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List of movesets a Pokemon should have, but don't.

Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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I got my idea from an article I've read on Smogon a while back, so I figure that there should be a topic about which moveset for certain Pokemon to have...but don't.

So without further ado, here are my list of thoughts:

Breloom + Wood Hammer: No more relying on Seed Bomb for it's 80 pp STABs, with Wood Hammer + 130 Atk, it'll probably make Breloom more broken...but awesome. Its also worth the recoil if running a defensive set.

Electivire + Volt Tackle: Electivire's major setback is the lack of powerful STABs, and a 90 pp Wild Charge isn't really that great IMO.

Hydreigon + Dragon Dance: Just because it would've not only compensate for its low 98 Spd, but could also make an effective mix-sweeper as well.

Kyurem-B + Ice Punch: Seriously, Kyurem-B have really big arms and a powerful 170 Atk, yet it still have limited physical movesets. Ice Punch might not be the best move, but it could at least make Kyurem-B more useful if not better...

Vaporeon + Water Spout: Since Vaporeon have access to Wish and for having high HP base of 130.

Flareon + Flare Blitz: For obvious reasons...

Metagross + Shift Gear: This will never happen, but worth wishing for XD.

Garchomp + Dragon Dance: Probably not a good idea as it'll make Garchomp more broken... O_O

Edited by Wang Yuanji
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i struggle to comprehend why Salamence doesn't currently have Dragon Dance or Outrage in its non-breed/tutor movepool i mean come on those are almost as obvious default move choices as Pikachu and its beloved Thunderbolt

also this is just wishful thinking but damn i'd kill for Swampert to get some decent recovery move action also swift swim but that's another story entirely

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I got my idea from an article I've read on Smogon a while back, so I figure that there should be a topic about which moveset for certain Pokemon to have...but don't.

So without further ado, here are my list of thoughts:

Breloom + Wood Hammer: No more relying on Seed Bomb for it's 80 pp STABs, with Wood Hammer + 130 Atk, it'll probably make Breloom more broken...but awesome. Its also worth the recoil if running a defensive set.

Electivire + Volt Tackle: Electivire's major setback is the lack of powerful STABs, and a 90 pp Wild Charge isn't really that great IMO.

Hydreigon + Dragon Dance: Just because it would've not only compensate for its low 98 Spd, but could also make an effective mix-sweeper as well.

Kyurem-B + Ice Punch: Seriously, Kyurem-B have really big arms and a powerful 170 Atk, yet it still have limited physical movesets. Ice Punch might not be the best move, but it could at least make Kyurem-B better.

Vaporeon + Water Spout: Since Vaporeon have access to Wish.

Flareon + Flare Blitz: For obvious reasons...

Metagross + Shift Gear: This will never happen, but worth wishing for XD.

Garchomp + Dragon Dance: Probably not a good idea as it'll make Garchomp more broken... O_O

PLEASE!!! Flareon has always been one of my favorites in the eeveelutions, but its so sad that I can never use to its full potential without strong physical moves. Always get laughed at whenever I use it even for casual battles... :(

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Slack Off Snorlax

...hopefully I don't need to explain why.


And on that note, why no Shell Smash Blastoise? He'd be great with his respectable Speed and Water Spout.

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Slack Off Snorlax

...hopefully I don't need to explain why.

I'd like an explanation, because I don't get why Snorlax would need it.

Leafeon needs Earthquake and Dragon Claw.

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And on that note, why no Shell Smash Blastoise? He'd be great with his respectable Speed and Water Spout.

That's a good one too. Rapid Spin+Hydro Pump+Shell Smash

EDIT: ^Because Snorlax needs a more reliable healing move.

Edited by Knight
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And I don't get why Leafeon would need any of those. <_<

Dragon Claw would give it coverage against Dragonite, if you were ever up against a Dragonite with a Leafeon for some strange reason.

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And I don't get why Leafeon would need any of those. <_<

Need? Maybe. Make sense? lol

Either way, on top of my head :

Magma Storm Magmar/Typhlosion/Magcargo/Camerupt

Crabhammer Scizor

Drill Run Escavalier

Sucker Punch Scrafty/Hydreigon

Ice Beam/Blizzard Gengar/Salamence/Giratina/Hydreigon

Volt Tackle any Electric type with decent Attack

Circle Throw Hariyama

Sacred Sword Gallade

Flare Blitz Flareon

Octazooka Jellicent

Leech Seed Landorus

Poison Fang Victreebel

Head Smash/Brave Bird Aerodactyl

Earthquake Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem

Shell Smash Kingler/Crawdaunt

Edited by Woodshooter
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And I don't get why Leafeon would need any of those. <_<

For coverage, silly. Coverage must be a bad thing now.

Close Combat for Poliwrath. Yes

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Zubat/Golbat/Crobat - Night Slash (via Breeding: Farfetch'd, Skarmory, or Honchkrow)

Scizor - Meteor Mash (Probably by Move Tutor?) (Kinda impractical - no one would use it over Bullet Punch anyway)*

Aerodactyl - Brave Bird, Head Smash (Suggested by a thread I read a while back, somewhere) (Seconding)

Togepi - Poison Sting (Start)

Lugia - Hurricane (Level)

Altaria - Blizzard (by TM), Powder Snow (Level), Icy Wind (Move Tutor or via Breeding: Skarmory)

Zangoose - Cut (HM)

Lunatone - Moonlight (Level), Dark Pulse (Level, TM, or Move Tutor)

Solrock - Morning Sun (Level), Flare Blitz / Flame Charge / Flame Wheel (Level) (Pick one of the three - I can't really decide which fits it better)

Regice - Icicle Crash (Level) (Natural by its appearance, completely impractical though)

Registeel - Meteor Mash (Level) (If you add one to one, have to add one to the others)

Regirock - Rock Wrecker (Level) (If you add one to one, have to add one to the others)

*EDIT - Though, I really do like Woodshooter's Crabhammer suggestion. I'd almost rather have coverage than a bigger STAB move that wouldn't get used anyway.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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uhhh i am not really the competitive kind but uhhhh i guess shuckle agilyt?....

Already has access to Rock Polish, which is basically agility. Doesn't save it from being total arse.

Also, Judgement for Bidoof.

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Can Flygon get Dragon Dance?

The answer is no.

In fact, outside of Hone Claws, Flygon gets no boosting moves whatsoever. And that is kind of a problem seeing as Flygon's attack really isn't particularly great (as an example, Banded Flygon cannot 2HKO standard Ferrothorn (252HP/88Def with Relaxed nature) with Earthquake after Stealth Rock and Leftovers are factored in, whereas Banded Garchomp's Earthquake has a 67.5% of 2HKOing that same Ferrothorn, again after SR damage and Lefties recovery. And this is assuming that Flygon is Adamant while Garchomp is Jolly.)

Other than this, here are some moves that I think some Pokemon should get, but they just... don't:

Gengar: Nasty Plot, Aura Sphere

Flareon: Flare Blitz

Aerodactyl: Brave Bird, Head Smash

Snorlax: Slack Off

Articuno/Zapdos: Hurricane

Wobbuffet: Recover

Raikou/Entei/Suicune: Recover

Tyranitar: Sucker Punch

Flygon: Dragon Dance

Bronzong: Recover

Electivire: Volt Tackle, Bulk Up

Magmortar: Magma Storm, Calm Mind

Gallade: Sacred Sword

Unfezant: Brave Bird

Escavalier: Drill Run, ExtremeSpeed

Haxorus: Fire Punch, ThunderPunch

Hydreigon: Nasty Plot

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Magikarp: Hyper Beam,Giga Impact,Spacial Rend,Roar of Time,Shadow Force,Fusion Bolt,V create,Fissure,Sheer Cold,Frenzy Plant,Blast Burn,Hydro Cannon,Volt Tackle,Pay Day,Psystrike,Octazooka,Present,Aeroblast,Sacred Fire,Mist Ball,Luster Purge,Seed Flare,Psycho Boost,Magma Storm,Crush Grip,Lunar Dance,Heart Swap,Dark Void,JUDGEMENT,Searing Shot,Fiery Dance,Sacred Sword,Fusion Flare,Blue Flare,Bolt Strike,Glaciate,Freeze Shock,Ice Burn,Secret Sword,Relic Song,and Technoblast

I'm missing Splash...shit

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