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... Go on.

You don't get a link. You upsetted me. >:)

Also, Poly ol' buddy: Do you wanna write something with me for the time-skip? It'd essentially be dialogue between our characters whilst training with character development.

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You don't get a link. You upsetted me. >:)

Also, Poly ol' buddy: Do you wanna write something with me for the time-skip? It'd essentially be dialogue between our characters whilst training with character development.

We could.

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So, this is how much of Marth's Paralogue that I actually have complete. Despite its length, its really not much, other than the start. I've yet to solidify the battle scene

[spoiler=A King's Dying Wishes: The Journey Begins]After waving goodbye to Silvia, Ace, Kat, and Poly, Marth made his way over to the base of the mountain in search of the Old Hubba’s home. It should be somewhere down here…. How hard could it be to find a house after all? Then again, he’d have to climb his way down. And…. it’s a LOOONG way down from where he’s standing. Nevertheless, Marth was unafraid of the heights that he faced and scaled his way downward, leap by leap. As he ventured for hours to reach the base, he saw some rather breathtaking views of the viridian blades of grass shining of the morning dew, along with the golden sun’s gentle caress of the horizon as it began to fall. Just merely laying foot on the sacred grounds, he could feel the divine power flowing through the grass that he walked on, the pure, crystal clear waters and the serene atmosphere itself that he breathed.

As he continued along the path, to his surprise, it led to the mighty and endlessly streaming waterfall. Don’t tell me this is a dead end. Mila and Kat said he was at the base, and here I am. Unless……. He could be beyond the waterfall, deeper within. Marth wasted no time dawdling and jumped right into the waterfall. When he entered he took notice of a lantern at the end of the waterfall cave. Moving closer to the light, it turns out that he indeed has found Hubba’s home. But….. is anyone even home at this moment? Only one way to find out.

Marth: *knock knock knock*




*knock knock knock* Hello? Is anybody home? Hubba, are you there? Helloooo!




Hubba:*Yawns* Who could possibly want me at this hour? Everyone knows this is my regular-Oooh, it could be a fetching lass waiting for me! Or even that dearest Aversa, ready to take me back! *reaches for the nearest vase of flowers within his home and walks over to open the door* Why hell- oooooh! Marth?!

Marth: Were you….expecting someone else?

Hubba:*flushed from his mistake* Me? Uh… no, of course not! Why ever would you think that? Though I would have preferred Eirika

Marth: Uh… riiiiight. Anyway, do you know why I am here?

Hubba: Well, from what I remember, the only way you would ever come to seek me out is if….. Ah, so the time has finally come has it?

Marth: Yes. I come searching for the truth. Why am I an Einherjar? And what purpose do I serve in being one?

Hubba: Very well then. Follow me, all of your questions will be answered in due time.

Marth followed Hubba to the back of his home, into an open space by a wall.

Marth: ….so, what am I supposed to be looking at here?

Hubba: Have some patience, young King. I just might amaze you with what I am about to do.

Marth: Is that so? Hubba, have you made the proper preparations? If so, then enlighten me

Hubba: Give me a minute here. For centuries, I have overseen the realms of ages long past, along with being the keeper of the Einherjar. Should a time arise where the Einherjar were to ever become a problem, I devised a certain technique to allow myself to travel within the Outrealms without the use of the gate. But before I do anything, what exactly made you so desperate to come to me for travel? The gate is still intact, is it not?

Marth: Er… no actually. The gate was destroyed by a man named Phiobus.Now, the friends that I have made here are trapped within this world and cannot go back to their homes.

Hubba: Well, this looks to be quite the issue you have here. I hope they had the chance to say their goodbyes, cause they’re gonna be here for quite some time, if not forever.

Marth: Hubba!

Hubba: I didn’t mean it, Gods! Now, if I remember correctly….. *begins chanting incomprehensible words* *raises hands forward* Aaaannnd presto! *An Outrealm portal appears*

The portal was a light teal blue color that spiraled endlessly with energy. The center was a bright white and looked as though it would envelope anything that came within a few inches from it.

Marth: *staring in awe* Marvelous. I didn’t think there would be a way to create a portal of your own. You’ve outdone yourself

Hubba: *acting smug from his feat* Well of course! You couldn’t expect anything less from the Overseer of the Outrealms! As a matter fact, I have quite a few tricks that I-

Marth wasn’t listening. His attention was still captivated by the portal’s presence. AS he continued to stare, he didn’t notice that he was making small steps forward, into the portal’s direction, almost as if he was possessed. He felt as if something was… calling for him, in the realms beyond. Something…… familiar

Hubba: *Shaking Marth’s shoulder* Hey! You, Snap out of it!

Marth: *Snaps out of it and shakes his head* Huh. What? Oh, sorry.

Hubba: I should warn you, this journey will be like none that you’ve ever ventured. Time flows differently in each outrealm. What may have been a day over there could be well over a month here. Once you step in, there is no turning around until the deed is completed, and even then, the portal will not last forever. If it is Naga that you seek, then you must first brave an Outrealm war currently amidst among the other Einherjar.

Marth: Is that so? And who is the one responsible for making such a war happen.

Hubba: ….T-that’s not important! The point is, where I am about to take you has the only route that will take you to the Alterspire, where Naga resides, which is currently at war. The odds are stacked against you.

Marth: Never fear Hubba. I am certain that I can handle it. After all, you did entrust me with a hidden power, did you not?

Hubba: A power that should not be used recklessly. You have yet to properly utilize what has been given to you. Actually, you don’t even know what it even is yet.

Marth: Oh…. Right.

Hubba: Don’t worry Marth. I can grant you assistance in ending the feud.

Marth: Really? That would make reaching Naga all the more possible. But… aren’t you a little too old to be fighting?

Hubba: You actually thought I was going out there!? Are you out of your mind?! I meant that I will summon allies to you. These brittle bones of mine can’t handle such a battle. Anyways, this journey will indeed provide you with the answers you seek, but it also just might surprise you in the end. Are you ready to find your destiny?

Marth closed his eyes and placed a hand onto his heart. He then thought of all of the events that have unfolded within his memory. The two wars in ages long past, and his current struggle with the Azure Dreamers. They are all fighting for a way back home, and an end to the threat that the future faces at the hands of Anna. By going on this journey, I can finally put my mind at rest and not worry about what happens next. By going on this journey, I can acquire the strength to fulfill my promise to the Dreamers and put an end to all suffering, and allow a safe way home for everyone. Then, Sorin, Silvia and Ace won’t have to grieve over never being able to see their families again. Then, Kat won’t have to worry about her next life and enjoy the one that she currently has. Then, Dusk won’t have to bear the burden of his guilt and not seclude himself anymore. Then, Duck might be able to return to his home in Elibe. Then, Shadowfrost might finally be freed from his sins, and maybe his incarnations can live on without the shadows of his actions haunting them. This would be exactly what you would have done, isn’t it? Marth?

Marth: Yes. I am ready to go.

Hubba: Then let us be off. Your destiny awaits you.

With courage and resolve, Marth, accompanied by Hubba, entered the portal into the Outrealms. His journey begins, now.

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So, this is how much of Marth's Paralogue that I actually have complete. Despite its length, its really not much, other than the start. I've yet to solidify the battle scene

[spoiler=A King's Dying Wishes: The Journey Begins]After waving goodbye to Silvia, Ace, Kat, and Poly, Marth made his way over to the base of the mountain in search of the Old Hubba’s home. It should be somewhere down here…. How hard could it be to find a house after all? Then again, he’d have to climb his way down. And…. it’s a LOOONG way down from where he’s standing. Nevertheless, Marth was unafraid of the heights that he faced and scaled his way downward, leap by leap. As he ventured for hours to reach the base, he saw some rather breathtaking views of the viridian blades of grass shining of the morning dew, along with the golden sun’s gentle caress of the horizon as it began to fall. Just merely laying foot on the sacred grounds, he could feel the divine power flowing through the grass that he walked on, the pure, crystal clear waters and the serene atmosphere itself that he breathed.

As he continued along the path, to his surprise, it led to the mighty and endlessly streaming waterfall. Don’t tell me this is a dead end. Mila and Kat said he was at the base, and here I am. Unless……. He could be beyond the waterfall, deeper within. Marth wasted no time dawdling and jumped right into the waterfall. When he entered he took notice of a lantern at the end of the waterfall cave. Moving closer to the light, it turns out that he indeed has found Hubba’s home. But….. is anyone even home at this moment? Only one way to find out.

Marth: *knock knock knock*




*knock knock knock* Hello? Is anybody home? Hubba, are you there? Helloooo!




Hubba:*Yawns* Who could possibly want me at this hour? Everyone knows this is my regular-Oooh, it could be a fetching lass waiting for me! Or even that dearest Aversa, ready to take me back! *reaches for the nearest vase of flowers within his home and walks over to open the door* Why hell- oooooh! Marth?!

Marth: Were you….expecting someone else?

Hubba:*flushed from his mistake* Me? Uh… no, of course not! Why ever would you think that? Though I would have preferred Eirika

Marth: Uh… riiiiight. Anyway, do you know why I am here?

Hubba: Well, from what I remember, the only way you would ever come to seek me out is if….. Ah, so the time has finally come has it?

Marth: Yes. I come searching for the truth. Why am I an Einherjar? And what purpose do I serve in being one?

Hubba: Very well then. Follow me, all of your questions will be answered in due time.

Marth followed Hubba to the back of his home, into an open space by a wall.

Marth: ….so, what am I supposed to be looking at here?

Hubba: Have some patience, young King. I just might amaze you with what I am about to do.

Marth: Is that so? Hubba, have you made the proper preparations? If so, then enlighten me

Hubba: Give me a minute here. For centuries, I have overseen the realms of ages long past, along with being the keeper of the Einherjar. Should a time arise where the Einherjar were to ever become a problem, I devised a certain technique to allow myself to travel within the Outrealms without the use of the gate. But before I do anything, what exactly made you so desperate to come to me for travel? The gate is still intact, is it not?

Marth: Er… no actually. The gate was destroyed by a man named Phiobus.Now, the friends that I have made here are trapped within this world and cannot go back to their homes.

Hubba: Well, this looks to be quite the issue you have here. I hope they had the chance to say their goodbyes, cause they’re gonna be here for quite some time, if not forever.

Marth: Hubba!

Hubba: I didn’t mean it, Gods! Now, if I remember correctly….. *begins chanting incomprehensible words* *raises hands forward* Aaaannnd presto! *An Outrealm portal appears*

The portal was a light teal blue color that spiraled endlessly with energy. The center was a bright white and looked as though it would envelope anything that came within a few inches from it.

Marth: *staring in awe* Marvelous. I didn’t think there would be a way to create a portal of your own. You’ve outdone yourself

Hubba: *acting smug from his feat* Well of course! You couldn’t expect anything less from the Overseer of the Outrealms! As a matter fact, I have quite a few tricks that I-

Marth wasn’t listening. His attention was still captivated by the portal’s presence. AS he continued to stare, he didn’t notice that he was making small steps forward, into the portal’s direction, almost as if he was possessed. He felt as if something was… calling for him, in the realms beyond. Something…… familiar

Hubba: *Shaking Marth’s shoulder* Hey! You, Snap out of it!

Marth: *Snaps out of it and shakes his head* Huh. What? Oh, sorry.

Hubba: I should warn you, this journey will be like none that you’ve ever ventured. Time flows differently in each outrealm. What may have been a day over there could be well over a month here. Once you step in, there is no turning around until the deed is completed, and even then, the portal will not last forever. If it is Naga that you seek, then you must first brave an Outrealm war currently amidst among the other Einherjar.

Marth: Is that so? And who is the one responsible for making such a war happen.

Hubba: ….T-that’s not important! The point is, where I am about to take you has the only route that will take you to the Alterspire, where Naga resides, which is currently at war. The odds are stacked against you.

Marth: Never fear Hubba. I am certain that I can handle it. After all, you did entrust me with a hidden power, did you not?

Hubba: A power that should not be used recklessly. You have yet to properly utilize what has been given to you. Actually, you don’t even know what it even is yet.

Marth: Oh…. Right.

Hubba: Don’t worry Marth. I can grant you assistance in ending the feud.

Marth: Really? That would make reaching Naga all the more possible. But… aren’t you a little too old to be fighting?

Hubba: You actually thought I was going out there!? Are you out of your mind?! I meant that I will summon allies to you. These brittle bones of mine can’t handle such a battle. Anyways, this journey will indeed provide you with the answers you seek, but it also just might surprise you in the end. Are you ready to find your destiny?

Marth closed his eyes and placed a hand onto his heart. He then thought of all of the events that have unfolded within his memory. The two wars in ages long past, and his current struggle with the Azure Dreamers. They are all fighting for a way back home, and an end to the threat that the future faces at the hands of Anna. By going on this journey, I can finally put my mind at rest and not worry about what happens next. By going on this journey, I can acquire the strength to fulfill my promise to the Dreamers and put an end to all suffering, and allow a safe way home for everyone. Then, Sorin, Silvia and Ace won’t have to grieve over never being able to see their families again. Then, Kat won’t have to worry about her next life and enjoy the one that she currently has. Then, Dusk won’t have to bear the burden of his guilt and not seclude himself anymore. Then, Duck might be able to return to his home in Elibe. Then, Shadowfrost might finally be freed from his sins, and maybe his incarnations can live on without the shadows of his actions haunting them. This would be exactly what you would have done, isn’t it? Marth?

Marth: Yes. I am ready to go.

Hubba: Then let us be off. Your destiny awaits you.

With courage and resolve, Marth, accompanied by Hubba, entered the portal into the Outrealms. His journey begins, now.


This is gun be guud

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So, this is how much of Marth's Paralogue that I actually have complete. Despite its length, its really not much, other than the start. I've yet to solidify the battle scene

[spoiler=A King's Dying Wishes: The Journey Begins]After waving goodbye to Silvia, Ace, Kat, and Poly, Marth made his way over to the base of the mountain in search of the Old Hubba’s home. It should be somewhere down here…. How hard could it be to find a house after all? Then again, he’d have to climb his way down. And…. it’s a LOOONG way down from where he’s standing. Nevertheless, Marth was unafraid of the heights that he faced and scaled his way downward, leap by leap. As he ventured for hours to reach the base, he saw some rather breathtaking views of the viridian blades of grass shining of the morning dew, along with the golden sun’s gentle caress of the horizon as it began to fall. Just merely laying foot on the sacred grounds, he could feel the divine power flowing through the grass that he walked on, the pure, crystal clear waters and the serene atmosphere itself that he breathed.

As he continued along the path, to his surprise, it led to the mighty and endlessly streaming waterfall. Don’t tell me this is a dead end. Mila and Kat said he was at the base, and here I am. Unless……. He could be beyond the waterfall, deeper within. Marth wasted no time dawdling and jumped right into the waterfall. When he entered he took notice of a lantern at the end of the waterfall cave. Moving closer to the light, it turns out that he indeed has found Hubba’s home. But….. is anyone even home at this moment? Only one way to find out.

Marth: *knock knock knock*




*knock knock knock* Hello? Is anybody home? Hubba, are you there? Helloooo!




Hubba:*Yawns* Who could possibly want me at this hour? Everyone knows this is my regular-Oooh, it could be a fetching lass waiting for me! Or even that dearest Aversa, ready to take me back! *reaches for the nearest vase of flowers within his home and walks over to open the door* Why hell- oooooh! Marth?!

Marth: Were you….expecting someone else?

Hubba:*flushed from his mistake* Me? Uh… no, of course not! Why ever would you think that? Though I would have preferred Eirika

Marth: Uh… riiiiight. Anyway, do you know why I am here?

Hubba: Well, from what I remember, the only way you would ever come to seek me out is if….. Ah, so the time has finally come has it?

Marth: Yes. I come searching for the truth. Why am I an Einherjar? And what purpose do I serve in being one?

Hubba: Very well then. Follow me, all of your questions will be answered in due time.

Marth followed Hubba to the back of his home, into an open space by a wall.

Marth: ….so, what am I supposed to be looking at here?

Hubba: Have some patience, young King. I just might amaze you with what I am about to do.

Marth: Is that so? Hubba, have you made the proper preparations? If so, then enlighten me

Hubba: Give me a minute here. For centuries, I have overseen the realms of ages long past, along with being the keeper of the Einherjar. Should a time arise where the Einherjar were to ever become a problem, I devised a certain technique to allow myself to travel within the Outrealms without the use of the gate. But before I do anything, what exactly made you so desperate to come to me for travel? The gate is still intact, is it not?

Marth: Er… no actually. The gate was destroyed by a man named Phiobus.Now, the friends that I have made here are trapped within this world and cannot go back to their homes.

Hubba: Well, this looks to be quite the issue you have here. I hope they had the chance to say their goodbyes, cause they’re gonna be here for quite some time, if not forever.

Marth: Hubba!

Hubba: I didn’t mean it, Gods! Now, if I remember correctly….. *begins chanting incomprehensible words* *raises hands forward* Aaaannnd presto! *An Outrealm portal appears*

The portal was a light teal blue color that spiraled endlessly with energy. The center was a bright white and looked as though it would envelope anything that came within a few inches from it.

Marth: *staring in awe* Marvelous. I didn’t think there would be a way to create a portal of your own. You’ve outdone yourself

Hubba: *acting smug from his feat* Well of course! You couldn’t expect anything less from the Overseer of the Outrealms! As a matter fact, I have quite a few tricks that I-

Marth wasn’t listening. His attention was still captivated by the portal’s presence. AS he continued to stare, he didn’t notice that he was making small steps forward, into the portal’s direction, almost as if he was possessed. He felt as if something was… calling for him, in the realms beyond. Something…… familiar

Hubba: *Shaking Marth’s shoulder* Hey! You, Snap out of it!

Marth: *Snaps out of it and shakes his head* Huh. What? Oh, sorry.

Hubba: I should warn you, this journey will be like none that you’ve ever ventured. Time flows differently in each outrealm. What may have been a day over there could be well over a month here. Once you step in, there is no turning around until the deed is completed, and even then, the portal will not last forever. If it is Naga that you seek, then you must first brave an Outrealm war currently amidst among the other Einherjar.

Marth: Is that so? And who is the one responsible for making such a war happen.

Hubba: ….T-that’s not important! The point is, where I am about to take you has the only route that will take you to the Alterspire, where Naga resides, which is currently at war. The odds are stacked against you.

Marth: Never fear Hubba. I am certain that I can handle it. After all, you did entrust me with a hidden power, did you not?

Hubba: A power that should not be used recklessly. You have yet to properly utilize what has been given to you. Actually, you don’t even know what it even is yet.

Marth: Oh…. Right.

Hubba: Don’t worry Marth. I can grant you assistance in ending the feud.

Marth: Really? That would make reaching Naga all the more possible. But… aren’t you a little too old to be fighting?

Hubba: You actually thought I was going out there!? Are you out of your mind?! I meant that I will summon allies to you. These brittle bones of mine can’t handle such a battle. Anyways, this journey will indeed provide you with the answers you seek, but it also just might surprise you in the end. Are you ready to find your destiny?

Marth closed his eyes and placed a hand onto his heart. He then thought of all of the events that have unfolded within his memory. The two wars in ages long past, and his current struggle with the Azure Dreamers. They are all fighting for a way back home, and an end to the threat that the future faces at the hands of Anna. By going on this journey, I can finally put my mind at rest and not worry about what happens next. By going on this journey, I can acquire the strength to fulfill my promise to the Dreamers and put an end to all suffering, and allow a safe way home for everyone. Then, Sorin, Silvia and Ace won’t have to grieve over never being able to see their families again. Then, Kat won’t have to worry about her next life and enjoy the one that she currently has. Then, Dusk won’t have to bear the burden of his guilt and not seclude himself anymore. Then, Duck might be able to return to his home in Elibe. Then, Shadowfrost might finally be freed from his sins, and maybe his incarnations can live on without the shadows of his actions haunting them. This would be exactly what you would have done, isn’t it? Marth?

Marth: Yes. I am ready to go.

Hubba: Then let us be off. Your destiny awaits you.

With courage and resolve, Marth, accompanied by Hubba, entered the portal into the Outrealms. His journey begins, now.

Looks good so far.
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How much of Alm and Celica do you know Kat?

Alm and Celica had some VERY basic personalities. Celica was peaceful, hated war, and was really into Alm. Alm was louder, brasher, and really into Celica. Celica preached of the importance of life and was faithful to the gods. Alm spoke often of revenge and didn't care less about the gods.

That's… about it, really. Awakening itself gave them more characterization than their own game, I think.

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Alm and Celica had some VERY basic personalities. Celica was peaceful, hated war, and was really into Alm. Alm was louder, brasher, and really into Celica. Celica preached of the importance of life and was faithful to the gods. Alm spoke often of revenge and didn't care less about the gods.

That's… about it, really. Awakening itself gave them more characterization than their own game, I think.

It is FE2.

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Alm and Celica had some VERY basic personalities. Celica was peaceful, hated war, and was really into Alm. Alm was louder, brasher, and really into Celica. Celica preached of the importance of life and was faithful to the gods. Alm spoke often of revenge and didn't care less about the gods.

That's… about it, really. Awakening itself gave them more characterization than their own game, I think.

If its that simple, then RPing as them shouldn't be too hard. Thanks a ton!

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[spoiler=Klotho] ​She steps carefully as she wanders about the strange city. There are old corpses, wrinkled and dried like old paper, scattered throughout the rubble. Something big happened here. Something disastrous. She wonders if she knew about it. She wonders if she'd even heard it.

"Whoa, almost didn't see you." There's another person here. A strange looking woman with green and blue eyes dressed as an assassin, but having the demeanor of a priestess. The woman smiles, but it doesn't reach those too old eyes. "You look like a ghost, little one." She's aware of that. She can see her reflection in the shattered windows and glass nearby. White hair, white rags that serve as clothes, too pale skin… the only color she has is in her silver eyes. "Didn't think anyone would be here in Ylisstol. I was just here to pay respects." Ylisstol? An odd name. Is it the name of this broken city?

"I'm just wandering," she whispers. That's all she can do. Wander. Walk. Until her feet bleed and her legs crack.

"Well, still an odd place to wander." The strange woman isn't deterred at all. "Hey, I'm called Kat. Who are you?"

That's the question, really. She's not sure. Her name, her age, her home… they're all gone. Just shards of broken memories, to small to ever be collected, to small to ever be mended. There's only one thing. One shard that is big enough to have any sort of meaning. However...

"There is a name in my head," she whispers. "I don't know if it's mine, though. Can I use it?"

"I don't see why not." The strange woman's words are light and carefree. "A name's just a name. Just because someone else has it doesn't mean you're less 'you', right?" Perhaps. "So, what's your name?"

​"…Klotho. Call me Klotho."

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[spoiler=Klotho] ​She steps carefully as she wanders about the strange city. There are old corpses, wrinkled and dried like old paper, scattered throughout the rubble. Something big happened here. Something disastrous. She wonders if she knew about it. She wonders if she'd even heard it.

"Whoa, almost didn't see you." There's another person here. A strange looking woman with green and blue eyes dressed as an assassin, but having the demeanor of a priestess. The woman smiles, but it doesn't reach those too old eyes. "You look like a ghost, little one." She's aware of that. She can see her reflection in the shattered windows and glass nearby. White hair, white rags that serve as clothes, too pale skin… the only color she has is in her silver eyes. "Didn't think anyone would be here in Ylisstol. I was just here to pay respects." Ylisstol? An odd name. Is it the name of this broken city?

"I'm just wandering," she whispers. That's all she can do. Wander. Walk. Until her feet bleed and her legs crack.

"Well, still an odd place to wander." The strange woman isn't deterred at all. "Hey, I'm called Kat. Who are you?"

That's the question, really. She's not sure. Her name, her age, her home… they're all gone. Just shards of broken memories, to small to ever be collected, to small to ever be mended. There's only one thing. One shard that is big enough to have any sort of meaning. However...

"There is a name in my head," she whispers. "I don't know if it's mine, though. Can I use it?"

"I don't see why not." The strange woman's words are light and carefree. "A name's just a name. Just because someone else has it doesn't mean you're less 'you', right?" Perhaps. "So, what's your name?"

​"…Klotho. Call me Klotho."

This was good. I liked it.

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Posting this, but the ending might change… ><; Anyway, last part of the Mount Prism Paralogue:

[spoiler=Paralogue - F]*After a moment of quiet contemplation following Marth's leaving*

Kat: Oh, right. Reason we're actually here. Before I start thinking it was just to break Marth.

Silvia: Tch. If that was your purpose, there might be a problem here...

Kat: I meant us summoning Mila. Since, you know, she's the one who dropped the Elfire.

Mila: As always, you keep your tongue sharp.

Kat: Just for you, Mila~

Poly: *snickers* Okay, that was good, but we really do need to get back on track here.

Mila: That purpose being…?

Kat: So much for the omniscience goddess thing.

Mila: I have you as my eyes and hands. Anything I do not know, it is because you have not seen.

Silvia: Well, exactly how DO we return home then, milady?

Mila: I have given you two options.

Kat: That I'm okay with, but they aren't. Third options, Mila.

​Mila: …Perhaps...

Silvia: Perhaps...?

Mila: ...

Ace:What is it we must do, milady Mila?

Mila: ...

Poly: Well, don't leave us in suspense, woman. *looks around* ... Huh. I'm the only guy in the group now.

Mila: *suddenly glares at Poly* I will not tolerate such language from you, Khan. Still your insubordinate tongue or I shall ensure you never speak again.

Poly: Calm down, yeesh... just a joke.

Kat: …Poly, remember that she NEEDS me, so I get away with it. She doesn't need you.

Poly: Well pooh on you lot, then. *jokingly pouts, but clearly isn't upset or offended*

Kat: *very quickly* Mila, remember, the two that NEED your help are being perfectly nice and respectable.

Mila: Can I not silence HIS tongue then?

Kat: I'll do it later.

Mila: See that you do.

Poly: Fine, fine. I apologize. But still, we do need to know what the easiest way that we're willing to do is to restore the Outrealm Gates.

Mila: If you want the EASIEST route, then you should choose one of the methods that you have discarded. This route is treacherous and long. Already, time moves against you. When two years pass in this world, the other realms shall correct their paradoxes by creating copies and rewrite their histories to account for it. Fall short by even a second and the way to your homes shall be lost forever.

Poly: Well, considering how well we've done at changing this world's fate up to now, I don't think that one more miracle will make any difference. And besides, how much time do we have left, anyways?

Silvia: Yes, is that two years from now, or two years since we arrived...?

Mila: Two years from this point, by my best guess.

Kat: …Wars can last longer than two mere years...

Poly: This one won't. It can't... for everyone's sake.

Ace: Tough road hmm? How hard can it be?

Kat: *matter-of-fact* We're fighting a huge army of Annas who have access to abilities few people have even heard of.

Ace: Yeah, some of these Annas defy logical explanations. However there's no way I'm letting a copy take my place next to Chrom!

Silvia: [/cracks knuckles] Yes, it doesn't matter. I'm not letting a copy even think of touching my family...

Poly: Well, we've gotten this far, haven't we?

Kat: *smiling softly* They're more stubborn than Alm, Mila.

Mila: And no Celica to temper them. *sighs* You must slay a goddess, one who controls the whims of probability.

Poly: Slay a goddess, huh...?

Mila: Yes, and hope that you do not disrupt the game Phoibus and Agrona are playing.

Silvia: ...This doesn't sound like a three-player game... I'm a bit disappointed.

Poly: Game...? And who's Agrona...?

Kat: …Me. *bows formally* Agrona Zaphikel was the name I had in my first life. My most recent name was Elspeth Zatara before I took the alias 'Kat'. Call me that, though, and I might just hurt you. *straightens* As for the game… don't worry about it. It already has three players and cannot endure a fourth.

Poly: That... sounds like too unusual of a name for my tastes. I prefer Kat, anyways.

Kat: *with a trace of anger hinting that she's proud of her name* It was common when I was first born, Poly.

Ace: (Yeesh, better not call Kat by her real name.) "So, this is goddess we have to slay good or evil? Because if it's not an evil goddess, then it's going to be kinda weird for me to take up a weapon against her.

Poly: *having realized something and, thus, speaks up before anyone can answer Ace* ... This 'goddess' is the original Anna... the one that they based all of those abominations after... isn't it, Mila?

Mila: You would do well to not take her lightly, young Khan. She is as much a Goddess as the rest of us. Her true name means nothing to humans anymore. She was given the name 'Anna', after her daughters.

Poly: I thought so... From what I've read from the Archanean sagas, Anna was around even then, and was said to be extremely lucky... to have been around that long, and for that luck to be godly powers... It makes a lot more sense, now that you think about it.

Mila: You are confusing the issue. I speak not of her daughters, but of her herself.

Poly: You mean there was one dating back to even before the Archanean sagas?

Kat: Gods are old, Poly. Before recorded history, even. The Goddess of Probability hasn't stepped foot in this plan for a very, very long time. All the encounters recorded were merely her many daughters.

Silvia: How far back do they even go?

Kat: *unhelpfully* Before recorded history.

Ace: Wow, that's a lotta daughters... So, is she evil or good?

Mila: Does it matter?

Silvia: Not really. So what we have to do is locate the Matriarch Anna and defeat her in the span of two years. That sounds... far less complicated than I expected.

​Mila: I speak of no matriarch. I speak of the goddess of probability. You are not fighting mere fate or destiny here, lost child of Grima.

Kat: What Mila is neglecting to mention is that Probability Goddess here has been corrupted by an unknown source. If I had to take a guess, this 'unknown source' is also the reason why the Logbook was used before the Gates were destroyed. In reality, such a job would be two-fold. Kill the source and destroy the Goddess of all Probability.

Silvia: Child of Grima... That's a term I haven't heard in a while. And never want to hear again...So, it boils down to: find the person corrupting Anna, kill them, and defeat the Anna herself. And do it within two years. Alright then. [/jots down notes in her book]

Mila: Are you truly so foolhardy? Do you think it'll be so easy?

Silvia: I'm not one to be fazed by a little difficulty. If it's a task at hand, it's going to get done. Simple as that.

Poly: You know I'm ready. Conquerors, supreme mages... even goddesses of chance... none can stand to the Emperor of Northern Ferox.

Ace: *smirking* A corrupt goddess of chance and the idiot who corrupted her. Sounds like one heck of a challenge, I say bring it on. I have a family waiting for me back home and no one, not even this goddess of random chance is going to stand in my way! I'm part goddess myself, so I'm looking forward to this.

Silvia: [/smirks] That's my girl.

Mila: …Bishops of Darkness and Chaos and an Emperor Rook…

Ace: Bishop of Chaos...well it's a better nickname than 'the Demon Child'

Poly: I'm only a rook, eh? Well, good thing this rook's not going down so easily...

Silvia: I'm a Bishop? ... Last I checked, I was a bride, but okay?

Kat: Mila gives people odd nicknames at times. I won't go into what she called Anri.

Ace: I'll take your word for it then, Kat. (Bishop of Chaos...I already like it.)

Kat: Regardless, we've been given our three options. Anything else you people want to ask Mila before I break the spell?

Mila: What? No tea? No sweets?

Kat: Not this time.

Silvia: ... Nothing I can think of at the moment.

Poly: Nothing relevant, anyways.

Ace: Actually, I have one last question Goddess Mila. I wish to master the Chaos power within me, though how reeling in my anger and rage during battle isn't making the most sense to me in how to do this. What must I do to achieve this goal?

Mila: There is a sacred temple hidden within the Garden of Giants. If you can pass the test without losing your calm, then you should be able to prevent falling into a berserker state and mastering your abilities. Take care, though, as once you have mastered it, you will see the true price of such power.

Kat: Garden of Giants? That's an island off the far Valm Coast.

Ace: The Garden of Giants off the coast of Valm, a hidden temple and a test I must pass. ....Wonder what the price of true power would be if I stop myself from falling into a berserker state once I pass this test? Will my Chaos powers start requiring my blood, or purely lots of Chaos energy?

​Mila: That is for you to discover.

Silvia: That's a cryptic answer. [/frowns]

Mila: If I told you everything, then there would be no point in you living through your lives. No, if there are no other questions…?

Ace: That was my only one, milady. No other questions.

Poly: As I said, I'm good.

Kat: You know I don't ask anything on a job.

Mila: I do wish you and Phoibus had cleared this with Doma and me before...

Kat: Relax, Mila.

​Mila: …Will you be able to do what is necessary, when the time comes?

Kat: …Don't I always?

​Mila: … *closes eyes* Farewell for now, my children. If you have need of me again, merely request my priestess-warrior to call me to the fertile soil. I will come. *fades away into the light*

*A small moment of silence as they make sure she's gone*

Silvia: ... So. Find the source, slay the goddess. And we have two years to do it. [/pounds her fist into her hand] Wonder if we get a bonus for finishing it early...?

Kat: *taken by surprise* You… get to go home early?

Poly: Sounds like a bonus to me.

Ace: You know, this objective of ours to slay a goddess reminds of the ending of the second book in the Tellius Saga. But still, if a goddess has to go down so I can go home, then I'm up for it. Now...once I pass this test to truly master Chaos what will the catch be? Controlling something really powerful like Chaos has to come with a price of some sort.

Kat: Yeah, power always has a price. That's the way balance is kept in the world.

Ace: I ought to start planning on how I'm going to reach this temple in the Garden Of Giants. Perhaps tackling it another time. Although a bath does sound nice about now.

Kat: No planning gardening until we've tended to our own fields, Ace.

Ace: Okay. I was going to wait until after we free the continent of Ylisse from the control of the Annas...or whenever I get the chance to go there. I do want to have this test done and passed before I go having to slay this goddess.

Kat: You might want to wait until we've gotten some of Valm too. As I said, it's on the FAR side of Valm, from our viewpoint.

Ace: Yeah, it would be easier to approach the island from Valm. But that's for another time.

Silvia: Works for me! Whatever gets me in my Princess' arms faster is perfectly fine with me. [/twirls around]

Poly: Hehe, Silvia... Is Ace the Darkness to your Light, then~?

Silvia: [/blushes furiously] What. D-Don't use that line against me like that, d-damnit!

Ace: "Me being darkness? I always thought of myself as being Chaos"

Kat: I figured that was her way of stating she wore the pants in her marriage, actually. *stretches* Okay, we done here? Because I'd REALLY like to get back home. …Okay, probably should soak in a river or something first to clean up these clothes, but...

Ace: I could use a nap and some treatment for this Ignis wound. (Also, if my hunch is correct then the girl Goddess Mila was talking about for Poly has to be...my twin sister since her haven is that Neutral Ground. Not sure how I feel about this...yet.)

Poly: *laughing* Oh man, it feels good to be in good spirits. Still not sure why my hand feels so weird still, though.

Ace: *pauses suddenly* ...Hey guys. I feel really faint waves of Chaotic energy coming from the direction of our base. They feel like...infighting.

Silvia: In-fighting? Again? And I'll look at your hand when we get back Poly, but if they're being stupid again we MIGHT want to hurry...

Kat: Even at our fastest, it would take two days… *sighs* Okay, camping today for some nice long baths and then racing home. Sound good?

Ace: Yeah, that sounds good. I can't believe there would be infighting back at the base, just what happened to trigger it?

Poly: Who knows? But I swear, if you three steal my clothes again...

Kat: Oh, don't worry. I'll set traps to protect you. And us. Try to peek and you're going to lose something~

Poly: You know damn well Dusk would snipe me if I did that, and I'm not interested in the other two. *thinking* 'Though, if it were Alicia instead of Ace, I may try and sneak a peek anyway...'

Kat: Dusk isn't here, so I have to take measures. Also, this coming from the person who… never mind.

Silvia: Sounds like a plan. I should catch up on my reading anyway...!

Kat: No bath? Also, seriously, can you let someone take a look at your arm?

Silvia: Well, that too. And I'll look at it. Eventually. [/pauses] Alright, I PROBABLY MIGHT forget to. [/glances at it] That is the LAST time I break a tome to punch something, I swear to Mila herself.

Kat: Come on, Silvia. We're at least getting some Elixirs and bandages on that thing. There's also this lovely herbal soap we can use to try and stimulate the nerves again.

Silvia: Ooh. That... that sounds lovely indeed. Let's go!

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