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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"Pfft, you think a little greetin' is rough? You ain't seen nothin' yet!" Celine gave Elysia a grin that spoke of years of dental neglect, then leisurely stretched. Raelyn's face twisted into a scowl, as she held her nose. Where's Caslan when you need him?

"Your STENCH is rough," Raelyn grumbled. "I've smelled corpses that stink less than you."

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"Last I checked, 'I hope you bought a nice coffin recently' wasn't too much of a greeting. Though hopefully that means no one's gonna have to be scrubbing blood out of the floorboards today?" Elysia asked. Raelyn was clearly heavily effected by the girl's smell, which Elysia admitted wasn't exactly pleasant.

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As soon Zeke stepped foot into the inn he noticed the immediate change in temperature although it didn't bother him much, flying on a pegasus wasn't exactly the warmest of things in the world. There seemed to be some sort of commotion going on between three women and another man that Conan was actually taller then. He knew well enough to not involve himself in it; chances are it'd break out in a fight and he'd seen enough of them to know there was no place for him in them. "Man where's Conan when you need him. He's always more than eager to get into a brawl when the chance presents itself it seems." Doing his best to walk around the fighting patrons he mad his way to the innkeeper. "Room for two please," Zeke said as he produced the appropriate amount of coin.


Ernce was well aware of the fight brewing over in the corner between Raelyn, Elysia and two other people whom he didn't recognize. Finding it in his best interests to push the notion that he should involve himself from his mind unless Raelyn or Elysia really needed the help he stretched in his seat before turning to Iris. "Looks like they're getting ready to fight," Ernce said with mild amusement in his voice. He'd seen and been in a few fights himself and, while he had no intention of joining in this time, he knew it'd be an interesting show if it came down to that. "I wonder who will win provided weapons and magic aren't used. Hey you wanna make a bet?"

"What would you have me bet?" Iris asked. "Everything worth betting other than Holly has been taken. And no, I will not bet Holly on a meager bar fight," Iris said as Ernce made to speak, effectively cutting him off. "Perhaps those two at the other table wouldn't mind a bet."

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Suddenly, an old, weathered veteran punches open the door and begins to laugh, booming and echoing throughout the inn. "Ahahahahaha! Which've you sons've'whores'd like to buy me a drink?"

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Linn wasn't about to deal with this, as she grabbed Malachi by the arm and dragged him out of the inn. "Let's get this shopping over with, and hopefully, whatever that was will be done by the time we are."


Not expecting them to both shout, the little man jumped back a bit, twisting his head back and forth between them as they kept arguing. Raelyn mouthed something, and he gave her the most confused look. He was never very good at reading mouths, but his brain finally clicked as he exclaimed, "Oh! Run! Sure!" Hand at his sword he quickly retreated behind the women that were gathering against the foul smelling one, wondering if there actually would be a fight. Another loud voice boomed from the door, and Franklin had to hold back his laughter. Aye, Gods, this place hasn't seen such fun fer months!

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The town of Petra was a bit larger than any of the other villages the group had previously visited. There were plenty of shops around to supply at. Chandra would most certainly pay them a visit at some point; she certainly needed new clothes and a restock on food and cooking supplies. That being said, with this was the first time in a while where the group wasn't immediately engrossed in battle upon their arrival. That meant not having to heal the multitude of wounded or fight for one's life just to get to the inn. So while everyone else stayed downstairs to recruit and make merry, Chandra retreated upstairs to take a nap after the long trek. Who knows when she would get another opportunity?

((And that's where she's been this whole time. Whee!))

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Caslan had just barely turned towards the inn entrance when his elven ears picked up the sound of commotion going on in the inn. it did not sound entirely hostile, and was definitely full of excitement. Do I really want to get involved in what is going on? Thought the elven mage seeing a rather large armoured figure shouting aloud as she made her way into the inn.

Then he noticed Malachi and Linn making their way away from the inn, making him wonder if it was some nasty fight going on and the mercenaries were to retreat judging by the not too slow pace of their movements and the lack of cheery outlook from Linn. Waving to his two comrades, Caslan called out, "Hey, what's going on in there? Where are you two heading?"

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Adari sighed as the new ice mage stepped into an argument with Raelyn and two people she didn't recognize. Muttering under her breath, she shrugged apologetically at the innkeeper before marching over to the table where the three women were arguing. "Yee," she said, pointing at Elysia, "if yer wantin ta work fer the Harriers, stoppit with tha magic, and go sit down. Raelyn, that applies ta ya too. I know ya were only tryin ta prevent fightin, but just leave this ta me now, ok?" Without waiting to see if the two would follow her orders, she turned and grinned icily at the newcomer. "As fer ya, I would appreciate it if ya didn't go about fightin with mah folk, or really anyone while I'm here. If ya got a problem with that, or really need ta just take a swing at someone, I'll be more than glad ta teach you a lesson. We can go outside, have some fun, but ya leave tha people in here alone. They're just tryin ta relax and don't need ya swingin an axe at their head."

Meanwhile, Sayina was heading into the apothecary's shop when he almost ran into a halfling who was leaving. "Oh, uhm, excuse me, I'm so sorry. I uh... didn't see you there." Looking at the man, he smiled and then asked, "Though, I must ask, you don't look like a healer or like you're in need of one. Do you have a friend in need of one? I happen to be a staff user, and would be more than willing to try and help someone who was injured."

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"Well, I had always wondered what the world had to offer." Aeson continued, noting the inn growing colder. "Different people see things in a different way, so I couldn't help myself. When I was about 30 or so, I started wandering about, teaching people and learning from them... I bumped into Linn a little while ago. For some reason she thought I was in danger, but she's been wonderful company."

The last few months had been very strange, meeting Linn, these people and then the monsters. Perhaps there was more to life than prayer and vegetables, it was so much for the priest to take in.

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All the commotion going on in the inn was starting to bother him. It's not like he was one to just stand up and start yelling obscenities from halfway across the room but if the situation dragged on, he probably would have just up and left. Seeing Adari dealing with the situation made him calm down a little. "Aye, that Linn's an interesting one..." He trailed off for a bit before speaking up again. "So, Aeson. Pardon the question, but I'm a tad interested in knowing...you're a healer, right? Has there ever been anyone you haven't been able to save? Just...out of curiosity...But it's fine if you don't, maybe, want to talk about it."

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The looming mercenary glared at the patrons. "None of yer? Well fuck ya."
She removed her helm to reveal a middle-aged, weather-beaten face, then threw it bodily at a patron. "You, kid, hold my shit, I gotta go see what this place has to offer, and for the love of fuck where are the man-whores in this backward-ass dump?"

"Actually, fuck that, they probably all have the clap. Tell you what, you can buy the first round!"

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Aeson stopped for a second, his mind turning back to many dark encounters. "Yes, actually." he replied solemnly. "There are some that the Lord cannot delay. My uncle passed away shortly before I became able to heal... perhaps I would have been able to cure his ailment if I had developed sooner. There have been a few on my travels who have also been unable to aid. I still remember their names, their faces, their final moments. We are but mortal people in an immortal world. When we leave, we impart ourselves to those who knew us, we live on through them... as we have from those we have lost."

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It was one bother after another. He looked up to see a armored woman start yelling some rather...interesting things. But telling her to shut her mouth would probably be more trouble than it was worth so he kept quiet and focused back on his conversation.

The last few words that Aeson spoke struck were very familiar. It took only a moment to recall that what Aeson was telling him now, was the same thing Aina had told him following Brader's death. Albeit a little less eloquently, but still. If what Aeson said was true, and that Reva was 'living on through him', then perhaps it was time to stop showing her the pain the world had to offer. Perhaps it was time to start living in the present rather than wallowing about the past.

It would take time, and undoubtedly there would be more dark days to come, but this was as good a first step as any. It would be difficult to find the same happiness he felt while he was with Reva but perhaps someday? He couldn't say. There was a lot that was still on his mind, and many more feelings yet to surface but...He felt a little better.

He chuckled a little. It was a rather empty laugh, but all the same, it was something. "Hey...ah..thanks for the chat Aeson. I appreciate it..." He shrugged. He didn't have much more to say, nor much more to ask so he simply sat there playing around with his glass from earlier. Hmmm...

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"Wow, that inn's a mess right now. I hope to the Gods it isn't like that in every village we stop in. What a way to drain me, seriously..." She quickly realized she was complaining to no one but Malachi, offering him a, "sorry, you probably don't want to deal with my complaints on top of whatever all that was." She sighed. A rather long sigh. And then gave her best attempt at smiling again, trying to get whatever endless source of positive energy she had within herself to start flowing again.

Caslan showing up and waving at them made that fairly easily, as she waved him over. "It's a pretty big mess in there. Raelyn and Elysia got into some fight with another woman, and a tiny man tried to intervene, seemingly only making the situation worse. Then this...loud, obnoxious woman burst through the door, and that was the end of my patience. Malachi and I were going to try and find some dye for the armor so it doesn't look 'shit brown', as he put it. Seemed like a pretty good idea."


Franklin took the time Adari was speaking to the smelly pirate to back off, standing himself next to the large woman that had busted in. "Mighty fine mess, ain't it, ma'am? Aye, it's worth quite th'laugh!" He kept giggling to himself, as he watched whatever you could call the commotion in the room.

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"It is shit brown, though, innit? I just call it like I see it," said the longbowman defensively. "Anyway, I don't know what kind of dyes are around. What'd you prefer it to look?"

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Raelyn nodded and backed away, to cleaner air. When was the last time she took a bath?

"Oh, you KNOW these little prissies?" Celine asked, not a hint of regret in her voice. "Is that wannabe in the armor with ya? 'cause that's someone ya gotta worry about."

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Adari raised an eyebrow. "Ya keep talkin like that an I might not give ya the option of if ya wanna fight, I might just start it. I don't know tha woman who just walked in but ya better shut up before yer mouth gets ya in trouble."

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Her mouth had gotten her in trouble.

Bertha stormed over, smacked Celine heartily on the back (sending her jolting forwards) and leaned close to Adari. "No, the wannabe in the armour ain't one of yours, and neither'm I. But I got my last contract done, and it paid fuck-all - that won't keep my belly full for long. You look a fightin' sort of lass! What say you hire me on? I'm hard, I'm tough, I'm low-maintenance and I know how to keep folk alive. I even know a host of Fascinatin' Anecdotes what'll keep the lads' spirits high! So, what d'you say?"

i have permission for the above to happen!

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"For someone who tries to be a peacemaker, you anger pretty quickly. If you're the one that's really in charge, I think everyone under you should leave, 'cause your stupid emotions will lead 'em all to their graves. If not, then I wanna talk to the one who's runnin' the show," Celine concluded with a smirk.

That's. . .a hell of a leap of logic. . .and one that I can't argue. What the hell is she trying to do? Raelyn thought to herself.

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"Yer insultin my men. What, did ya think I'd give ya roses fer that?" Glancing at the knight who'd just walked in, she shrugged. "Come talk with me over there. As fer ya," she gave Celine a condescending glance, "If yer lookin for a job and ya think ya can keep up, ya could maybe come talk ta me when I'm done with her. But yer attitude's not gonna be accepted, so ya better learn some manners between now and then."

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Celine smirked as the other women walked off. As soon as Adari's back was turned, Raelyn grabbed Celine and walked out of the door, before the latter could protest.

"What the HELL are you doin'?!" Celine demanded.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND FOLLOW, OR I WILL MAKE A LEASH OF YOUR INNARDS!" Celine flinched at Raelyn's outburst. Raelyn inwardly flinched at her own words. To the barmaid's surprise, Celine stopped resisting as Raelyn led her to a nearby river.

"Now what?" Celine demanded.

"When was the last time you took a bath?" Raelyn snapped. Again, the other girl cowered. What is going on? Raelyn thought to herself.

"I. . .uh, maybe a week ago?" Now Raelyn was confused. She doesn't listen unless someone snaps at her. . .how odd. . .

"You're a girl, Celine. You need to take better care of yourself than that." The girl shied away? Oh no. . . Raelyn had seen a few women who'd acted like this before, and they all had one thing in common. . .

"You don't understand!" Celine yelled. Rather than argue, Raelyn shoved her into the river.

"You ain't got no future if you keep actin' like this! I ain't sure what happened in your past, but don't let it get in the way of the rest of your life!" Raelyn expected an equally angry outburst. Instead. . .sobbing?!

"Why. . .why. . ." Celine whimpered. I think I took it a little too far. . . Raelyn told herself.

"You got guts, that's why," Raelyn said simply. "Now, if ya promise to get clean and stay put, I'll buy ya a new set of clothes. JUST this once." Celine nodded mutely. Once Raelyn was out of sight, she began to cry again.

He said. . .that's why he didn't kill me. . .why am I crying? Why does she say the same things as him? And when will she flay someone for not listening to her?

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"No, you're right, it is a fairly gross color. I'm not sure where or how you'd dye an armor though. Perhaps the armor shopkeep would have an idea?" She shrugged and looked fairly confused. "I don't know where it is so...feel free to lead us along, Malachi."


The larger woman had ignored him, but being so short of stature, he'd gotten used to being ignored. Instead of whine about it, he walked himself up to Adari, and tugged at her shirt. "'Scuse me, miss! I overheard that yer hirin', and was wonderin' if I could be of any service towards ye?"

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"Whoa! Careful there mister," Conan yelled as he almost collided with Sayina. The armour would've kept him well protected any blunt injuries, and his faith would have been enough to heal him back up. The halfling knight was more concerned with the potential injury a cloth wearing individual would have received upon impacting his densely packed armoured frame.

"A healer, eh?" Conan nodded thoughtfully at Sayina's offer. "Well, yeah, an acquaintance of mine has a nasty injury to is arm. It's a pity my piety can do nothing for him. Sometimes one can't help but pity them Feaolians and their tolerance for the dark arts." Conan shook his head with a hint of genuine sadness when he spoke that last sentence.

Continuing, the rather tall halfling asked, "I see a staff in your hand good healer. Are you perhaps a faithful to the Shining God? If so, you are perhaps not only able to mend his wounds but also cure his soul of the taint of dark beliefs!"


"I...see," Caslan answered. "I suppose it would be wiser to stay away from the inn for now." Gathering his thoughts, the elven mage decided that the best course of action was to follow Linn and Malachi because first, based on his brain's instructions, it would allow him to avoid dealing with whatever was going on in the inn, secondly, which his heart decided, he would spend more time with Linn, thirdly, based entirely on a whim, he might find something fancy to spend his gold on. "Don't mind if I accompany you two shopping?"

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