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First Job Interview


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Applied at a local Pizza Hut about a week ago and I called in and have it set for tomorrow. I'm not really nervous but I don't know how to approach the situation. I bought some slacks yesterday for the interview, and I need a pair for jazz band concerts, but I feel like it's a little over the top. I know you're supposed to look professional and all but it's just Pizza Hut. I'm pretty sure they won't mind if I show up in a nice pair of jeans and a button up shirt but our school drills slacks and dress up shirts with a tie into our heads.

Anyways, anyone got any tips on handling a job interview or having a job interview soon?

Back up plan is a local Subway but I'd rather not resort to that.

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People have different ideas on what "professional" looks like, but most everyone typically agrees that it involves looking at least groomed and presentable. Go with what you feel more comfortable with that is presentable; the important thing is not so much what you're wearing, but how you carry yourself. You could look amazing to them clothes wise, but if you're visibly uncomfortable, it doesn't look as good. Confidence is key; you don't want to be arrogant, but you want to appear skilled, centered, and responsible enough to handle whatever job it is that you're applying for. Don't be stiff, but don't be too overly lax; you want them to see you're serious about this job. Be courteous and respectful, maintain eye contact and keep your cool. Give them a reason to hire you over any other applicants; its not about what their job position can do for you, but what you can do for them with that job position. Make sure you understand whether you should call them or they should call you to let you know their decision; it shows initiative.

I guess this maybe is optional, but my mom taught me to also send a thank you note to your interviewer if you get hired, but I'm not sure how old fashioned or not that is.

Good luck! And remember, relax. :)

Edited by Silver Lightning
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I have to do job interviews every now and then, and I usually hire the guy who ISN'T in a suit, but makes at least a half assed attempt to wear a dress shirt and nice pants. For me, I like to hire people who come as themselves, as it shows me that they are who they are and aren't putting on a false image for the interview and are going to let me down in the future.

The hard part I think is trying to find a medium ground between the talking, as you don't want to boast about everything and make the manager sit there and listen to how awesome you are, as 9/10 (10/10 for me) it more or less annoys them than anything. At the same time you don't want to be at a traditional Chinese modesty level, as it shows that you aren't confident in yourself. I think I like the people who let me do the talking, but still respond in a comprehensive matter, none of this "uh huh, uh huh" stuff. Humour also helps, as being a human, the interview is as tedious for me, as it is for the person I'm interviewing, and the if the person stands out and makes me laugh, is down to earth, and demonstrates that he understands what I am saying, chances are I'm going to remember him over all the other schmoes.

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I think the main thing is to be confident! If someone comes in very timid and nervous, it doesn't give the interviewer a good first impression. Since you're a boy, I'd imagine jeans and a nice shirt would be appropriate attire, as well as cleanly groomed (don't want to look like a slob, lol!).

Also, be prepared for questions like "what are your strengths and weaknesses?", "why should we hire you over other applicants?", "what would you do in X situation?", and "why are you interested in working here?". Those sorts of questions have been asked to me in every interview I've had so I'm pretty sure that they're common questions. xD

Good luck with your interview! :) Just don't be nervous~

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Be confident and secure without crossing the line of "braggart". The most important question out there is "why should we hire you".

You need to convince the interviewer that it is a mistake to hire someone else instead of yourself, no matter what job. A shown ambition to succeed is always a great idea.

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