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"H-hey, wait? Where are you going?"

"Away from you."

Aimee liked to fiddle with things when she was restless.

She didn't know why. She just kind of... did it. Even though she really shouldn't and the thing she WANTED to fiddle with she REALLY couldn't, her hands just, moved around themselves and in her hair and around the ribbon she'd tied to her wrist just for fun.

She admitted, she kind of imagined her spying would be a lot more interesting. But she hadn't heard anything so far, and one of Kat's rules was SPECIFICALLY that she couldn't wander around. So she wasn't wandering.

She was just... walking to the infirmary. And back to her room. And back to the infirmary. AND back to her room. And back to the infirmary, like she was doing, right now.

It's not... wandering when you have a purpose right?

"AIMEE!" *glomps* "Found you!"

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Walking on the ship, he saw Klotho walk off in a random direction. Intrigued, he contemplated speaking to her. However, not soon after seeing her, he saw Dan. "Oh great..." Knowing the two didn't get along, he dashed off to Klotho, hoping that Dan would go away. "H-Hey!"

"Well...that couldv'e gone better..." He continued on with his walk.

Aimee liked to fiddle with things when she was restless.

She didn't know why. She just kind of... did it. Even though she really shouldn't and the thing she WANTED to fiddle with she REALLY couldn't, her hands just, moved around themselves and in her hair and around the ribbon she'd tied to her wrist just for fun.

She admitted, she kind of imagined her spying would be a lot more interesting. But she hadn't heard anything so far, and one of Kat's rules was SPECIFICALLY that she couldn't wander around. So she wasn't wandering.

She was just... walking to the infirmary. And back to her room. And back to the infirmary. AND back to her room. And back to the infirmary, like she was doing, right now.

It's not... wandering when you have a purpose right?

"Ah, hello."

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[Oh great...] Klotho and Aimee were together, doing... friend things... When Aimee gets taken out of the picture, she's going to be so heartbroken. Looking down, he slumped onto a nearby wall and crossed his arms

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Ace: *following Dusk* "Dusk, I was thinking of beginning the supply hunt soon. Once Gaius comes out with Yuffie."

Alicia meanwhile with her sister's fishing gear in hand, stood on the deck of the ship and cast out traps meant to share shrimp, lobsters and the like.

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Ace: *following Dusk* "Dusk, I was thinking of beginning the supply hunt soon. Once Gaius comes out with Yuffie."

Alicia meanwhile with her sister's fishing gear in hand, stood on the deck of the ship and cast out traps meant to share shrimp, lobsters and the like.

Dusk turned his head and saw Ace. Hearing what she said, he was glad he had a convenient excuse to leave the premises without seeming rude. "Yeah, sure"

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"Away from you."

"AIMEE!" *glomps* "Found you!"

"Well...that couldv'e gone better..." He continued on with his walk.

"Ah, hello."

"Eeeeeep!" Aimee squeaked at the sudden assault and wrapped her own arms around Klotho in kind, giggling. "Hi! I wasn't exactly hidden 'cause I can kinda only go, like, two places but..."

She blinked at the new voice, glancing over towards the man standing there. "Oh! Um, hi there. I don't think I've met you."

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"Eeeeeep!" Aimee squeaked at the sudden assault and wrapped her own arms around Klotho in kind, giggling. "Hi! I wasn't exactly hidden 'cause I can kinda only go, like, two places but..."

She blinked at the new voice, glancing over towards the man standing there. "Oh! Um, hi there. I don't think I've met you."

"Hey, let's go herb picking, Aimee! You must be bored!"

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"He threatened to steal my sugar. I had no choice." Yuffie emerged from the boat with Gaius. "He knows no mercy!"

Ace had to laugh, "Great, we're all here now. And I've got the list so, we're off on a supply run!" Ace declared, motioning to the direction the group was to head off in.

Gaius: "Ow, trying to swipe sugar from Yuffie is hard."

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As Cassandra woke up happy for the first time in what felt like ages, she thought about how Dan had just... come back out of the blue like he did. She hugged her pillow tightly to her body and sighed happily as she thought of the events of last night.

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Ace had to laugh, "Great, we're all here now. And I've got the list so, we're off on a supply run!" Ace declared, motioning to the direction the group was to head off in.

Gaius: "Ow, trying to swipe sugar from Yuffie is hard."

Dusk could only smile. Seeing Klotho with Aimee hurt him quite a bit, since he knew... he shook is head. He had to get those thoughts out of his head. Faking a smile, he looked at Ace. "You lead, milady"

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As Cassandra woke up happy for the first time in what felt like ages, she thought about how Dan had just... come back out of the blue like he did. She hugged her pillow tightly to her body and sighed happily as she thought of the events of last night.

(Oh my~)

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"Hey, let's go herb picking, Aimee! You must be bored!"

"Okay! There's the one herb, I can't recall the name, but I know what it looks like, and if eaten, it slowly paralyzes the ENTIRE body, you can't even move your EYES. It practically puts your body into rigor while you're STILL alive. A very effective way of making sure someone stays put if you're trying to bury them alive. And then there's this OTHER one, that's an extremely agonizing and slow-acting poison. It takes a good 20 minutes, last I remember."

"Ooh great! The more the merrier!"

Edited by Vashiane
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"Okay! There's the one herb, I can't recall the name, but I know what it looks like, and if eaten, it slowly paralyzes the ENTIRE body, you can't even move your EYES. It practically puts your body into rigor while you're STILL alive. A very effective way of making sure someone stays put if you're trying to bury them alive. And then there's this OTHER one, that's an extremely agonizing and slow-acting poison. It takes a good 20 minutes, last I remember."

"Ooh great! The more the merrier!"

(Poison Ivy eat your heart out.)

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"Okay! There's the one herb, I can't recall the name, but I know what it looks like, and if eaten, it slowly paralyzes the ENTIRE body, you can't even move your EYES. It practically puts your body into rigor while you're STILL alive. A very effective way of making sure someone stays put if you're trying to bury them alive. And then there's this OTHER one, that's an extremely agonizing and slow-acting poison. It takes a good 20 minutes, last I remember."

"Ooh great! The more the merrier!"

"Oh, really? That might be fun to use. Ooo, especially if I put it on my arrows. Let's see if we can find them!"

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"Okay! There's the one herb, I can't recall the name, but I know what it looks like, and if eaten, it slowly paralyzes the ENTIRE body, you can't even move your EYES. It practically puts your body into rigor while you're STILL alive. A very effective way of making sure someone stays put if you're trying to bury them alive. And then there's this OTHER one, that's an extremely agonizing and slow-acting poison. It takes a good 20 minutes, last I remember."

"Ooh great! The more the merrier!"

"Really? That sounds very interesting. How long does the paralysis last?"

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"Okay! There's the one herb, I can't recall the name, but I know what it looks like, and if eaten, it slowly paralyzes the ENTIRE body, you can't even move your EYES. It practically puts your body into rigor while you're STILL alive. A very effective way of making sure someone stays put if you're trying to bury them alive. And then there's this OTHER one, that's an extremely agonizing and slow-acting poison. It takes a good 20 minutes, last I remember."

"Ooh great! The more the merrier!"

"Oh, I know that one! It's not good at parties, but I think it's fascinating!"

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"Oh, I know that one! It's not good at parties, but I think it's fascinating!"

​"…Why are you inside? I thought you were leaving with the others?"

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"Oh, really? That might be fun to use. Ooo, especially if I put it on my arrows. Let's see if we can find them!"

"Really? That sounds very interesting. How long does the paralysis last?"

"Oh, I know that one! It's not good at parties, but I think it's fascinating!"

"Yeah, we could! I mean, oh gosh, imagine being shot with that. It's the pain from the arrow plus the paralysis slowly seeping throughout your body... just, ah, make sure when you apply it you don't have an open wound. Otherwise, um. Yeah."

She turned around to the strange man that had tagged along and smiled. "I believe it lasts 8 hours."

"It tends to, ah... kill the party mood, but yeah, it IS fascinating!"

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"Oh. Ummmm..." *runs*

I thought you were outside. I'm the smarticlest!


"Yeah, we could! I mean, oh gosh, imagine being shot with that. It's the pain from the arrow plus the paralysis slowly seeping throughout your body... just, ah, make sure when you apply it you don't have an open wound. Otherwise, um. Yeah."

She turned around to the strange man that had tagged along and smiled. "I believe it lasts 8 hours."

"It tends to, ah... kill the party mood, but yeah, it IS fascinating!"

"Sounds perfect~ Let's go!"

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Dusk could only smile. Seeing Klotho with Aimee hurt him quite a bit, since he knew... he shook is head. He had to get those thoughts out of his head. Faking a smile, he looked at Ace. "You lead, milady"

Ace lead the group along a route heading inland a bit, "From what I've read on Valm, the deserted town ahead of us should have foodstuffs still edible. It was a place for lots of crop growing so hopefully the vegetation took over it and grew more foodstuffs."

Gaius: "And find some sweets."

Ace: "Nope, unless berries count as sweets. Then you're probably out of luck."

Alicia meanwhile:

"Ugh, this trap feels heavy.*hefts it up on deck* Oh my, that's quite a lot of shrimp and crabs. The sea must be blowing them all over the place."

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Ace lead the group along a route heading inland a bit, "From what I've read on Valm, the deserted town ahead of us should have foodstuffs still edible. It was a place for lots of crop growing so hopefully the vegetation took over it and grew more foodstuffs."

Gaius: "And find some sweets."

Ace: "Nope, unless berries count as sweets. Then you're probably out of luck."

"Vegetables?.. Ugh, they'll have to do, I guess... Does anybody actually know anything about cultivating crops though? Fresh veg doesn't last for long"

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