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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"I meant fortune more as luck... hopefully foreknowledge will serve us well in troubling times ahead." Elysia replied, glad that apparently she had managed to give Hale a bit more insight into the matter, even if only a little.

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"Uh, sure. Thanks I guess...?" Zeke responded, thoroughly confused. Is this related to the fact I'm Feoalin or the fact that I'm supposedly harassing that woman? And then Conan told him chant the gospel of the Shining God. While it wasn't an impossible task, Zeke had been with Conan for some time now, suddenly chanting the gospel of a God whom he had no opinion of wasn't the most appealing idea. Nonetheless Conan wouldn't stop pestering him until he did as Conan demanded. However, "I thank you S-" was as far as Zeke got until one of the horses kicked his unfortunate companion. "Conan are you okay?" he shouted as he rushed to the man's side.

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"Yes, let the Shin..." was as far as Conan got before he felt himself flying through the air as the stool below him was kicked. As he regained focus, he noticed Zeke by his side inquiring about his well being. Has he finished chanting? I think not, that is unacceptable!

Grabbing Zeke by the collar, Conan said with a determined expression, the kind a soldier made as his guts lay open and urging his comrades to leave him behind, "Zeke, the gospel! Finish it! Don't worry about me! FINISH THE GOSPEL NOW!"

Edited by Rothene
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Toqua dealt out a hand to Franklin as well as the other players. Picking up his cards, he muttered a curse and tossed them back down again. "I'm out."

Rayil grinned as he looked at Jacob's hand. His friend had a chance of winning this round if he played it right...

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"Oh, luck. My bad," Hale said, shaken for a moment. "Yes, well, all we can do is prepare and hope, I suppose. Though, to be honest, I have few doubts this group will be fortunate. The lack of light magic users aside, I see a lot of potential in you all."


Andre seemed to be pleased with his cards, as he pushed forward a few coins. "I'll bid three silvers."

Jacob examined his hand. It was pretty good. Maybe enough to win a round, then cut his losses and drop out. He placed his own three silvers near the center of the table. "Call."

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"I know a little bit of light magic but... my lessons were cut short... I did a good deal of self learning but it was mostly with ice magic... I had a better grasp of it at the time..." Elysia replied, as Hale brought up their lack of light users... it was certainly a fact.

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Rimsky replied, "Well sure, why not? I was plannin' ta take Mehr for a walk 'round town anyway, so ya might as well come along. If yer ready. we can go right now."

"Absolutely," Chandra replied back. "Lead the way. I figured riding would be a useful skill to have. Something tells me we won't be settling down anytime soon. Do you happen to know of any breeds I should look out for in case I run into a stray somewhere?"

The talking continued as they entered the stable, where quite a commotion was occurring. One of the newcomers, a halfling it seemed, was sprawled on the floor beside a fallen stool. He seemed fine, considering how he was berating Zeke to say some prayer.

"Uh...everything OK in here?" Chandra asked the group inside.

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"That might be an avenue you'd be wise to pursue, then," Hale said, glancing to his notes. "After the control issue is settled, of course. That must take precedence."


Andre stared at Franklin, long and hard. After a minute or two, he threw his cards into the pile. "Fold."

"Call," Jacob said, throwing his money into the pile. With Andre out of the way, he was sure to win now!

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What the hell. A Royal flush. Jacob had only gotten a full house, and that wasn't even natural , either. The mercenary sighed, as he threw his hand to the ground.

"Nice one," he said, as he mentally mourned the loss of his 2 gold.


"Well, let's hope one will come along then," Hale responded. He probably wasn't a good teacher for light magic in general, though some may disagree.

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"I've had my fill," Andre said, as he took his winnings and prepared to get up.

Jacob, on the other hand, wasn't so wise. "Definitely. I'll win this time," he said.


"We'll see," Hale said, simply put. "I'm sure there's someone better, anyways."

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"I think you're selling yourself short, Hale... and besides, even if you weren't, we take what we can get, right?" Elysia replied, beginning to debate what sort of breakfast to get now that the conversation seemed to be winding down.

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"Whatever suits ye, boss. As fer ye, Jacob, I'll take another hand at ye. Feel free t'deal the cards, lad." Franklin smirked, assured of his victory.


Wandering around town had, sure enough, raised her spirits. She was even back to smiling, even if she didn't feel one hundred percent up to the action. It was at this point in her jaunty stroll that Linn spied Zeff, and quickly turned herself around. The point of the walk was to cheer herself up, and she still wasn't ready to talk to him, or so she thought. She stopped for a moment, and glanced over at him, wondering if he'd even noticed. Surely he'll just walk away... I doubt he'd want to talk about it so readily, either.

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"Alright," Jacob said, as he began to deal out a new hand. "Toqua, are you in?"


"Guess so," Hale responded, non-committingly. He began to look at his notes, once again.

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He had been enjoying his walk for quite a while now, having stopped to greet a few of the townspeople and chat about nothing in particular. However, he was unable to continue walking as hunger washed over him. I shouldn't have skipped dinner last night...

He also hadn't eaten breakfast when he woke up, so he was currently running on no fuel. He would have liked to stop by one of the local bakeries or suchlike and grab something to eat, but after spending so much coin at Richard's store the other day, he was going to have to make do with the food from the inn. At least until he received his next payment, whenever that was going to be.

He turned around and headed back to the inn, whereby he sat at an empty table and ordered some breakfast. He scanned the room for Linn, but to his relief, she was no where to be seen. Truth be told, he simply didn't want to deal with her at the moment. He knew he should at least apologize and smooth things over with her, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it without feeling angry. If he spoke to her right now, it'd probably make things worse than before. As breakfast arrived, he decided to dwell on other things, rather than focus on Linn.

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"Oh, you've come back fer another round, have ye? Glorious. Let's have us a wonderful little hand o' cards."


He walked on. Linn sighed a sigh of relief and slight disappointment. He'd either not noticed her or didn't want to talk about it yet, and either was fine to her, as much as she wanted it to be water under the bridge already. With that dealt with, as trying to keep her happy mood up, she brought herself back to the inn.

Of course he was there, but she decided to pay him no mind, sitting herself back down next to Caslan and giving him a poke in the arm. "Hey, you. Do you know if we're going to be leaving any time soon? I mean, I could probably ask Andre but I don't feel like getting up right away after taking that walk."

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"We'll see," Jacob said, as he dealt out hands to both Franklin and Toqua, before dealing himself a hand and setting the deck aside.

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