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what should I do...?


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Make an epic topic that will lead to fighting cursing and perversion. Wait, you made a topic in far from the forest. Just sit back and give it time and this topic will go to hell(in a entertaining way)

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If you have Brawl and online you can always get a match. If not I have no idea

I don't have a Wii <.<

Make an epic topic that will lead to fighting cursing and perversion. Wait, you made a topic in far from the forest. Just sit back and give it time and this topic will go to hell(in a entertaining way)

Can't think of something ><

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If you're REALLY bored, and I put as much emphasis on that word as I can, you could look through our creative section and read people's stories or view their artwork.

Yeah........read SOME PEOPLE'S stories. :mellow:

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