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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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Malachi dropped the Jack of Spades. "uhhh Malachi of Ravenswood," he said, incredibly smoothly. Reintroducing the Jack to another, more workmanlike final shuffle, before dealing himself an incredibly shitty hand, followed by a totally useless flop.

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He became wide-eyed at her revelation, and began to realize that when she said she had an understanding, she really meant it. But still, she'd had fifty some odd years to overcome her loss, was it really fair for her to preach to him when he'd only had a small fraction of that time? No, she's not preaching. She's just advising. Advising him the same way Aina had advised him not too long ago. He sighed once more, swirling his drink around in the glass. He didn't particularly enjoy the taste of it. He took another sip. As Linn mentioned that she was going to leave, all he said was "Yeah, okay" and continued to stare down at the table.

However, It wasn't too long until someone else decided to speak to him. From the corner of his eye, he could see the figure of a man, and from the voice he figured it was Aeson. If the tree doesn't wha-? But it didn't take long for Zeff to figure out what the priest was trying to get at. Perhaps he was right, maybe it was best to let it out. Or maybe not. "What is a man to do when he's lost something so valuable to him, he may as well have lost himself? What's he to do when there's no way of getting that thing back? Doesn't the man then lose himself forever?"

He thought about what he had said for a moment.

Maybe the drink was getting to him.

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"Well, yeah...yeah I'm new here," Caslan answered, surprised at a stranger just suddenly talking to him unsure if there is anything he should avoid talking about the mercenaries as he started brushing the areas Joey was thrusting at him, "Well, yeah I came with that big group."


Medicine...medicine...medicine...MEDICINE! Conan screeched in his mind as he stomped through the road with his steel boots, custom made for someone of his stature. Being a halfling, even an extremely tall one, was always tough, as humans and other sentient beings tend to favour tall structures, door handles and tables. The inconsiderate bastards, the halfling knight pushed open a set of doors to a hut that he was told sold all sorts of questionable poutice.

"Good day madam," the not too short halfling greeted while bowing to the old crone handling the various strange liquids. "A companion of mine seemed to be in need of fast acting medicine, the sort that makes the pain of a sword wound go away while in a battle." Poor fellow, the faithless heathen not knowing how to heal himself tsk, tsk.

The old crone nodded and brought a yellow vial to the halfling knight, "Tell your companion to take it in sips. There's enough for three uses, and they make him forget the pain. And only forget the pain. Make sure he doesn't drink more than a sip at a time, or he'll either lose his senses or have his guts melt. That'll be ten gold."

Paying the old crone the gold he got from Zeke, Conan took the brew and promptly forgot about the instructions. What he did remember was that it needed drinking to work.

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"Pleasure's all mine, Malachi! Let's be gentlemanly, and let the loser buy the other a drink. Sound good?" Franklin grinned, as he drew a fairly good hand. "I think I've got this round. Shall I deal another hand? Put the ante up to two drinks?"

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"Aye, not too far off the mark, but this is a friendly game of chance, nothing more!" And as chance would have it, Franklin drew himself a pair of threes. He frowned, but his smile quickly returned as the other cards were turned over. "Haha! What luck! One more round, what d'you say?"

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"Hawww, what a gambler you are! I like you! I'll gladly take that bet, sure! Here, you've been dealin' the hand these past two rounds, let me take care o' that this time. Perhaps yer just havin' dealer's luck...in some weird, reverse way!" He took the cards, gave them a shuffle, and drew himself a straight. He smirked, and almost laughed out loud.

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"Hawwww haw haw haw! That was too much fun! Yer the first person t'not accuse me o' cheatin', too! Well, y'called me a rogue, but still! I'll buy you a drink, and survive myself on some water. But later; you take care of business with your elf over there. She seems t'be glarin' holes in my fer takin' so much o' yer time." He sat himself back proper in his chair, and giggled happily to himself.


Thank the Gods whatever that was is over. I hope that little...whatever he is, what is he? He can't be a dwarf, not enough hair, and I've never seen a human that short. Hmm. Maybe he can stick around until I find out, and then leave. No matter, I still have to shop with Malachi. I'm sure he'll be in a pleasant mood after losing three straight rounds of cards. Linn sighed and shook her head, trying to get all of her negativity out. It was hard being happy all the time.

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"Oh, of course you're new. That should've been obvious," Zeke said, realizing he may have slightly freaked out the elf. He did however notice that his question about them being mercenaries had been dodged but decided not to press. "I was just wondering about that 'cause I've been here all day but I've never seen such a large, armed group come in at once. Anyway, that's a nice mount you have, though I prefer to fly."


"I suppose you could say that," Ernce replied, choosing the to give the dwelf his full attention when speaking to her. "Though I'm not sure 'friends' is the right word." Comrades is what Ernce would call the most them, whoever had picked him off the ground is who he would call his 'friend'. He supposed that he was probably to blame for this seeing as he was cautious of others knowing that is past would eventually be asked about. At the very least he'd like to keep that to himself until they were out of Celisa. He hadn't realized it but he'd gone back to glancing at Zeff and and Aeson and then back to the dwelf.

"Could you stop that?" the dwelf asked, annoyed at Ernce's seeming lack of trust. "I assure you that I have no intention of fleeing, especially in a place like this where all it would take is for you to shout 'she's with the Senian military" and I'd have most of the village, not to mention you and your fellow mercenaries, after me. I know I'm a prisoner but you should still trust me enough to not need to see me every five seconds."

"Ah sorry about that," Ernce said apologetically. "I've been edge these past few days due to..." Ernce felt himself freezing up again, too close to his past for comfort, "personal reasons. However, I see your point about needing to trust eachother. More like me needing to trust people off of the battlefield. Let's start with names then. I'm Ernce Briet."

"And I'm Iris Isborn."

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"Oh," Caslan muttered trying to appear distracted brushing Joey's hair. Feeling his arms tiring, the elf decided he should stop. Joey was still eating its oat...and occasionally casting glances at the pegasus Zeke brought in.

Chuckling, Caslan continued patting Joey gently, "I suppose it's great to fly when one gets over the fear of falling to death. But Joey's a really dependable one. He's brave and is not afraid of the sight of blood or loud noises."


Oh not one of those damn winged ones! Joey thought miserably. It knew their kind all too well, air headed, arrogant, prone to occupying more than their fair share of space and highly temperamental. Sexist too sometimes. When the pegasus got too close, the gelding moved its head in preparation to nip at the beast, clearly marking its personal space.

Part of the dislike also stemmed from an old jealousy of pegasi being able to fly while it was bound to the ground. That old hatred lessened one fateful day while it was still a stallion when Joey got into a fight with a pegasus. The gelding discovered how soft the bones of a pegasus were compared to the solid stuff horses were made off, a factor that allowed them to fly, and won easily when the pegasus' wing was crippled.

Now that dislike was tinged with a sense of pity, a pity that somewhere down the line, its pegasi brethren had chosen to specialise in flight over fight to become the flimsy thing before it.

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The meal was good, indeed~! Celine stretched, and belched loudly. "Aye, that was good! Hey, you, bring me another one!" she yelled. . .at Raelyn, who'd been minding her own business.

". . .excuse me?" the former barmaid asked pointedly. Her nose wrinkled shortly afterwards. Who forgot to take a bath?!

"You look like a serving wench, so bring me another plate!" Celine demanded.

"How 'bout you bring yourself to take a bath?" came the sharp retort. Raelyn was well aware that she was drawing a lot of attention to herself. This brat needs to be taught a lesson, preferably underwater.

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Aeson listened to Zeff's words, his choice in metaphor being as fabulously surreal as his own. He thought for a little, taking the man's plight into his heart. Behind the bold, almost overconfident exterior, there was something paining the man.

"It is very easy to lose one's way when something... or someone is lost." Aeson replied, no longer even considering the mysteries of vegetables. "The storm leaves the tree damaged and vulnerable, but with support from the sun, the tree can recover. The tree will never be the same again, but it has learned from its pain... and continues to grow. Zeff, your pain is understandable, but it does not make you weak, it does not make you any less of the person you are. With time, I hope you shall be able to return to your true self."

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"Ladies, please, do try to calm yerselves!" said the small man, having left his chair and walked over, as soon as the commotion brought it self up between Raelyn and Celine. "No need to fight on such a lovely day. No offense there, lassie, I can see why she thought you t'be a maid. You're quite lovely. And you!" he said, turning his attention back to Celine, "Ah'm sure you can get yerself another plate o' food if ye hail the proper person. Go on, give it a try!" He hoped he wasn't too obvious in his mockery of her.

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"Oh, me?" Aeson asked, rather surprised at how receptive Zeff was. "Well, I suppose I came from a small village. I was orphaned rather young so my uncle raised me. He did love going to church, so I guess that's where it started. I've been travelling with Linn for quite some time now... she does make things rather, hm... amusing."

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"Why'd you leave?" he said. "Rather, what I mean to say it. What made you start traveling?" Looking around, he noticed Ernce hanging by, simply observing him and Aeson. The Senian captive, he presumed, was with him as well. Zeff made no indication inviting him to sit down, rather, he just looked away and started playing with his glass again.

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"Eh, I never really had any problems with that but I suppose everyone's different. Hey if you've got some extra time I could give you a ride on Srene," Zeke said as he gestured to his mount. As he did so he bumped his elbow and, while it didn't really hurt, it made him wish he hadn't gotten that cut on his elbow which Conan was supposedly getting medicine for. For some reason or another, remembering that Conan was getting him medicine reminded him he had yet to get them a room which, considering the size of the group that just came, was something he should probably do soon. Not to mention that Conan got pissed the last time he'd forgotten to do something that the eccentric man had asked him too. "Actually scratch that, for now at least; I need to go do something important," Zeke said before hurrying out of the stables and into the inn.

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"Well, no thanks," Geez, we just met and he's asking me to ride on his pegasus and be in his tender mercy in the sky...yep definitely nothing to be wary off, Caslan thought sarcastically. This Zeke fellow was a bit too friendly for a stranger. Caslan tensed, worried if the pegasus rider had any ulterior motives, then relaxed slightly when the man decided he had more important things to do. "Right, bye."

The elf resumed grooming his mount when he decided his arms were too tired to do so any further and waited for Zeke to disappear from view before heading to the inn.

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Appreciating the visage of a clean, blood-free village, it took a while for Alfonso to realize the larger part of the group had either already entered the inn, gone for the stables, or something of the like, leaving the elder knight spacing out alone. Oh, no! Snapping out of his thoughts, Alfonso takes Rosa to the stables, seeing Caslan heading out just as he got there, how unlucky! He waves for the elf, but it seemed to be a bit late for the young one to notice him, so unlucky!

Shrugging, Alfonso takes Rosa next to the other steeds, noticing quite the fancy pegasus, there must be one of those fancy pegasus knight ladies in town. Haah, that reminds me of Amalda in her prime days...

Taking a while to get out of his nostalgic memories, Alfonso takes his writing book, quill, and bottle of ink, along with some saved coin, and headed for the inn as well.

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"EXCUSE ME?!" Raelyn and Celine shouted at the same time. The two briefly looked at each other before Raelyn's arm darted to grab Celine's one - the latter had reached for her axe.

"Look, girlie, you don't start fights in an inn. Not for something that insignificant," Raelyn said sternly.

"I ain't startin' a fight. I'm gonna use that idiot's empty head as a bowl," Celine replied defiantly.

"Like hell you will," Raelyn growled. "You'll make a mess of the floor." She quickly turned to the speaker, and mouthed "RUN".

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There appeared to be some commotion brewing... the only one she recognized that was involved was the woman who had given her stew, that one time... Raelyn, if Elysia recalled correctly... she would have to definitely get everyone's names down more solidly. But for now, time for action. Stepping up from her seat, a sudden cold snap filled the room, if only for an instant. Atleast for now, all it accomplished was freezing the aggressive woman's axe firmly to the table in the case she got loose from Raelyn, but the elven mage was making her way over all the same.

"Oi, Raelyn, seems like quite the ruckus over here... whatever seems to be the problem?" She asked, a cold, obviously feigned sweetness to her voice, which dripped from her mouth as though it were spoiled honey, poised to drop a man were he to be so foolish as to ingest but a drop. With that, a specific area of the inn, home to some petty commotion, found it's temperature dropping, a chill falling over it's occupants.

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"Hey, ice mage, you're not supposed to attack your allies," Raelyn growled. "I've got enough problems here. You gonna help me or not?"

The drop in temperature didn't phase Celine in the slightest. She'd experienced much worse in her childhood. Rather than give the uppity elf woman a response, the pirate girl decided that a giggle was better suited for the situation.

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"Attack my allies? I didn't sling anything at you?" Elysia replied, somewhat confused by the ordeal... she couldn't be referring to the chill, could she? It was basic common sense that an ice user would make things cold, being kind of a pre-requisite and all. Either way, the other seemed unphased, so much for a quick intimidation.

"Yeah, I had planned on it. I dunno what your beef is, kid, but don't you think it's a bit premature to pull an axe on someone and try to brain them?"

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