible nightmare, where he had to re live all of the failures and lives lost during the wars of ancient past, each one more terrible than the last. The attack that he took in reality, he believed to have dreamed of him having an arrow shot straight into his back. The pain was immense and hurting him greatly, as he stumbled to the ground in his nightmare dream, his heart pounding from the mental strain the nightmare envoked from seeing everyone die, slowly, one by one, person by person. He mumbled a little in his sleep. ...N-no...... not... another.. one...

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(I'm back now, and ready to decide on what to do! Sorry for the delay... ^^;)

(Oh yeah, you have renewal BTW. You heal 18 every turn.)

(Oh yeah...I keep forgetting my skills...Thanks for the reminder...)

Crizix's HP: 22 + 18 = 40

Should she take another risk against Fomortiis?...No, she just wasn't the sort to gamble. Landing one hit against that thing was enough for her...She took her Physic and healed King Marth for 40HP instead; she had a feeling that they'd wake up soon enough...

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Enemy Phase!!


  1. Attacks Marth, for 12 damage
  2. Attacks Ephraim for 8 damage
  3. Attacks Eirika but misses.
  4. Attacks Dan for 17 damage
  5. Attacks Ace for 14 damage
  6. Attacks Alicia for 15 damage
  7. Attacks Jack for 16
  8. Attacks Dusk but misses
  9. Attacks Samson 15 damage

Should she take another risk against Fomortiis?...No, she just wasn't the sort to gamble. Landing one hit against that thing was enough for her...She took her Physic and healed King Marth for 40HP instead; she had a feeling that they'd wake up soon enough...

*Sees the situation, hesitates, before taking a deep breath* "Maybe... maybe this'll work. What was this bow again? ...Yewfelle? Well... well, maybe it'll help fell him?" *fires an arrow*

Fomortiis: The very fact that you are still alive right now is worthy of praise, puny one. Unfortunate for you, this is where the dream ends. His eyes begin to gleam as he prepares to deliver a final blow. And with your death, so too will the rest of the world. Just as he's about to fire, a sudden arrow strikes him right in the eye, which diverted his attack to not be fatal for Crizix, dealing instead, 35 damage. Urrrrrrgh! You still persist?! Who was that?! I demand to know!

And then, everyone who was afflicted with Nightmare, break the spell placed on them and wake up. Angered by this, it roars into the sky, once more.

Grrrr..... NO! This isnt supposed to happen! You all should still be under my spell! ......I'll kill you. I'll DESTROY ALL OF YOU!

(Fomortiis HP: 10)

Player Phase!!

Edited by Hero-King
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Yuffie staggered onto the scene of the battle.

"Yuffie... on the scene..."

He used his Fortify that he still hadn't given back to Kat to heal all of the Dreamers for 41 HP. Immediately afterwards, he slumped.

"I... HATE... running... Bleaugh."

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Alicia woke up with a start, but something was off. With fear laced into her eyes she began chanting the words to Magvelian Excailbur before raising her hand at Formotiis and spoke these words, "May the same winds that tore into your demonic flesh from the tales of yore, once again return to rend you to pieces. The winds of the Sacred Twin wind tome from Magvelian lore! Excailbur!" Alicia casts FE8! Excalibur at Formotiis, clearly not noticing her wounds were completely healed up thanks to Yuffie.

(Alicia max health 80/80)

Ace woke up to the roar of a wind spell, "What the?! Hey! Try to hit only Formotiis! Not me! Wait....wind enhances fire..." She then grinned, "Bye Demon King. In the end, you failed." Ace casts Valflame in conjunction with Alicia's spell at Formotiis, while doing so realizes her wounds have been completely healed.

(Ace max health 80/80)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Marth woke up from his nightmare with a jump. Of course, it was all just a nightmare. *sigh of relief* He then stood up and took a stare at Fomortiis, along with the extremely battered Crizix. You've done well. Its just as I told you before that A time would come where we would count on you. And now, we live to fight another day. He then looks at Fomortiis one more time. All of your claims have turned out to be false, Demon King! Yes, you may have returned, but so long as there are people that continue to fight for a better tomorrow, fiends like you shall never reign supreme in the realm of the living! We are the Azure Dreamers, and our dream of a better future shall never be clouded by any nightmare that you, or anyone could ever conjure up! He then points Falchion at it. And now, you meet your end HERE!

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Crizix's HP: 40 - 35 + 18 + 41 = 63 (Max)

Fomortiis: The very fact that you are still alive right now is worthy of praise, puny one. Unfortunate for you, this is where the dream ends. His eyes begin to gleam as he prepares to deliver a final blow. And with your death, so too will the rest of the world. Just as he's about to fire, a sudden arrow strikes him right in the eye, which diverted his attack to not be fatal for Crizix, dealing instead, 35 damage. Urrrrrrgh! You still persist?! Who was that?! I demand to know!

And then, everyone who was afflicted with Nightmare, break the spell placed on them and wake up. Angered by this, it roars into the sky, once more.

Grrrr..... NO! This isnt supposed to happen! You all should still be under my spell! ......I'll kill you. I'll DESTROY ALL OF YOU!

(Fomortiis HP: 10)

Player Phase!!

Crizix was frozen in fear as Fomortiis prepared to finally kill her. She closed her eyes before he struck, not seeing the arrow that weakened the power of his attack. Still, the pain was simply excruciating. It knocked her to the floor. While she regained enough energy to get up again, she was terribly battered now. There was no way she could counter properly like this...

Marth woke up from his nightmare with a jump. Of course, it was all just a nightmare. *sigh of relief* He then stood up and took a stare at Fomortiis, along with the extremely battered Crizix. You've done well. Its just as I told you before that A time would come where we would count on you. And now, we live to fight another day. He then looks at Fomortiis one more time. All of your claims have turned out to be false, Demon King! Yes, you may have returned, but so long as there are people that continue to fight for a better tomorrow, fiends like you shall never reign supreme in the realm of the living! We are the Azure Dreamers, and our dream of a better future shall never be clouded by any nightmare that you, or anyone could ever conjure up! He then points Falchion at it. And now, you meet your end HERE!

...Her eyes widened when she heard the sleeping Dreamers start to stir. They were awake now! Victory could be achieved after all! Upon hearing King Marth address her, she turned her head to him with a weak, but bright smile. "I-I simply...tried my best, sire..." She really wanted to just fall on the floor and not get up...

Yuffie staggered onto the scene of the battle.

"Yuffie... on the scene..."

He used his Fortify that he still hadn't given back to Kat to heal all of the Dreamers for 41 HP. Immediately afterwards, he slumped.

"I... HATE... running... Bleaugh."

...Then she felt the warmth of a staff's magic relieving her of her fatigue and wounds. Curious, she looked around and saw a slumping Yuffie in the distance. When did he get here? She had no idea, but she nodded a thanks in his direction before turning back to Fomortiis. "Umm...I may not be much of an opponent, but I managed to distract you long enough for my friends and allies to awaken, so, err...I believe you've...underestimated me..." Excited at how the situation was turning in the Dreamers' favor and revitalized by Yuffie's magic, she opened her Rexcalibur, took a deep breath, and fired, even though she knew she wouldn't do much damage.

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Samson woke up to find a dead zombie (lol counter) and a lack of glasses, and his mend staff gone. Seeing a large black creature he recognised as Formotiis, he drew his brave axe and rushed at it.

Samson : 80/80

Edited by BravuraLevi
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Meanwhile outside in the clearing.

Strips off her robes and



after turning to her original self.

Isabelle: Yah. This dark energy I am sensing is even bigger than my manifestations. Not good. There's no time to worry about such evil when my friends could be in danger. Better go to check it out. As she snaps her fingers with her nails and teleports away to further investigate the dark quintessence. All this time she went to Zofia to further calm things with issues with the city and such. Such as tax problems, etc.

(Gotta read back to see everything after Criz returned. xP)

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Nathaniel awoke suddenly. "What is...? Oh, crap..." He leapt to his feet and reached for his killing edge. "Yes! Time to end this!" Nathaniel charged forward and attacked Fomortiis, activating Luna as he did so.
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Alicia woke up with a start, but something was off. With fear laced into her eyes she began chanting the words to Magvelian Excailbur before raising her hand at Formotiis and spoke these words, "May the same winds that tore into your demonic flesh from the tales of yore, once again return to rend you to pieces. The winds of the Sacred Twin wind tome from Magvelian lore! Excailbur!" Alicia casts FE8! Excalibur at Formotiis, clearly not noticing her wounds were completely healed up thanks to Yuffie.

(Alicia max health 80/80)

Ace woke up to the roar of a wind spell, "What the?! Hey! Try to hit only Formotiis! Not me! Wait....wind enhances fire..." She then grinned, "Bye Demon King. In the end, you failed." Ace casts Valflame in conjunction with Alicia's spell at Formotiis, while doing so realizes her wounds have been completely healed.

(Ace max health 80/80)

Crizix's HP: 40 - 35 + 18 + 41 = 63 (Max)

Crizix was frozen in fear as Fomortiis prepared to finally kill her. She closed her eyes before he struck, not seeing the arrow that weakened the power of his attack. Still, the pain was simply excruciating. It knocked her to the floor. While she regained enough energy to get up again, she was terribly battered now. There was no way she could counter properly like this...

...Her eyes widened when she heard the sleeping Dreamers start to stir. They were awake now! Victory could be achieved after all! Upon hearing King Marth address her, she turned her head to him with a weak, but bright smile. "I-I simply...tried my best, sire..." She really wanted to just fall on the floor and not get up...

...Then she felt the warmth of a staff's magic relieving her of her fatigue and wounds. Curious, she looked around and saw a slumping Yuffie in the distance. When did he get here? She had no idea, but she nodded a thanks in his direction before turning back to Fomortiis. "Umm...I may not be much of an opponent, but I managed to distract you long enough for my friends and allies to awaken, so, err...I believe you've...underestimated me..." Excited at how the situation was turning in the Dreamers' favor and revitalized by Yuffie's magic, she opened her Rexcalibur, took a deep breath, and fired, even though she knew she wouldn't do much damage.

Samson woke up to find a dead zombie (lol counter) and a lack of glasses, and his mend staff gone. Seeing a large black creature he recognised as Formotiis, he drew his brave axe and rushed at it.

Samson : 80/80

Nathaniel awoke suddenly. "What is...? Oh, crap..." He leapt to his feet and reached for his killing edge. "Yes! Time to end this!" Nathaniel charged forward and attacked Fomortiis, activating Luna as he did so.

Fomortiis: Samson and Nathaniel joined together, rushed at the distraught Demon King and ripped down the foul beast's torso. It roared in pain from the two of them, not believing what was unfolding in front of him. Mere humans..... are actually going to bring his end..... again?! GRAAAAAGH! YOU FILTH! I AM FOMORTIIS! I AM INEXORABLE I WILL NOT- before it could finish, Alicia and Crizix's wind spells razed its entire body from blades of wind spells, followed by Ace's Valflame igniting its entire body into a mountain of ferocious flames. All zombies that were present were caught within the flames and perished with him.When the smoke cleared, there was nothing left of him. every last trace of Fomortiis was incinerated.Gone. Never to live again.

(Fomortiis HP: OVERKILL!!)

Marth: At the end of the day, despite all of the odds, the Azure Dreamers come out victorious. Well done everyone. Its time we head back now.

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Ace grinned, "Hehehe, I do love overkilling tough foes, it creates lots of Chaos."

Alicia's eyes were still wide with fear, tears were running down her eyes, "Poly...Poly wait! I'm alive! I'm not dead! You didn't forget about me...right? POOOOOOLYDEUCEEEES!"

Ace covered her ears, "Sis? What the heck was that for?"

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