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[spoiler=Jxemas and Sorin Confrontation]

Light: You saw him go this way?

Jxemas: Yes. Follow me.. It shouldn't be hard to track him.

Sorin: *Walking deep in thought* Hmm...

Jxemas: Something wrong Leader? Thinking about a man missing from your group of sheep? Or have we been talking to swords lately? Both in my opinion.

Sorin: Haha, funny. Where have you been? You just up and left your sister and brother.

Light: That is none of your concern-

Jxemas: Hold. I've been planing. For other stuff. What I'm doing now is seeking the knowledge of the past....the gift of the goddess.

Sorin: Knowledge of the past? ...So then you understand what you are? Or do you still deny it?

Jxemas: The Battle of Bellhala was it not? The fall of Altea I assume? And finally, the death of your ancestors. Yes. I remember them all. Well most of them.

Light: Giving information to your ex-leader?

Jxemas: I want to play a game with this Light. Settle down.

Sorin: Watch who you play those games with. Need I remind you that you've only killed one of them, the very first time in fact, only for that same one to come back and win his war. And as for you, hold your tongue when adults are talking.

Light: As both leaders of stature I have more knowledge about this than you do.

Jxemas: Have you heard of LOVELESS? If not here is a part of the poem for you...

The infinite mystery The gift of the goddess is what the three men seek We are disquieted by our actions But their fates are scattered by war One becomes a hero, one wanders the land And the last is taken prisoner But the three are still bound by a solemn oath To seek the answer together, once again How beautiful it is to hear yes?

Sorin: Quite. But then who are the three? You and your family? Or is it...

Jxemas: I had a thought it would be my siblings. Or now it means you and me. If so I have no idea who the third is...

Sorin: Duck perhaps? He has been there through it all. But he hasn't been taken prisoner in any of this... Or maybe it means a prisoner of something else?

Jxemas: It can't be him. You're the Hero. I'm the Wanderer. And maybe...Kat is the prisoner. Maybe so.

Sorin: ...And all of this is decided for me? Sorry, not how I play. I make my own path and have since the beginning. You had me going for a minute there, but coincidence and destiny are two different things.

Jxemas: But this. This is heavens game. You can't escape what the gods have given you. And you are playing it now. The pieces have been set. Now the game needs to start..

Sorin: *sigh* Alright, I'll humor you. How do you win this game?

Jxemas: The Villains block your path from winning. Beat them and get to the goddess. If they beat any of you, you are eliminated from this game. But that means..get in my way and I may have to bash heads.

Sorin: Fine. But what happens when I return to my family? Will the game continue if it isn't ended?

Jxemas:The game ends when you get to the goddess. When you get to me. Because I'll be the one to receive her gift...

Sorin: *sigh* You are really taking this seriously huh? ...I suppose it wouldn't hurt to play along for now. Partly just to see what makes you confident enough to say you could stop me.

Light: Then it is settled. You and your army enjoy heavens game. Pleased to meet you as well.
Jxemas: Also you have people to check on "leader". Best you get to it...*walks away* Silvia was the first one eliminated from Heavens game. She won't be the last...

Sorin: *Waits until both are gone* This game... It seems somewhat serious... Looks like I'll have to put my pieces in place again. The king's orders are absolute. *Continues walking*

Gogo Sorin Senpai!!

That isn't it. It was more of an Abysm changes development. Brb

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Nope. I'm open. The talk I have planned where you know what happens is gonna be placed a week from the day after the battle. Everybody will be split up by then.

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"You look troubled, Sorin. Did the dead whisper their sad tales or did a certain fool come rambling at you about his imaginary game?"

"Haha, I believe you misread me Kat. I'm fine...." Sorin easily masked his emotions.

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"Haha, I believe you misread me Kat. I'm fine...." Sorin easily masked his emotions.

"Come now, you may try to mask, but I can still see through my little brother. You've gotten better with your face and voice, but your hands still shake. Do you no longer trust me? Is that why you try to hide?"

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"Come now, you may try to mask, but I can still see through my little brother. You've gotten better with your face and voice, but your hands still shake. Do you no longer trust me? Is that why you try to hide?"

"...No, that isn't it. I just don't want you to stress about me. *sigh* "

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Time to end the tale of Elena and Anon! This takes place on the day of the port battle and Anon's journey home takes him the duration of the final battle, so he does not arrive until the time skip.

Elena: Anon, how long have we been walking?

Anon: Oh, just a few hours.

The two individuals trekked through a thick forest, often climbing hand and foot over toppled trees and large boulders. Precursor to this was a long time spent navigating the desert, with consistent stops to read the map occurring throughout. Anon had read the map at least 50 times during their trip. He had checked te orientation a dozen times, checked his compass compare to other compasses three times, and often handed the map to Elena to see if she found something he had missed.

Anon: If I'm to believe this crudely drawn X, we should arrive any minute

Elena: You know Anon, maybe I should have just stayed with the Dreamers. I can fight perfectly well and it would be a lot simp-

Anon: Elena, I respect your competence, but I promised your father I'd take you somewhere safe, and there is CERTAINLY not safe.

Elena: *sigh* If you say so.

Anon: Hm...*checks map* it should be...there! *points right* Ha! Look! I think I see the entrance! Tarry ho!


Chrom was sitting outside the door, gazing at the stars above him. This night made him recall the starry night's he had spent with his wife before she was killed. Chrom was snapped from his thoughts when he noticed two figures approach, one appeared to be a small child with an adult. Getting up from his chair, Chrom called out to them, "Who's out there? Are you members of the Azure Dreamers?" Chrom called out, trying to make out the figures in the night with little torchlight.


Anon: Ah, well, this should be the place.

Elena: 'should be'?

Anon: You can never be to careful!

Anon drew his Swordslayer and held it to his side. 'I AM ANON OF THE AZURE DREAMERS! I HAVE WITH ME ELENA, DAUGHTER OF ONORARE, WHOM I HAVE BROUGHT HERE TO HIDE IN SAFETY!' Elena rubbed her ears from the noise.

Chrom rubbed his ear with his uninjured hand with all the yelling. "Peace, friend. I'm Chrom. I lead the Shepherds from here. Anyone from the Azure Dreamers who comes here for aid, will receive it." Chrom walked out towards Anon, even with his bandages still in place. "You said you need a safe hiding place for Elena, then I'll be happy to offer her shelter here."

It wasn't long before Frederick came out at all the noise, "Milord! Are you sure we can afford to do this?"

Chrom turned to Frederick, "Frederick, Even with our country in this state, we are still Shepherds. We cannot afford to not help out the people here in this time of crisis."

Frederick sighed, "Yes milord. As you wish."

Chrom turned back to Anon, "My apologies Anon was it? Frederick here can be a little subborn. The Shepherds can certainly offer Elena safety here. I swear it on my elder sister Emmeryn's grave!"

Anon: Good, I swore on my own I'd take he to safety. Her father has never broken a promise to me, nor I to him. Your generosity, it's much appreciated.

Elena: Yes, it really is. My father would be crying right now if he were here.

Anon: Oh yes, he'd be on his hands and knees, thanking you over and over again-

Elena: proclaiming how gracious it was for you to aid a commoner like him in these times-

Anon: Yes indeed, Onorare is actually quite a sap.

Chrom: Elena will be safe here. I won't let anything happen to her on my honor as Exalt of Ylisse.

Frederick: It's as milord wishes.

Chrom: Good. I appreciate your loyalty Frederick.

*to Anon* I imagine you'd like to say farewell to Elena before heading back. Take all the time you need and let me know when you're finished.

Anon: of course sir, thank you. Your promise is mutually beneficial, because if she is harmed, even if it kills me, I will tear the one responsible apart and send them bit by bit to her father. Or maybe I'm just blowing off steam! That's something I tend to do!

Elena just put her hand to her head and shook it.

Chrom: Rest assured Anon, no harm will come to Elena while I'm still alive. As long as I still draw breath, no harm shall come to Elena or any of the other children under the Shepherd's care.

Frederick: If milord wishes it, I'll take every safety precaution ensure Elena's complete safety.

Chrom: That's my intention, Frederick.

Frederick: Yes, milord.

Anon: Ha! Your knight is smart. Makes me wonder how someone so cautious got such a bad burn.

Elesa: *elbows Anon* Anon! That's rude!

Anon: Heh, you and father are more alike than you think! Always considering everyone, even when it's not opportune.

Chrom: Ah, this wound I have...it was from protecting my daughter, Lucina.

Frederick: Milords injury is my fault! Had I hastened my steps, milord won't have been--

Chrom: It's fine Frederick. Even if you'd intervened, you'd probably be in the same state as me.

Chrom: Well, I have been feeling more movement in this arm than usual. Though it may be a while before I'm able to wield a sword again. The injury was quite severe, I nearly lost my arm intercepting that attack meant for Lucina...

Anon: Who who-na?

Chrom: My daughter, she and my younger Lissa are the only remaining family I have left after that day.

Frederick: Milord, it's getting rather late.

Anon: Armor is right Blue Blood. Why for you go ahead, I'll send Elena in after I say goodbye.

Chrom: Of course. *to Frederick* Once Elena is inside the fortress, lock the door for the night. I'm counting on you. *goes inside to head to bed*

Frederick: Yes milord.

Anon: Well Elena, I may not know you well,-

Elena: Nor are you one for long goodbyes.

Anon: Hey, how did-?

Elena: Oh, my father has told me a few stories about you. I always thought he was joking until I actually saw your 'collection.' It was, surprising, to say the least.

Anon: Well, I'm known for surprising people.

Elena: Yeah, you certainly proved that.

Anon: *chuckle* Indeed I did...look, Elena, before I leave here, I won't you to know that Onorare loves you a lot. Every time he's told me about you he goes on about how proud of you he is. So I want you to stay safe with these people, and if something makes here not safe, you can run to your father or the dreamers, and if the later I'll make sure your provide for. It's not just because I made a promise that I care about your safety, I care about your safety...because I care about your family. So, just be careful, if just for Onorare's sake.

Elena: I...thanks. Thanks from my father as well as me. My family cares about you to Anon, my father speaks fondly of you. So, be safe yourself, I'm sure my father will want to thank you in person after this is done.

Anon: Of course. Hurry along now, *brushes Elena forward*


Anon: Well, that's one chapter closed *breathes a sigh of relief* now to return to base and start another...*sigh*

Despite having accomplished his side goal, the goal he had left made him feel heavy hearted upon thinking about it. Something felt...alone about the place, with him not being very social nor trusted among the dreamers, especially in comparison to his family and connections. However, he cared more to save the world than dig up old feelings, so he set aside his thoughts and began his trek home.

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Time to end the tale of Elena and Anon! This takes place on the day of the port battle and Anon's journey home takes him the duration of the final battle, so he does not arrive until the time skip.

Elena: Anon, how long have we been walking?

Anon: Oh, just a few hours.

The two individuals trekked through a thick forest, often climbing hand and foot over toppled trees and large boulders. Precursor to this was a long time spent navigating the desert, with consistent stops to read the map occurring throughout. Anon had read the map at least 50 times during their trip. He had checked te orientation a dozen times, checked his compass compare to other compasses three times, and often handed the map to Elena to see if she found something he had missed.

Anon: If I'm to believe this crudely drawn X, we should arrive any minute

Elena: You know Anon, maybe I should have just stayed with the Dreamers. I can fight perfectly well and it would be a lot simp-

Anon: Elena, I respect your competence, but I promised your father I'd take you somewhere safe, and there is CERTAINLY not safe.

Elena: *sigh* If you say so.

Anon: Hm...*checks map* it should be...there! *points right* Ha! Look! I think I see the entrance! Tarry ho!


Chrom was sitting outside the door, gazing at the stars above him. This night made him recall the starry night's he had spent with his wife before she was killed. Chrom was snapped from his thoughts when he noticed two figures approach, one appeared to be a small child with an adult. Getting up from his chair, Chrom called out to them, "Who's out there? Are you members of the Azure Dreamers?" Chrom called out, trying to make out the figures in the night with little torchlight.


Anon: Ah, well, this should be the place.

Elena: 'should be'?

Anon: You can never be to careful!

Anon drew his Swordslayer and held it to his side. 'I AM ANON OF THE AZURE DREAMERS! I HAVE WITH ME ELENA, DAUGHTER OF ONORARE, WHOM I HAVE BROUGHT HERE TO HIDE IN SAFETY!' Elena rubbed her ears from the noise.

Chrom rubbed his ear with his uninjured hand with all the yelling. "Peace, friend. I'm Chrom. I lead the Shepherds from here. Anyone from the Azure Dreamers who comes here for aid, will receive it." Chrom walked out towards Anon, even with his bandages still in place. "You said you need a safe hiding place for Elena, then I'll be happy to offer her shelter here."

It wasn't long before Frederick came out at all the noise, "Milord! Are you sure we can afford to do this?"

Chrom turned to Frederick, "Frederick, Even with our country in this state, we are still Shepherds. We cannot afford to not help out the people here in this time of crisis."

Frederick sighed, "Yes milord. As you wish."

Chrom turned back to Anon, "My apologies Anon was it? Frederick here can be a little subborn. The Shepherds can certainly offer Elena safety here. I swear it on my elder sister Emmeryn's grave!"

Anon: Good, I swore on my own I'd take he to safety. Her father has never broken a promise to me, nor I to him. Your generosity, it's much appreciated.

Elena: Yes, it really is. My father would be crying right now if he were here.

Anon: Oh yes, he'd be on his hands and knees, thanking you over and over again-

Elena: proclaiming how gracious it was for you to aid a commoner like him in these times-

Anon: Yes indeed, Onorare is actually quite a sap.

Chrom: Elena will be safe here. I won't let anything happen to her on my honor as Exalt of Ylisse.

Frederick: It's as milord wishes.

Chrom: Good. I appreciate your loyalty Frederick.

*to Anon* I imagine you'd like to say farewell to Elena before heading back. Take all the time you need and let me know when you're finished.

Anon: of course sir, thank you. Your promise is mutually beneficial, because if she is harmed, even if it kills me, I will tear the one responsible apart and send them bit by bit to her father. Or maybe I'm just blowing off steam! That's something I tend to do!

Elena just put her hand to her head and shook it.

Chrom: Rest assured Anon, no harm will come to Elena while I'm still alive. As long as I still draw breath, no harm shall come to Elena or any of the other children under the Shepherd's care.

Frederick: If milord wishes it, I'll take every safety precaution ensure Elena's complete safety.

Chrom: That's my intention, Frederick.

Frederick: Yes, milord.

Anon: Ha! Your knight is smart. Makes me wonder how someone so cautious got such a bad burn.

Elesa: *elbows Anon* Anon! That's rude!

Anon: Heh, you and father are more alike than you think! Always considering everyone, even when it's not opportune.

Chrom: Ah, this wound I have...it was from protecting my daughter, Lucina.

Frederick: Milords injury is my fault! Had I hastened my steps, milord won't have been--

Chrom: It's fine Frederick. Even if you'd intervened, you'd probably be in the same state as me.

Chrom: Well, I have been feeling more movement in this arm than usual. Though it may be a while before I'm able to wield a sword again. The injury was quite severe, I nearly lost my arm intercepting that attack meant for Lucina...

Anon: Who who-na?

Chrom: My daughter, she and my younger Lissa are the only remaining family I have left after that day.

Frederick: Milord, it's getting rather late.

Anon: Armor is right Blue Blood. Why for you go ahead, I'll send Elena in after I say goodbye.

Chrom: Of course. *to Frederick* Once Elena is inside the fortress, lock the door for the night. I'm counting on you. *goes inside to head to bed*

Frederick: Yes milord.

Anon: Well Elena, I may not know you well,-

Elena: Nor are you one for long goodbyes.

Anon: Hey, how did-?

Elena: Oh, my father has told me a few stories about you. I always thought he was joking until I actually saw your 'collection.' It was, surprising, to say the least.

Anon: Well, I'm known for surprising people.

Elena: Yeah, you certainly proved that.

Anon: *chuckle* Indeed I did...look, Elena, before I leave here, I won't you to know that Onorare loves you a lot. Every time he's told me about you he goes on about how proud of you he is. So I want you to stay safe with these people, and if something makes here not safe, you can run to your father or the dreamers, and if the later I'll make sure your provide for. It's not just because I made a promise that I care about your safety, I care about your safety...because I care about your family. So, just be careful, if just for Onorare's sake.

Elena: I...thanks. Thanks from my father as well as me. My family cares about you to Anon, my father speaks fondly of you. So, be safe yourself, I'm sure my father will want to thank you in person after this is done.

Anon: Of course. Hurry along now, *brushes Elena forward*


Anon: Well, that's one chapter closed *breathes a sigh of relief* now to return to base and start another...*sigh*

Despite having accomplished his side goal, the goal he had left made him feel heavy hearted upon thinking about it. Something felt...alone about the place, with him not being very social nor trusted among the dreamers, especially in comparison to his family and connections. However, he cared more to save the world than dig up old feelings, so he set aside his thoughts and began his trek home.

This is really good.
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Time to end the tale of Elena and Anon! This takes place on the day of the port battle and Anon's journey home takes him the duration of the final battle, so he does not arrive until the time skip.

Elena: Anon, how long have we been walking?

Anon: Oh, just a few hours.

The two individuals trekked through a thick forest, often climbing hand and foot over toppled trees and large boulders. Precursor to this was a long time spent navigating the desert, with consistent stops to read the map occurring throughout. Anon had read the map at least 50 times during their trip. He had checked te orientation a dozen times, checked his compass compare to other compasses three times, and often handed the map to Elena to see if she found something he had missed.

Anon: If I'm to believe this crudely drawn X, we should arrive any minute

Elena: You know Anon, maybe I should have just stayed with the Dreamers. I can fight perfectly well and it would be a lot simp-

Anon: Elena, I respect your competence, but I promised your father I'd take you somewhere safe, and there is CERTAINLY not safe.

Elena: *sigh* If you say so.

Anon: Hm...*checks map* it should be...there! *points right* Ha! Look! I think I see the entrance! Tarry ho!


Chrom was sitting outside the door, gazing at the stars above him. This night made him recall the starry night's he had spent with his wife before she was killed. Chrom was snapped from his thoughts when he noticed two figures approach, one appeared to be a small child with an adult. Getting up from his chair, Chrom called out to them, "Who's out there? Are you members of the Azure Dreamers?" Chrom called out, trying to make out the figures in the night with little torchlight.


Anon: Ah, well, this should be the place.

Elena: 'should be'?

Anon: You can never be to careful!

Anon drew his Swordslayer and held it to his side. 'I AM ANON OF THE AZURE DREAMERS! I HAVE WITH ME ELENA, DAUGHTER OF ONORARE, WHOM I HAVE BROUGHT HERE TO HIDE IN SAFETY!' Elena rubbed her ears from the noise.

Chrom rubbed his ear with his uninjured hand with all the yelling. "Peace, friend. I'm Chrom. I lead the Shepherds from here. Anyone from the Azure Dreamers who comes here for aid, will receive it." Chrom walked out towards Anon, even with his bandages still in place. "You said you need a safe hiding place for Elena, then I'll be happy to offer her shelter here."

It wasn't long before Frederick came out at all the noise, "Milord! Are you sure we can afford to do this?"

Chrom turned to Frederick, "Frederick, Even with our country in this state, we are still Shepherds. We cannot afford to not help out the people here in this time of crisis."

Frederick sighed, "Yes milord. As you wish."

Chrom turned back to Anon, "My apologies Anon was it? Frederick here can be a little subborn. The Shepherds can certainly offer Elena safety here. I swear it on my elder sister Emmeryn's grave!"

Anon: Good, I swore on my own I'd take he to safety. Her father has never broken a promise to me, nor I to him. Your generosity, it's much appreciated.

Elena: Yes, it really is. My father would be crying right now if he were here.

Anon: Oh yes, he'd be on his hands and knees, thanking you over and over again-

Elena: proclaiming how gracious it was for you to aid a commoner like him in these times-

Anon: Yes indeed, Onorare is actually quite a sap.

Chrom: Elena will be safe here. I won't let anything happen to her on my honor as Exalt of Ylisse.

Frederick: It's as milord wishes.

Chrom: Good. I appreciate your loyalty Frederick.

*to Anon* I imagine you'd like to say farewell to Elena before heading back. Take all the time you need and let me know when you're finished.

Anon: of course sir, thank you. Your promise is mutually beneficial, because if she is harmed, even if it kills me, I will tear the one responsible apart and send them bit by bit to her father. Or maybe I'm just blowing off steam! That's something I tend to do!

Elena just put her hand to her head and shook it.

Chrom: Rest assured Anon, no harm will come to Elena while I'm still alive. As long as I still draw breath, no harm shall come to Elena or any of the other children under the Shepherd's care.

Frederick: If milord wishes it, I'll take every safety precaution ensure Elena's complete safety.

Chrom: That's my intention, Frederick.

Frederick: Yes, milord.

Anon: Ha! Your knight is smart. Makes me wonder how someone so cautious got such a bad burn.

Elesa: *elbows Anon* Anon! That's rude!

Anon: Heh, you and father are more alike than you think! Always considering everyone, even when it's not opportune.

Chrom: Ah, this wound I have...it was from protecting my daughter, Lucina.

Frederick: Milords injury is my fault! Had I hastened my steps, milord won't have been--

Chrom: It's fine Frederick. Even if you'd intervened, you'd probably be in the same state as me.

Chrom: Well, I have been feeling more movement in this arm than usual. Though it may be a while before I'm able to wield a sword again. The injury was quite severe, I nearly lost my arm intercepting that attack meant for Lucina...

Anon: Who who-na?

Chrom: My daughter, she and my younger Lissa are the only remaining family I have left after that day.

Frederick: Milord, it's getting rather late.

Anon: Armor is right Blue Blood. Why for you go ahead, I'll send Elena in after I say goodbye.

Chrom: Of course. *to Frederick* Once Elena is inside the fortress, lock the door for the night. I'm counting on you. *goes inside to head to bed*

Frederick: Yes milord.

Anon: Well Elena, I may not know you well,-

Elena: Nor are you one for long goodbyes.

Anon: Hey, how did-?

Elena: Oh, my father has told me a few stories about you. I always thought he was joking until I actually saw your 'collection.' It was, surprising, to say the least.

Anon: Well, I'm known for surprising people.

Elena: Yeah, you certainly proved that.

Anon: *chuckle* Indeed I did...look, Elena, before I leave here, I won't you to know that Onorare loves you a lot. Every time he's told me about you he goes on about how proud of you he is. So I want you to stay safe with these people, and if something makes here not safe, you can run to your father or the dreamers, and if the later I'll make sure your provide for. It's not just because I made a promise that I care about your safety, I care about your safety...because I care about your family. So, just be careful, if just for Onorare's sake.

Elena: I...thanks. Thanks from my father as well as me. My family cares about you to Anon, my father speaks fondly of you. So, be safe yourself, I'm sure my father will want to thank you in person after this is done.

Anon: Of course. Hurry along now, *brushes Elena forward*


Anon: Well, that's one chapter closed *breathes a sigh of relief* now to return to base and start another...*sigh*

Despite having accomplished his side goal, the goal he had left made him feel heavy hearted upon thinking about it. Something felt...alone about the place, with him not being very social nor trusted among the dreamers, especially in comparison to his family and connections. However, he cared more to save the world than dig up old feelings, so he set aside his thoughts and began his trek home.


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Reposting the groups for the Time Skip:






Ylisse - Full







(Klotho joins during the time skip with this group)

Ferox - Full










Edited by Kat
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Reposting the groups for the Time Skip:






Ylisse - Full







(Klotho joins during the time skip with this group)

Ferox - Full










Add Jxemas to unknown.
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Time to end the tale of Elena and Anon! This takes place on the day of the port battle and Anon's journey home takes him the duration of the final battle, so he does not arrive until the time skip.

Elena: Anon, how long have we been walking?

Anon: Oh, just a few hours.

The two individuals trekked through a thick forest, often climbing hand and foot over toppled trees and large boulders. Precursor to this was a long time spent navigating the desert, with consistent stops to read the map occurring throughout. Anon had read the map at least 50 times during their trip. He had checked te orientation a dozen times, checked his compass compare to other compasses three times, and often handed the map to Elena to see if she found something he had missed.

Anon: If I'm to believe this crudely drawn X, we should arrive any minute

Elena: You know Anon, maybe I should have just stayed with the Dreamers. I can fight perfectly well and it would be a lot simp-

Anon: Elena, I respect your competence, but I promised your father I'd take you somewhere safe, and there is CERTAINLY not safe.

Elena: *sigh* If you say so.

Anon: Hm...*checks map* it should be...there! *points right* Ha! Look! I think I see the entrance! Tarry ho!


Chrom was sitting outside the door, gazing at the stars above him. This night made him recall the starry night's he had spent with his wife before she was killed. Chrom was snapped from his thoughts when he noticed two figures approach, one appeared to be a small child with an adult. Getting up from his chair, Chrom called out to them, "Who's out there? Are you members of the Azure Dreamers?" Chrom called out, trying to make out the figures in the night with little torchlight.


Anon: Ah, well, this should be the place.

Elena: 'should be'?

Anon: You can never be to careful!

Anon drew his Swordslayer and held it to his side. 'I AM ANON OF THE AZURE DREAMERS! I HAVE WITH ME ELENA, DAUGHTER OF ONORARE, WHOM I HAVE BROUGHT HERE TO HIDE IN SAFETY!' Elena rubbed her ears from the noise.

Chrom rubbed his ear with his uninjured hand with all the yelling. "Peace, friend. I'm Chrom. I lead the Shepherds from here. Anyone from the Azure Dreamers who comes here for aid, will receive it." Chrom walked out towards Anon, even with his bandages still in place. "You said you need a safe hiding place for Elena, then I'll be happy to offer her shelter here."

It wasn't long before Frederick came out at all the noise, "Milord! Are you sure we can afford to do this?"

Chrom turned to Frederick, "Frederick, Even with our country in this state, we are still Shepherds. We cannot afford to not help out the people here in this time of crisis."

Frederick sighed, "Yes milord. As you wish."

Chrom turned back to Anon, "My apologies Anon was it? Frederick here can be a little subborn. The Shepherds can certainly offer Elena safety here. I swear it on my elder sister Emmeryn's grave!"

Anon: Good, I swore on my own I'd take he to safety. Her father has never broken a promise to me, nor I to him. Your generosity, it's much appreciated.

Elena: Yes, it really is. My father would be crying right now if he were here.

Anon: Oh yes, he'd be on his hands and knees, thanking you over and over again-

Elena: proclaiming how gracious it was for you to aid a commoner like him in these times-

Anon: Yes indeed, Onorare is actually quite a sap.

Chrom: Elena will be safe here. I won't let anything happen to her on my honor as Exalt of Ylisse.

Frederick: It's as milord wishes.

Chrom: Good. I appreciate your loyalty Frederick.

*to Anon* I imagine you'd like to say farewell to Elena before heading back. Take all the time you need and let me know when you're finished.

Anon: of course sir, thank you. Your promise is mutually beneficial, because if she is harmed, even if it kills me, I will tear the one responsible apart and send them bit by bit to her father. Or maybe I'm just blowing off steam! That's something I tend to do!

Elena just put her hand to her head and shook it.

Chrom: Rest assured Anon, no harm will come to Elena while I'm still alive. As long as I still draw breath, no harm shall come to Elena or any of the other children under the Shepherd's care.

Frederick: If milord wishes it, I'll take every safety precaution ensure Elena's complete safety.

Chrom: That's my intention, Frederick.

Frederick: Yes, milord.

Anon: Ha! Your knight is smart. Makes me wonder how someone so cautious got such a bad burn.

Elesa: *elbows Anon* Anon! That's rude!

Anon: Heh, you and father are more alike than you think! Always considering everyone, even when it's not opportune.

Chrom: Ah, this wound I have...it was from protecting my daughter, Lucina.

Frederick: Milords injury is my fault! Had I hastened my steps, milord won't have been--

Chrom: It's fine Frederick. Even if you'd intervened, you'd probably be in the same state as me.

Chrom: Well, I have been feeling more movement in this arm than usual. Though it may be a while before I'm able to wield a sword again. The injury was quite severe, I nearly lost my arm intercepting that attack meant for Lucina...

Anon: Who who-na?

Chrom: My daughter, she and my younger Lissa are the only remaining family I have left after that day.

Frederick: Milord, it's getting rather late.

Anon: Armor is right Blue Blood. Why for you go ahead, I'll send Elena in after I say goodbye.

Chrom: Of course. *to Frederick* Once Elena is inside the fortress, lock the door for the night. I'm counting on you. *goes inside to head to bed*

Frederick: Yes milord.

Anon: Well Elena, I may not know you well,-

Elena: Nor are you one for long goodbyes.

Anon: Hey, how did-?

Elena: Oh, my father has told me a few stories about you. I always thought he was joking until I actually saw your 'collection.' It was, surprising, to say the least.

Anon: Well, I'm known for surprising people.

Elena: Yeah, you certainly proved that.

Anon: *chuckle* Indeed I did...look, Elena, before I leave here, I won't you to know that Onorare loves you a lot. Every time he's told me about you he goes on about how proud of you he is. So I want you to stay safe with these people, and if something makes here not safe, you can run to your father or the dreamers, and if the later I'll make sure your provide for. It's not just because I made a promise that I care about your safety, I care about your safety...because I care about your family. So, just be careful, if just for Onorare's sake.

Elena: I...thanks. Thanks from my father as well as me. My family cares about you to Anon, my father speaks fondly of you. So, be safe yourself, I'm sure my father will want to thank you in person after this is done.

Anon: Of course. Hurry along now, *brushes Elena forward*


Anon: Well, that's one chapter closed *breathes a sigh of relief* now to return to base and start another...*sigh*

Despite having accomplished his side goal, the goal he had left made him feel heavy hearted upon thinking about it. Something felt...alone about the place, with him not being very social nor trusted among the dreamers, especially in comparison to his family and connections. However, he cared more to save the world than dig up old feelings, so he set aside his thoughts and began his trek home.

kudos to you Anon! This came out well.

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Ylisse - Full







(Klotho joins during the time skip with this group)

Ferox - Full











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Ylisse - Full







(Klotho joins during the time skip with this group)

Ferox - Full











(Anon will go with whatever army he's ordered to be in)

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(Anon will go with whatever army he's ordered to be in)

(This is just groupings for the time skip, Anon. Everyone is meeting up again in the Ferox Port after the 6 month time skip. This is SOLEY for supports and/or skits during said time skip.)

(Also, I'm going to go ahead and suggest that tomorrow be spent solely with Time Skip stuff. Skits, Supports, class changes, skill changes, weapon changes, and/or sending in the arc/mode-epilogue to Dusk or me. And then we'd continue with the story proper on monday(?))

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