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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"I have a glass or two to unwind, every now and then, but otherwise I'm not much of a drinker, either. I'm Hale," the half-elf said, extending a hand. "I'll be traveling with the Harriers for a bit. And you are...?"

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Zeff clasped Hale's hand as a show of courtesy and shook it once for good measure. "That's good to hear. I've seen you on the battlefield, and you could say I'm very impressed. It's not often you see people with mastery over both sword and magic like yourself." He used to want to learn magic and he tried--even dragged Reva along with him in his pursuit. But he just didn't seem to have the aptitude to cast anything. "I'm Zeff, a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

Edited by Vestige
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"Thanks, but I'm just lucky to be able to use both. I'm not that special in either field. Well met, Zeff," Hale said, before he noticed what appeared to be a gauntlet, attached to the mercenary's belt. It appeared to be damaged, but if that was the case, why carry it around like that? "Interesting gauntlet you have there."

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"Oh uh,yeah. It's...something." he said. "It's a keepsake from my father. Said he fought in the military back in his youth and he gave the glove to me to keep. It's pretty old...gets banged up pretty easy too as you can tell but it is what it is," he shrugged.

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"Which is why it has a light enchantment on it. So it'd help keep you safe, for your father's sake," Hale almost stated, with an even expression. "The spell's mostly exhausted, but there's enough energy to still detected. I'd imagine that's partially why the gauntlet's banged up: the enchantment faded. Have you had it looked at?"

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Zeff's eyes widened as he heard Hale speak. He had tried to conceal it for as long as possible, and even managed to deter Aina away from questioning him about it. But he...he just had one look at it and that was it? "Well I..." There was no point now. Hale was a mage after all, Zeff should have guessed his glove would have caught the eye of one of group member's eventually.

He let out a sigh. "Well...no. I haven't really told anyone about it. Didn't want people to start saying stuff y'know? Mocking me for not having innate strength...Or maybe even trying to steal it or something. But regardless, I didn't even think there was a way to fix it." He was getting slightly nervous.

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"Great! That's awesome! I uh, ahem, yeah, good, good," she said, attempting to calm down just a bit. "I'll take Malachi back to the inn and he can show me how this dye works. I'm sure it's not too complicated but I don't want to mess up something I just spent twenty gold on. So you just show up whenever, alright? We shouldn't be too long!" She gave a smile and nod to Malachi, and walked out of the shop. Holding back any obvious signs of excitement, she hopped along back to the shop.

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Finishing its oat meal, a rather crunchy one with nice nutty flavour for a change, Joey was about to nap when it suddenly felt...unwell. Was it the oat? Quickly looking at the pegasus parked next to it, the gelding stared accusingly at the wholly innocent pegasus for no apparent reason before it began neighing and collapsed on the stables as it felt great pain in its abdomen.

From the depths of hell, I curse thee pegasi! You brought me bad luck, Joey thought fervently as it lay on the stable floor writhing. And then its bottom started spewing out stuff best left unmentioned and probably sent the other stable occupants inching away from the gelding.


"Sure," Caslan replied. He had this sinking feeling that Joey was in trouble. Call it magical senses, call it a gut feeling, call it the bond between a mount and its rider, no matter the reason, the elf just felt compelled to check on the horse. What he saw did not please him at all.

In a state of panic, Caslan rushed into the inn, the place he think a particular dwarven horse expert was last sighted. Sure enough, he saw Rimsky and Alfonso sitting at a table and apparently in deep conversation. But a crisis was at stake, hence the elven mage skipped the formalities and grabbed hold onto Rimsky and started dragging the dwarf as he yelled, "Rimsky! It's Joey! Something's wrong with it!"

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Sitting at the table with Bertha, Adari shoved the contract they'd discussed across the table to her. "If ya sign, yer stuck with us until yer released. Which'll happen if ya ask unless we need ya for the next job. Pay's fair, even split after Andre and I take our part, and we provide rooms and supplies. Any questions?" Turning to the halfling who was talking to her, she glanced at him and shrugged. "If ya can handle a weapon, I don't see why not. Did ya hear the details I just told her? It'll be tha same fer ya."

Sayina smiled and said, "Well, I use the magic that he gave us, yes. He is our creator and the giver of my ability to heal. So I honor him, yes. I doubt that I am as devout as you appear to be, but the power he gives me allows me to fight the God of No Face and save my friends, so I give him thanks. Now, your friend. Where is he?"

Edited by scorri
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"Oh, can I ever! Y'don't have ta worry about my weapon handlin', and I'll certainly take free room and board! Sign me on!" The halfling eagerly signed his name in exquisite cursive writing onto the contract with a small, magic quill he'd procured from his coat. "You let me know when we're off, and I'll contribute my lot to your lovely mercenary group." For now, though... Franklin brought himself to the table that a certain elf was drinking at, sitting himself down and doing his best to seem like he didn't notice the obviously intoxicated man.

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Zeke watched as the one who'd broken up the brewing fight sat down at a table and offered the loud woman who'd come in moments before a contract. Wait they're mercenaries and they're hiring? I knew it! Now I can start actual mercenary work instead of just following Conan around. "Wait just a minute," Zeke said, picking up his sack of coin just as the innkeeper was about to grab it and then walking over to Adari. "Excuse me but am I correct to assume you're hiring? I'd like to sign up if that's the case. I'm handy with a lance and I can provide air support."

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Raelyn's return to the inn was greeted with another unfamiliar face. . .but that didn't matter. "Adari, when you're done with these guys, I want to talk to you. In private."

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Bertha scrawled an X onto the contract. "Good to see a businesswoman in these parts," she said, grinning. "Don't worry - ain't a thing gon' scratch you when I'm around!"

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Aleric had done his best to ignore the noise around the nearby table, but the idea of joining a mercenary group sounded more appealing than traveling alone. He made his way to the table shortly after the younger man, and after the large woman finished signing her contract, added "Surely you could afford to hire another healer as well? I'm sure your company is skilled, but it also seems to be growing and it always pays to have an extra staff to patch everyone up at the end of battle, right?" He almost mentioned his... Other magic, but thought it would be best not to speak of such things in a place as lively as the inn.

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"What? Caslan, right? What's wrong? Who's Joey?" Alfonso replied, normally, it would be pretty rude to just be barged at like that in the midst of a conversation. The elf's tone did hint at urgency, however.


Seeing a small man take a seat to his side, Erbert took some interest to this happenning. He knew his kind --some halfling fellows, not very strong, but sneaky fellows, or something. "Mmmmmmhello! Here for a drink? Can't find a job as well?" The man spoke, a tone attempting to friendliness that could be taken of for a stranger. "Had naught but sour luck, myself. Every day that passes, it's riches I'm missing! Hope you can share a brighter story, fellow."

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"Joey's my horse! I think it's sick! It's writhing on the floor and stuff!" Caslan answered loudly as he continued to tug at Rimsky, his low arm strength not helping much against the sturdiness of someone with dwarven blood.

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"Darn, this must be serious! Alfonso, let's go! We've got no time ta waste!" Rimsky exclaimed, as he got up from his chair and nodded for the elf to lead him to Joey.

"I hope ya didn't feed him something ye're not supposed ta." he added.

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Without delay, Caslan led the two horse experts to the stables where Joey lay defecating on the straw. "I dunno what's wrong! It was fine not too long ago after I groomed it and left some oat for it to eat. Now its...in pain."

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"... a horse writhing on the floor of the stables? I was here not long ago, that's so sudden..." Alfonso spoke up, a bit puzzled. The mention of oats, raised Alfonso a lead that, for the moment, was as good as any. "Caslan, what exactly did you feed him?"

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"I think we may find out if we check Joey's mouth." the dwarf said, and added, "Caslan, hold his hind legs still! We'll need to restrain your writhin' horse for a bit. And Alfonso, check the horse's shit. There might be something that'd tell us what's the problem."

As Rimsky checked the horse's mouth, he saw leftovers...of acorns. No wonder the horse was in pain. "BOY, ARE YOU NUTS? WHY WOULD YOU FEED YOUR HORSE ACRONS? THEY'RE POISONOUS TO HORSES, YOU KNOW!" he shouted as he made haste towards the fireplace in the inn.

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Linn watched Caslan run in and then out of the inn, a bit frantic. I wonder what's wrong. I'd check but... Well, if Rimsky and Alfonso are with him, surely it'll be fine. He said something about Joey? I hope he'll be alright... Sitting there, a little more worried than before, she sighed.


"Can't find a job? Speak fer yerself, my new friend! I've just signed myself up to yonder fair lady's mercenary company. I might not be a strong one, but my sword stings something fierce. I'll fit right in! What about you? Perhaps you've got some talent in fighting and they'll take you in as well." The small man hummed so happily to himself, he thought he'd burst into song.

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Check the... aw, nuts. Alfonso wasn't too happy with the prospect, but he knew it could've been something the horse ate a while ago. Still, just when he thought he'd just have a fair night writing in the inn...

Thankfully enough, while he hesitated, Rimsky found a solution his own, shouting a word that did alarm the knight. "Acorns? Drats. I've heard they do some awful things to horses." The knight stood up, trying to remember what's something the horsemaster back in his knighthood said about these... peculiar cases. "...charcoal, is there any around? I think that's what they fed in this case... not used, preferrably. Some water too." He muttered himself, and started looking around for some of the latter.


"You did what?!" Erbert said, eyes bugged and attenting. A job opportunity in my drink place? It can't be! "Talent in fighting? Hah! I'd say I do, fellow! I'm not just trained from lifting cargo around, I'll let you know!" Erbert bragged, a bit proud of his musculature showing. "Say, who's the fairest lady looking for some men to hire?"

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"I think I caught 'er name! Give me a moment... Ah! Twas Adari, it was! Give 'er a holler and sign up your muscles. They're more than I'd ever have, let me tell you!" Franklin finally let out a laugh, this day being the best he'd had in months.

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Well, that all seemed to be done with... Elysia was a tad surprised that what had been called out had been her use of magic, rather than getting involved at all, to be perfectly honest. How else was a mage to involve herself in a rough and tumble aside from converting the opposing side into a mass of quivering human gelatin through the element's wrath?

'Perhaps after all of this.., have I simply grown too vengeful...?'

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