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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"Alright Chandra, we better get started. Mehr can easily carry both of us...and actually, its easier for you to mount Mehr since yer taller than me." he said as he brought Mehr out of the stables. He saw Caslan and another elf girl ride on the horse. Rimsky smirked as he saw the elf girl cling tightly to Caslan. "Poor girl. Must've been taken by surprise 'n new ta horse ridin'."he mumbled to himself.

Then he told Chandra,"Adjust the stirrup ta yer desired level so you can mount comfortably. Normally you'll need to pull the reins over the horse's head so that they know they shouldn't move. That's how we train them. I'll do it this time though. You just worry about mountin' Mehr. Us horse riders normally mount from the left side of the horse."

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Appreciating the slower speed of Joey, Linn sat normally this time. "A bit. I've mostly just been reading those dances, and trying to get them right whilst we stay at the inn. Not much else outside of that, sorry." Oh, maybe we can actually talk about each other! "So, Caslan, uhm... Are you a desert or forest elf? I didn't want to assume by your skin... I've just got a pretty heavy tan going on, myself, so I thought maybe you did as well."

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"Desert elf. Born and raised there most of my life. Although I heard my ancestors came from the Forgotten Woods long ago. I should probably ask my family how much they know about our family history one day." Now letting Joey move at its own leisure, Caslan asked, "What about you, a forest elf I imagine?"

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'Er, yeah. Was raised there, though I can't say it was very enjoyable. My parents were really strict. Well, not strict, just a bit overbearing. I guess I couldn't blame them, given my position, but still. Inthus was probably the best thing that could've happened to me, despite how warm it was. Getting to meet Aeson, and explore the rest of the world; that's the icing on that cake. Probably would've been hoisted on back to the forest after a few more years if I hadn't gotten out of Inthus. Oh, sorry!" Linn said, stopping herself, " I was rambling there..."

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"Ehehe... Alright. No, not for the most part. Though, I never really got to see much of regular life in the woods. I was always cooped up at home. I guess it wasn't too bad; I always had someone to help me with whatever I wanted, and a whole library of books to read. Though, the books are about the only thing I miss. What about you? How was living in the desert?"

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"Boring, well sort of. And lots of travelling since my tribe sells its services as water seekers. Not many hobbies there actually. Few materials unlike these lush lands to cultivate art and craft, cooking food of various ingredients and the sort. Makes me realise it's no wonder desert folk take up fighting as it's pretty much the only hobby that's readily available the scarce amount of water available," Caslan answered chuckling weakly, "Well, there's always story telling to make up for the lack of wood to make paper and books so some of the elders were really good at talking. Now I miss listening to their long tales. All in all, the desert's nowhere nearly as great as the lands outside of it."

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Linn listened intently, interested by what Caslan was telling her of the desert. Mostly, the story telling. "That must've been nice. Having people to talk to and tell tales with. I can just imagine you sitting around a fire, laughing, smiling, telling each other tales of the shadow desert, or the lands outside the sand. It sounds great."

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"Oh noooo, tales of the shadow desert was reserved for the naughty ones. No smiling when an elder brings up those stories," Caslan shuddered slightly as he recalled those tales. "But yeah, tales of the lands beyond the desert were the best, and there was only so few of them. They were mainly told by elves when they return to the tribe after going on a long trip like the one I'm on now...yeah, those were the best. Made every elf long to see the world outside and made parting with the tribe a little easier. So, you had a library, that makes you very well read, which story was your favourite?"

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"I guess you're glad that you got to leave then, and see what else the world has to offer. Great minds think alike, or something like that." Stories that I enjoyed, huh? "Well, there was obviously all the tomes of the Gods. The Queen of the Night always seemed the most interesting, to me. I mean, I know dark magic's scary, but it's just interesting that a God would go so far out of their way to try and help the people of the world, even with the repercussions of their actions. Oh, and the Dawn Guardians! I probably read their books at least three times each. I'm sure the authors' exaggerated the tales a lot, but still. Reading about all their heroics and bravery was really inspiring." She stretched, leaning herself back onto Caslan. Sitting up on the horse was starting to get tiring. "D'you think we should get back soon? I'd hate to miss the group leaving."

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While the rest of the group socialized, Celine quietly slipped out and obtained a shirt that fit. For some reason, the shopkeeper was willing to give her a hefty discount, provided that she didn't change until after she left the shop. Any discount was better than none!

Raelyn quietly observed the card game and various conversations in the inn. After the mess that was yesterday, she was more than happy to stand in the shadows and watch other people's lives go by.

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"Alright Chandra, we better get started. Mehr can easily carry both of us...and actually, its easier for you to mount Mehr since yer taller than me." he said as he brought Mehr out of the stables. He saw Caslan and another elf girl ride on the horse. Rimsky smirked as he saw the elf girl cling tightly to Caslan. "Poor girl. Must've been taken by surprise 'n new ta horse ridin'."he mumbled to himself.

Then he told Chandra,"Adjust the stirrup ta yer desired level so you can mount comfortably. Normally you'll need to pull the reins over the horse's head so that they know they shouldn't move. That's how we train them. I'll do it this time though. You just worry about mountin' Mehr. Us horse riders normally mount from the left side of the horse."

"Ah, excuse me, Iris. It was nice to meet you too." Chandra replied as she followed Rimsky to Mehr's stable. She did not realize Iris was the same as the prisoner from earlier; the shaman did not recall seeing her face because Toogee has bad memory. In any case, she refocused on Rimsky and the lesson.

After seeing Caslan and Linn zoom off (the latter looking rather panicked), the shaman was reassured that the same wouldn't happen to her while mounting. And so, Chandra approached Mehr from the left. She pet the horse behind the ear as she looked around the stable. Her first thought was to grab a small stool to help get on, but none appeared available. Perhaps the stirrup would provide the answer.

"Stirrup, right...which one's the stirrup?" Chandra was not familiar with the terminology, so she decided to wing it. Seeing the place where her foot would go, she quickly realized that it was far too short to step into. "Ah, this is the stirrup," Chandra exclaimed as she began adjusting the stirrup, using leather straps to lower them down to an acceptable level. She then raised her foot into one of them and climbed on. It was a rather clumsy effort; she had to hold onto the seat of the saddle to avoid falling off. Chandra was initially sitting a bit forward, but the shaman adjusted, sitting up straight and feeling that she was in the correct position.

Except backwards. As in, Mehr's head was behind her.

"Well this isn't right..." Chandra said, confused as to how she got here.

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"Ah, the Dawn Guardians. I never had the full story where I came from, maybe I can get you to recite it for me one day since you've read it so many times," steering Joey towards the village, "we can head back right away."

In a short amount of time, the two elves and Joey were by the inn entrance.

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Hopping off the horse, Linn looked into the inn's windows. Most of everyone seemed to be inside, and there didn't seem to be much to do other than wait. "I'll do my best to recount the tale to you sometime, Caslan. Thanks for the ride. Except for the start, it was pretty fun. Maybe I should try to get a horse. Anyway, I'm gonna go find a comfortable chair and a table to rest at, feel free to talk to me if anything's on your mind." She went inside and sat herself down, leaning forward as comfortably as she could.

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"Eventually, yes," Jacob said, as he gather the cards up and began to put them and his winnings away. "We're heading to go rescue our last job's employer, since he was kidnapped. I'd guess it won't end peacefully, given what happened a few days ago."

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"Good gracious, I can't imagine the group we'll be fightin' is any slouch! If they can just up an' kidnap one o' yer bosses, ye've got me worryin' slightly fer meself." Franklin sighed, but shook his head. "Tch, tch, tch. No matter! If they're a tough bunch, that just means they'll have better loot to steal."

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"I suppose so," Jacob said, before the table fell silent.


The black-haired woman woke up, fully clothed, in a room she didn't recognize, on a bed she didn't remember laying down on, and, with, one person she did recognize.

"Al..?" she asked, as she rose from the bed.

"Oh, so you woke up," Aldrick said, as he opened his eyes. "Was wondering when that'd happen."

"Where are we...? Last thing I remember, I was in Feaole, and..."

"Yes, well, a lot has happened since then, Sel. You'd best come with me, and I'll get you up to speed," the shaman said, as he headed for the door. After a moment, the woman followed him, unsure of what was to follow.


The Harriers eventually gathered together and left Petra, heading north as Iris directed them. After three uneventful days and just as relatively uneventful nights, the mercenary band finally was within sight of the Senian fortress. Andre signaled for everyone to stop, and spoke.

"Alright, here's the plan, so to speak. The majority of us are going to approach the fortress head on and engage their forces. Meanwhile, a small number of us will sneak in, break out Xane, and sneak out, causing as much trouble as possible," he said, crossing his arms. "Hale will be leading the infiltration team, and I will be with the main group. Any questions?"

Hale kept silent, as he examined his sword for any scratches.

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In his room, Erbert was struggling to get himself up, reminding he'd got himself employed to a mercenary group while he probably was well past his safe amount of drinking. "Mrrrmh... Head. Painful. Spoon. Sunlight. Need to get some sunlight to wake up..." The elf muttered, moaned and groaned as he took great effort getting out of his bed. Fixing his hair a bit, he opened the windows of his room to let some fresh air and more sunlight in, all the while he planned himself for a bath to make his looks the least hungover possible. He peeked outside his room, calling an employer and ordering some hot water --convenient they had a tub in the rooms, the service in this inn was quite pleasing!--.

Humming a popular folk song, a finally awake Erbert began getting himself ready for a day of work.


A lot sure had happened in the stables. Or so Alfonso noted in a most awkward way, as he realized he wasn't alone to begin with when he entered the stables. Oh dear.

In fact, the stable was all but quiet at that time --One of the fellows already inside got into some accident or another, then Rimsky, Chandra, Caslan, and Linn had come to the stables!--. Normally, the weathered knight wouldn't mind it at all, but somehow he felt goofy for going inside like a ghost. He didn't do so much as greeting anybody!

Instead of trying to fix that issue, he uncharacteristically kept to himself, finishing grooming and feeding Rosa. Packing and tying what he'd brought back from the inn to Rosa's saddle, he struck a confident pose as he saw himself prepared to depart and able to rest a while until then.


((post ts))

"Actually... yes, sir." Erbert rose his voice as the briefing had been done. "What do we know in full of the forces inside?"


Alfonso straightened his stance as he heard of the plan, face showing a bit of a mix of confidence and excitement with the prospect. A decoy tactic such as that... it sounds simple enough, yet heroic! Both teams will need a great deal of bravery, that's for sure!

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Zeff shot a glance over at the elf who had just asked a question to Andre. There were a lot of people who had joined the ranks of the Harriers and Zeff hadn't had the chance to meet them all. In fact, the only face he recognized among the new comers was Celine's.

But as he focused on the elf's face, he-Wait a minute...Is that...is that Erbert? It really is him!

As a merchant, it was a rather profitable investment to travel the country from time to time and take note of other's business policies. He liked to take an inventory of who was selling what, and where. He would note down the prices they sold their items at, and the quantity of what they were selling. Erbert was as much a merchant as Zeff, and he was a pretty good one at that. Their meeting had been brief, but the name and face stuck with Zeff. It was rather curious seeing him here. He thought of his own situation. Was it really so common for merchants to turn to mercenary work? In any case, he made a note to himself to have a chat with him after the battle. He was interested in finding out the reasons that Erbert had decided to join the Harriers.

Echoing after Erbert's question Zeff spoke, "And with regards to those forces. Who will be going along with Hale and who will be staying out here, sir?".

This fight was going to be different. He wasn't going to get pushed around. He thought about how the Senian commander Tyrus had so easily showed Zeff up. So easily stood against his sword.

Not this time.

This time he had a new sword, and a new glove. But with the thought of his glove came the thought of Linn, and a somber look overtook his face.

After the battle, perhaps...

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"Uhm... I'd like to be a part of the team that goes in, Andre," Linn spoke up, "Xane's my friend, and my boss, after all. I feel like I owe it to him. Though, I know that's not really the best reason, so I'll sit out here if you think that's better." Thinking about it, she was disappointed that she hadn't spoken more to Xane. "Just, as long as I can help, that's all I'd like."


"My good man, Andre," Franklin said, "keep me on either team. I'm a stealthy little bugger, so I'd be great on the inside, but I'm no slouch in a good fight, so I'll leave it up to you to see where I wander off to today." Franklin was proud, and confident he'd be of great use to the group!

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Aeson hadn't even realised combat was approaching - he had been far more caught up in vegetable based philosophy. The wandering priest followed along, listening to what the peas in his pod had to say.

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Chandra had enough time after the rather embarrassing attempt at horseback riding to make rations for the upcoming mission. She was able to cook up her stuffed loaves: chopped beef stuffed into bread loaves. While this would be good to keep up strength for the trip, she had to supplement with leftover jerky and whatever fruit she could find.

All of that was an afterthought once the group arrived at their destination. They were tasked with breaking out Xane from a Senian fortress. As the plan was laid out, Chandra knew exactly where to be.

"I'll stay with the decoy team," Chandra announced. "Someone will have to keep their strength up, and I have a new tome to provide support when needed."

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Raelyn thought about the mission. Prison break. Sounds like there's doors and whatnot. "I suggest one of me or that guy," she said, motioning towards Franklin, "go with whoever's breaking Xane out. Unless you have other ways of dealing with locked doors."


Breaking in? HAH. That's no fun! "I'm stayin' out here, where the FUN is!" Celine yelled. "Can't get a good swing in a cramped area!"

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Not a moment since Erbert asked and people were already deciding themselves into the separate groups. Well-- that's my chance to show my willingness! "...and if I may suggest as well, sir. I'm no loud slouch, and if the group that infiltrates the fortress needs a hand to bring down any resistace quickly... I'd be more than up for the job." He replied with a grin.


"I would like to stay and engage their forces. My employer might be at risk, but I have the mobility and might to distract their evil forces! I trust in the brave ones that will go, and I'll do my best to aid them by smacking their forces a new lesson!" Alfonso responded, flames of confidence bursting from his soul.

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