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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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This exchange was so odd, Elysia wasn't sure what to think of it. She was going off her gut here, but even then she wasn't quite sure where it was headed.

"Did you threaten her? She seems really timid about you."

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Linn did smile a little; at least Xane wasn't trying to pry it out of her. But she still knew it would get out eventually, and she felt it was better now than later. "Xane, you do know what I'm talking about. I appreciate your concern; it at least assures that you don't want to hurt me. Still..." She looked at Elysia and bit her lip, and then at Vera. "No, I don't. If I'm being honest I don't exactly trust anyone to know this, but someone does. So at least if Elysia knows, I can have someone to support me. I hope."

"I'm... My name isn't Linn..." She grabbed her arm, holding herself. "It's... It's S...Severine." She began to cry. "S-Severine Thurayya. A-And I'm sure that you've at least heard the name, since you're all at least h-half elf." She took a few steps back. "That makes me... Silverstar's princess." She started to sob. "And now I-I'm probably g-going to get sent back there..." Well. Now it's out there, come what may.

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Well, that was a bombshell. Elysia was somewhat stunned by the revelation, to be honest... Lin- Severine... didn't seem very... princessy.

"I never would have guessed... but... why are you all the way out here?" Elysia asked, confusion still evident on her face.

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Xane frowned at the tears. "Look, I never intended to cause you distress like this. I was just trying to explain why I protected you earlier. I have no intention of sending you back anywhere. At least not right now." He paused, fidgeted slightly, and then continued, "Either way, it's not exactly my place to send you back. If you don't want to go, we can't exactly make you. I plan to keep your secret."

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She was surprised to hear what Xane had said; she was sure that if someone knew, they'd take her in right away. "Y-You mean it? Really?" Reluctant to believe him, she kept her distance, but tried to stop herself from crying as much. At least not right now, he says... "Alright. I-I guess I don't have any reason to think you're lying. And... It's a long story, Elysia. But I guess these kinds of things always are, huh?" She choked a small laugh through her tears. It's like those stories you always read, the princess traveling with the mercenary band... But it doesn't feel anywhere near as pleasant.


"O-Oh, aye... I couldn't have asked fer a better end," Franklin croaked out, laughing slightly at the arrow sticking out of his chest. "Glad I lasted as long as I did, eh?" He collapsed with a smile.

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Zeff watched in horror as his comrades were struck down one by one. Grief and anguish consumed him when he saw his commander, Andre Harrop, fall prey to the enemy commander. Mere moments ago he had watched Andre battle his way through countless enemies, striking them down without so much as breaking a sweat, but now? This woman, the Senian commander, she...she took him out like it was nothing.

She was a monster.

He watched in horror as she took out Adari.

He watched in horror as she took out Rimsky.

But his eyes had lingered on her for too long--when he turned back, behind Jacob was a lone enemy soldier, another commander by the looks of it. Effortlessly, he speared Jacob in the back, and kicked him to the side. Perhaps he had taken Zeff for dead, or just simply didn't want to bother with him. "H-h-hey! Hey! Are you alright?! Oh gods..."

But Zeff's dire concern was soon replaced by scorn and contempt when he heard what Simon had to say. "..Worthless...trash?" And then he recalled what one of the other commanders had said to him, "How dare you betray the King?"

He clutched his sword, driven by rage, so much so that he hadn't even noticed Sayina had come by to tend to his wounds. Unaware that as he watched Simon walk away, more of his companions were falling prey to the enemy. Unaware of the words Erbert was saying to him. Unaware that, he had gotten up off the ground and was chasing after Simon.

"You bastard! Come back here!" he yelled, brandishing his weapon. He wasn't going to fail this time. No--this time was for real. Simon spun around with a look of pity on his face, as if Zeff had ruined the one chance he had of leaving alive. He thrust his spear forward, and in that moment, Zeff would have died--if not for Toqua. Toqua swept in on his Wyvern, dealing Simon a healthy blow, before returning to the skies. This was his chance, while Simon was distracted.

Zeff leaped forward, and Simon seemed to almost laugh, seemingly unaffected by the blow Toqua had dealt. Simon brought his lance forward, aiming for a clean shot, but Zeff parried him, knocking his weapon from his grip. Closing the distance between the two, Zeff grabbed hold of Simon's face and brought him crashing to the ground. "I will KILL YOU," he roared. And in one complete motion, Zeff brought his sword up and plunged it through Simon's chest, keeping it there for but a moment before ripping it back out. Simon coughed up some blood, and uttered his final words, "Damn.. Looks like I'm the trash..."

I will not bow down to that fiend you call a King. Never.

Objective Complete: Defeat Aldrick and Simon

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4330916/ Uh, high accuracy wrath crit? Yes. I'll take one of those. Thanks.


Vera hadn't intended on listening so intently to the conversation, but what Linn said was almost impossible to ignore. She closed her tome, and looked up.

"You mean to tell me that your name is Severine Thurayya, and you're the princess of Silverstar?" Vera burst out into laughter. "My dear, if what you speak is the truth, then being sent back to your home would be the least of your worries," she said.

Her expression darkened, "pray, o Princess of Silverstar, that no one comes to me asking for your blood."

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With a casual gesture, Xane sent the earth around Vera into action, locking onto her hands and ankles with stone and dirt shackles, and knocking her tomes to the ground. "You forget yourself I think," he said frigidly. "You will not threaten anyone that is in my employ again, or you will regret it." Turning back to Linn, he smiled at her. "Your secret is safe with me. As are you."


Watching Zeff take down one of the enemy leaders, Rayil charged alongside him, aiming for one of the mages who'd been supporting the now dead soldier. With two quick thrusts, Rayil left the mage dead on the ground.



Dude's dead.

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"Hah, then it would do her good to remain in your employment forever more, boy," she spat.

"See to it that you yourself don't come under my watch, Xane," she hissed. She refrained from breaking her bindings, only due to the fact that she knew Xane would retaliate again. Information was useful, perhaps she would garner some more if he thought she was no longer a threat.

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"Ah! Y-You don't need to go that far, Xane..." Despite being threatened with death, going as far as restraining the woman felt like it was a bit much. Maybe she's just grandstanding... I doubt she'd really go out of her way to kill just me. "She's probably just... I don't know. I just don't want us to start fighting, especially because of me." She pulled brought herself a little closer, standing next to Elysia. "But, thank you, Xane. I'm...a lot less worried now. I just didn't ever want to go back." She let out a big sigh. Look at what you were worried over, you big fool.

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Aleric scanned the battlefield for injuries once more, carefully making his way to an injured young woman. After healing her, he returned to his previous position much more quickly, ensuring that he looked as insignificant and unimportant as possible next to his teammate's armored bulk. "Just a little longer, right? We can make it." And if we don't, this is as good an end as any.

Aleric heals Celine to full health

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Feeling disgruntled at how the enemy knight was still standing, Caslan went close and flung two high powered orbs of water at the knight, while receiving a well aimed counter jab. Nonetheless, the knight was left in a far worse state than the mage.

-5Ski, +5Mag

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4331273/ 6,6,5,2,4,2,6,4,1

Caslan Hit and deals 16 damage to Senian knight A!

Senian knight A autohits Caslan for 6 damage!

Caslan attacks a second time for 14 damage!

Caslan 9/15Hp

Senian Knight A 3/33Hp

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Having taken a few too many hits himself, Aeson felt like he was going to visit the grand mushroom in the sky. However, he couldn't quite allow himself to leave this world yet. There were people who depended on him, people he cared about, people who he hadn't likened to vegetables yet, vegetables that hadn't had metaphors based on them yet... the list went on. Much of his group had fallen, but he had enough energy in himself to heal what was left.

Aeson uses his super nifty group heal ability on his own group!

Check da sheet! (someone clarify if Aeson gets healed too)

3 points... something about basketball!

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Things went swimmingly! Zeff cracked that douche amazingly! Did his swordplay get better? Satisfied with the prospect that the guild would maybe not fall hard now, Erbert continued to look for a target, and found one quickly --a mage had just dropped some amazing water spells on a pesky enemy knight, Erbert full knew what to do now!

"Sorry to break it to you, but you're broken!" Rushing, Erbert taunted the enemy one last time as his axe cracked the worn down armor and finished the mage's job.

Erbert: 21/21

Knight A: Rest in pieces/33


"Stay back." Alfonso spoke as the fighter returned from another assault. "We have to live this through... We need to! Just a little longer now...."

Alfonso defends Erbert!
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The sound of battle behind her serving as a motivator Iris did her best to complete the simple task Hale has instructed her with as fast as possible. Spreading the oil throughout the fort proved easier than Iris thought it'd be, not running into a single guard the entire time, and soon enough the oil was everywhere it needed to be. All that was left was to return to Hale and if need be help him dispose of Aldrick. Aldrick... just the mere thought of the man made her feel uneasy but nonetheless she would fight the man with all see had if necessary. Funny. Even now when I have a chance to escape I'd rather aid Hale and potentially face down Aldrick. Caught up in her thoughts Iris barely managed to dodge a sword swing despite the fact she shouldn't have been able to unless the attacker held back. Without a second thought Iris unleashed the magic she'd been holding at the ready, the resulting blast sending the attacker backwards into the wall. Hmph. I guess there truly is no place left in Senia for me. Refusing to think further on the subject and it's implications she followed the sound of combat back to Hale and Aldrick. "What now Hale? All that's left is to light this place up." She said as she readied another spell.

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Chandra could only watch as her allies fell one by one. Rimsky was taken out with one shot from the familiar thrall/not-thrall from their last encounter. She couldn't tell how many of them were left, but those that were were in great need of healing. She focused on her sew-chef Zeff, who had just dispatched one of the commanders in a righteous rage. Clearly, they needed to keep his momentum going if they were ever going to get out of this. The shaman entered the front lines with her healing staff in hand. With a simple chant, a healing light enveloped Zeff, healing his wounds.

"You did well," Chandra said to Zeff, grabbing his shoulder to comfort him. "Keep it up. It shouldn't be long now."

Chandra heals Zeff to full health (12/24 ---> 24/24)

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Xane sighed. With a flick of his hand, the bonds on Vera disappeared back into the ground. Facing her, he frowned but said calmly, "That was simply intended to prove a point. Do not test me again by threatening one of my companions. It will not end well for you." Turning to Linn, he frowned. "Was there any sort of plan for when we were to meet up with the rest of the group? Are they expecting us to come out the same way you all went in?"

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Phew, that's good. Though he didn't really need to say that... Oh well. He just cares. His next statement obtained a much less concrete response. "Uh..." She looked at Elysia, Vera, and then back to Xane. "I don't think Hale told us what he was going to do, no... In fact... Do you know where exactly he put us out at?" She glanced around, realizing she had no actual idea of where they were. Uh oh... That's no good.

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"Of course we'll make it!" Celine yelled at Aleric. "I ain't gonna die to these bastards!" With the armored wall gone, Celine set her sights on one of the ranged attackers. This'll be too easy!


[5, 2, 1] - Celine wouldn't miss, and would never fail to kill.

She kicked the archers body off of her axe, and smirked.

Archer A: Dead

Celine: 30/30


Raelyn spotted one of the flying nuisances, who had made the grave mistake of putting her lance away. That's the only reason why you weren't dead, you bloomin' idiot.


[2, 2, 5] - Raelyn hits for 5 damage.

[5, 2, 4] - That's not enough to kill her.

[5, 5, 5] - Auto-hit-crit for 16 damage. Goodbye. . .and die!

Raelyn's first strike got her opponent's attention. She didn't quite dodge the ensuing flame blast, and cried out as she felt her skin crack. "Fine. I'll stop screwing around," she growled, as she plunged her now-heated sword into her opponent's midsection. She wasn't sure how she survived that blast, but she felt it would be for the best if she didn't question her good fortune.

Flier C - dead

Raelyn - 1/15

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Objective complete: Defeat all mounted units except Selia
Enemy Phase 5
The enemy mage decided to try and fry that pesky wyvern rider. Unfortunately her spell went wide.
Toqua 20/33
The first enemy swordsman spotted a vulnerable medic, and kindly corrected that problem by cutting her down.
Critical hit!
2(12-1) = 22 points of damage! Chandra is defeated!
Chandra 0/18
The first footman tried to do the same to the enemy swordsman, but was unsuccessful
Rayil 18/18
His comrade, the soldier captain, one upped him by dropping the enemy swordswoman with a single blow.
Critical hit!
2(19-6) = 26 points of damage! Raelyn is defeated!
Raelyn 0/15
Another lancer went for the enemy fighter, but was stopped by that bloody cavalier. How was he not dead yet?
9-6 = 3 points of damage!
Alfonso 29/39
A separate soldier spotted the wounded priest, and stabbed him twice, to no avail. What a sturdy clergyman.
14-9 = 5 points of damage!
14-9 = 5 points of damage!
Aeson 4/21
The last of them went after Simon's murderer, and managed to deal quite a bit of damage, but the enemy did not go down.
10-5 = 5 points of damage!
14-5 = 9 points of damage!
Zeff 10/24
The acolyte slayer, seeing his chance, quickly dived in and slashed the wounded priest, finally bringing him down.
Critical hit!
2(18-9) = 18 points of damage! Aeson is defeated!
Aeson 0/21
The last swordsman decided to try his hand at killing the pirate, but only managed to deal a heavy gash to her side.
17-1 = 16 points of damage!
Celine 14/30
Selia put her tome away, drew her lance, and advanced on the enemy knight, With two mighty blows, that knight was brought down, and the enemy commander now had virtually free reign to defeat all of the mercenaries' healers .
36-12 = 24 points of damage.
Critical hit!
2(35-12) = 46 points of damage! Bertha is defeated!
Bertha 0/30
Lastly, the other healer decided to keep morale up, so she healed the would-be pirate hunter.
Senian Medic C Heals Senian Swordsman F!
Senian Swordsman F 15/15
Other Phase
Toqua had had about enough of these enemy healers, and so, in a single pass he crushed the skull of one of them.
20-3 = 17 points of damage! Senian Medic B is defeated!
Senian Medic B 0/9
Toqua 20/33
Sayina, meanwhile, rode up to Celine and healed her wounds, before retreating to the back lines.
Sayina heals Celine!
Celine 30/30
Sayina activates Sneak!

Senian Mage B 15/15 Defending Tome C (Anima) (Aggressive)
Senian Swordsman A 13/21 Killing Edge C - (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier A 18/18 Plain Lance (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier B 24/24 Killer Lance C - (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier C 24/24 Killer Lance C - (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier D 24/24 Speed Lance C (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier E 24/24 Speed Lance C (Aggressive)
Senian Swordsman E 24/24 Slayer Axe C (Acolyte) (Subvert)
Senian Knight D 27/27 Defending Lance C (Defending Senian Swordsman F)
Senian Swordsman F 15/15 Resisting Sword C (Aggressive)
Selia 33/33 Pandia (Erratic)
Senian Duelist A 15/15 Defending Sword C (Passive-subvert)
Senian Minstrel A 15/15 Defending Tome C (Anima) (passive-aggressive)
Senian Brute B 21/21 Speed Axe C (Passive-aggressive)
Senian Medic C 9/9 Healing Staff C (Aggressive)
Andre 0/33 Speed Sword B (Erratic)
Adari 0/24 Killer Bow B (Erratic)
Sayina 24/24 Healing Staff C (Erratic)
Toqua 20/33 Speed Axe C (Defending Sayina)
Conscious PCs
Celine 30/30
Zeff 10/24
Caslan 9/15
Rayil 18/18
Alfonso 29/39
Erbert 21/21
Aleric 13/21
Player Phase 6, go!
"Hale? You don't mean-" Before Aldrick could finish, he was disarmed and slammed into the wall by Hale.
"Where's your thrall?" he asked, holding his blade to the Senian commander's throat. Strangely, in response, the latter laughed.
"She's right outside, killing all your friends. How about it Romeo? Going to go save her from yourself?"
"Bastard!" The shaman was promptly slammed against the wall, a few times.
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They're either really strong, or we're pretty incompetent. Celine took a deep breath. Their number was less than half of what they started with, and the weird thing with dark magic plowed through them with ease. If she was going to die, she was going to take as many of those bastards with her as possible. Starting with the idiot with a staff.


Hooray for excessive skill and low HP enemies.

She casually stepped over the man's innards, and looked for her next opponent.

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"Um... Hale?" Iris asked meekly as she watched Hale smash Aldrick's head into the wall. It wasn't that she disapproved of beating Aldrick -that man deserved it for all the trouble he'd caused her- but rather the sheer ferocity that Hale suddenly displayed. And why did Hale care so much about the Thrall, who Iris figured was Selia, unless... he and Selia were... Best leave those thoughts for another time. If Selia really was out there the sooner they created their distraction. "Don't you think it'd be best to set this place ablaze? It will surely end things out there," Iris said ignoring Aldrick. He was outnumbered and outmatched, he couldn't do anything against them. She hoped.

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"Well, it's pretty obvious that the main battle is happening that way." Elysia noted, pointing North towards where the sounds of combat were being generated.

"If my bearings are right, that would place the battlefield in-between us and the fort... Hale skipped us right over the fight out here." She concluded, deciding to leave the whole princess issue be for the time being... less chance of her head exploding out of confusion.

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