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"Tee hee, those two seem to get pretty excited over tea" *Brews pot of green tea*

*pours some* "What should I do? Defend Ylisse and see if I remember anything? Or help liberate Ferox or Plegia?" *sips green tea*

M-may I have some? Don't worry, I won't drink it ALL... hehehehe....

As for defending Ylisse or attacking Ferox or Plegia, I'll go where I'm needed!

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"if we leave for Ferox, then we risk plegia regrouping and then we'd be fighting against two fronts. Even with all of us at our best, theres no telling how many losses we'll receive. If wr are to attack, Plegia is the betterfof the two."

"It would... if Valm didn't exist. As we'd be fighting in Ferox the Valmese would attack Plegia. By the time we'd liberate Plegia, move back to Ylisse and then march to Ferox the Valmese would've heard about the destruction of Plegia Castle and would sent reinforcements"

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Silvia tapped her fingers against the inside cover of the Goetia tome still in her hands, raising her pen again to continue her writing. To the untrained eye, it looked like she was taking notes (but really, she was writing a sappy love-letter to Henry, even if the chances of him ever reading it were null-and-void).

"Implying that Valm has any forces LEFT." She may as well put her two-cents in. "Their own armies could be as waster and whittled down as ours. Not to mention, there's also Chon'sin, and I haven't heard a THING about their affairs."

Edited by Vashiane
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"Implying that Valm has any forces LEFT." She may as well put her two-cents in. "Their own armies could be as waster and whittled down as ours. Not to mention, there's also Chon'sin, and I haven't heard a THING about their affairs."

"If Valm have no forces left then the entire place must be littered with Annas and Risen. There's no way they didn't see or hear the explosion. From what I was told it was gigantic"

Edited by DodgeDusk
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"If Valm have no forces left then the entire place must be littered with Annas and Risen. There's no way they didn't see or hear the explosion. From what I was told it was gigantic"

"Yes, but their reaction has yet to be seen. If I saw one of my castles blown up, I would've sent SOME sort of force to the enemy base. Yet, we haven't gotten attack in a long time." Dan said as he walked into the room. "And that concerns me. Either that really did deal a major blow to them and are trying to remedy the situation as we speak, or they have a plan."

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"If Valm have no forces left then the entire place must be littered with Annas and Risen. There's no way they didn't see or hear the explosion. From what I was told it was gigantic"

"I'm pretty certain they didn't... the ocean's kind of big, Dusk. You have to be approximately ten miles out to sea to lose sight of the Plegian shoreline, not to mention the castle. Valm is a lot farther than that."

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*pours some for himself* "Oh I like a good brew" *turns head towards Ace*

"I don't know. Some people are going to have to defend Ylisse while the other group attack Ferox or Plegia though" *sips tea*

M-may I have some? Don't worry, I won't drink it ALL... hehehehe....

As for defending Ylisse or attacking Ferox or Plegia, I'll go where I'm needed!

*serves Glaedyr some tea* *turns head to Dusk* "I'm aware that some will have to stay and defend Ylisse while others go on the offensive. That's what I'm having trouble deciding, do I stay here and potentially learn more about myself? Or do I aid the others in liberating either Ferox or Plegia? I'd think I'd do go wherever I decide to go."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"I'm pretty certain they didn't... the ocean's kind of big, Dusk. You have to be approximately ten miles out to sea to lose sight of the Plegian shoreline, not to mention the castle. Valm is a lot farther than that."

"... Seems like the size of the explosion was exaggerated. Typical" *exhales through nose heavily*

*serves Glaedyr some tea* *turns head to Dusk* "I'm aware that some will have to stay and defend Ylisse while others go on the offensive. That's what I'm having trouble deciding, do I stay here and potentially learn more about myself? Or do I aid the others in liberating either Ferox or Plegia? I'd think I'd do go wherever I decide to go."

*turns head to Ace*

"Your power is extraordinary, if dangerous. I'd personally want you out in the front lines helping the assault, but if you think you can learn about your cryptic past in these walls then stay here. You're not going to be useless either way"

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"Is seriously no one concerned about the fact that we haven't gotten a counterattack for the destruction of Plegia castle? Surely, a messenger arrived to whoever is the head Anna to inform her about this." *Heavy sigh* "Never mind. I'll just...go back to bed or something. Call me when a decision is being decided on."

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"Is seriously no one concerned about the fact that we haven't gotten a counterattack for the destruction of Plegia castle? Surely, a messenger arrived to whoever is the head Anna to inform her about this." *Heavy sigh* "Never mind. I'll just...go back to bed or something. Call me when a decision is being decided on."

"I presume that the Anna's are preparing some form of vengeance. We may have to evacuate, if they outnumber us by a great deal." *pours a cup of tea*

"This tea is great for helping us bond."

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"... Seems like the size of the explosion was exaggerated. Typical" *exhales through nose heavily*

*turns head to Ace*

"Your power is extraordinary, if dangerous. I'd personally want you out in the front lines helping the assault, but if you think you can learn about your cryptic past in these walls then stay here. You're not going to be useless either way"

Dusk did have a point there, it did seem like my powers fared best on the front lines. Although it wouldn't be a waste if I stayed here to defend the castle. As I sipped my tea, I glanced at a portrait of the Exalt behind me. I remembered what I had read in Anon's book. "This Exalt....isn't the man I love. He's..." I stopped there in my line of thought, thinking about it only made me restless. If anything something about this castle seemed to be depressing me. The pictures on the walls that remained didn't seem to help cheer me up despite that they showed the Exalt and his wife and infant daughter. "That woman with him...isn't me. So I have no reason to linger here. Just looking at his face and hers makes me sad deep down." That's where I made up my mind, and hearing what Yuffie said, "Let them come, I'll show them what happens when they dare to cause me pain from the inside out."

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Crizix peered in from the doorway, looking a bit...messy. She had trouble sleeping last night, and as a result, didn't feel so well...She saw everyone discussing strategy again and decided not to disturb them, but then she sneezed...

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Silvia tapped her fingers against the inside cover of the Goetia tome still in her hands, raising her pen again to continue her writing. To the untrained eye, it looked like she was taking notes (but really, she was writing a sappy love-letter to Henry, even if the chances of him ever reading it were null-and-void).

"Implying that Valm has any forces LEFT." She may as well put her two-cents in. "Their own armies could be as waster and whittled down as ours. Not to mention, there's also Chon'sin, and I haven't heard a THING about their affairs."

*reading over shoulder while sipping from a cup*

"Is seriously no one concerned about the fact that we haven't gotten a counterattack for the destruction of Plegia castle? Surely, a messenger arrived to whoever is the head Anna to inform her about this." *Heavy sigh* "Never mind. I'll just...go back to bed or something. Call me when a decision is being decided on."

Well, destroying the castle may be something deserving of a counter attack, maybe they aren't in a position for it. I must have turned thousands of risen into dust with that explosion, and it was a good defensive position which must have held some way to sustain them. In its destruction we may have forced them into a full on defensive.

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Dusk did have a point there, it did seem like my powers fared best on the front lines. Although it wouldn't be a waste if I stayed here to defend the castle. As I sipped my tea, I glanced at a portrait of the Exalt behind me. I remembered what I had read in Anon's book. "This Exalt....isn't the man I love. He's..." I stopped there in my line of thought, thinking about it only made me restless. If anything something about this castle seemed to be depressing me. The pictures on the walls that remained didn't seem to help cheer me up despite that they showed the Exalt and his wife and infant daughter. "That woman with him...isn't me. So I have no reason to linger here. Just looking at his face and hers makes me sad deep down." That's where I made up my mind, and hearing what Yuffie said, "Let them come, I'll show them what happens when they dare to cause me pain from the inside out."

Well dang it, I was hoping to show off by telling you that I figured that all out! Wasn't well hidden though, so probably not to impressive anyway.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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*pops out of nowhere with a couple of pots of tea* "I think I have the supplies for a ballista, but I'll head in to double check. I just found some different types of tea and thought I'd put them out."

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