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Streetpass Team

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I want you guys to rate my streetpass team. I have no DLC, meaning no Limit Breaker. My Assassins are basically dodgers.


Assassin: Quick Burn, Lancebreaker, Swordbreaker, Tomebreaker, Lucky Seven


Dark Flier: Aether, Luna, Lancefaire, Tomefaire, Speed +2(To not get doubled by most Limit Breaker Sorcerors)


Falcon Knight: Rightful King, Aether, Aegis, Tomebreaker, Renewal/Luna (Balanced)


Assassin: Quick burn, Tomebreaker, Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker, Lucky Seven


Assassin: Quick Burn, Lucky Seven, Tomebreaker, Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker

(+Speed -Luck) Avatar

Assassin: Lethality, Counter, Miracle, Tomebreaker, Lancebreaker (Tomebreaker + Counter/Miracle/Lethality combo)


Berserker: Vantage, Axefaire, Sol, Swordbreaker, Counter (Counter keeps Swords away, while Swordbreaker gives me the extra hit)


Hero: Sol, Swordbreaker, Axebreaker, Luna, Aegis


Sorceror: Wrath, Vengeance, Vantage, Miracle, Tomefaire


Wyvern Lord: Sol, Aegis, Pavise, Luna, Counter/Swordbreaker

I would also like to know how this team does against a Limit Breaker team.

Edited by AssassinSevera
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While I'd like to say that since you're using kids, so they have better stat caps than Gen 1s... A lot of other people also use kids with their Limit Breakered team. You *WILL* get doubled on their 3DS.

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Yes, i know i will get doubled. Thats why i tried to counter limit breaker by using Breakers, Counter/Miracle, and Wrath/Vengeance/Vantage.

Also, i looked up the stats, i wont get doubled all the time. Some sorcerors with limit breaker have about 53 or so speed. Most of my units have 52 speed.

Also, slow classes such as general, great knight, etc wont double me.

So could you give a rating for this team/edit what i have?

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