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How do FE4 and FE5 difficulties compare?

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FE5's difficulty (IMO) for the most part is completely dependent on the situations the game throws at you rather than enemy strength. (The Saias chapters for example, and 24x). So if you know whats coming it isn't all that hard, but some parts are a pain regardless.

FE4 is quite easy IMO.

Edited by Junpei Iori
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FE4 has very different mechanics from other FE's it could take a little getting used to but after that its pretty simple

FE5 has some different mechanics and some BS stuff on a blind player but after a first playthrough its not all that difficult

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Thracia has the hardest normal mode in the series

It is one of the harder normal modes yes, I will agree with that.

I still find it funny how elite mode is hidden yet easier due to the nature of the skill in question :P

Elite Mode + Elite Skill + Elite Sword is hilarious

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What would be harder? I suppose maybe fe6 or fe10, if you aren't going in blind.

Elite mode would have been cool if they had increased other things as well.

I feel FE10 normal is harder personally but I think thats just me.

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In NM, the main difficulty is surprise reinforcements and Chapter 7.

Even in NM, it's still the worst.

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What would be harder? I suppose maybe fe6 or fe10, if you aren't going in blind.

I'd say FE6 because it doesn't give you tons of BEXP, it has overall low Hitrates (which can actually work more against you than not) and Enemy Phase reinforcements.

I feel FE10 normal is harder personally but I think thats just me.

FE10 NM is very easy. In raw enemy stats, they're actually rather decent in comparison to other games...but much like FE13 HM (which also has relatively strong enemies), it blows the little difficulty it has by giving you tons of great resources (tons of BEXP in FE10 NM and Pair Ups/ton of money/etc. in FE13 HM).

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FE10 NM is very easy. In raw enemy stats, they're actually rather decent in comparison to other games...but much like FE13 HM (which also has relatively strong enemies), it blows the little difficulty it has by giving you tons of great resources (tons of BEXP in FE10 NM and Pair Ups/ton of money/etc. in FE13 HM).

Hmmm... just like FE6 blows what difficulty it has (most of which is fake, BTW) by Rutger and Miledy being insanely good?

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Hmmm... just like FE6 blows what difficulty it has (most of which is fake, BTW) by Rutger and Miledy being insanely good?

Yes we get it you hate FE6, kindly stop repeating yourself. Or should I start mentioning to you that FE13 has counter every time the game is brought up?

Are you going to say every other FE has no fake difficulty at all? I mean I've used every single character in FE6 and they are all by normal means useable [i don't play LTC much of course]. Sure special treatment for some but in the end it's just like every other FE it just has throne issues and the enemy stavers are hilariously easy to gimp [they target low def not low res etc] so I don't see your problems apart from the thrones.

Note to the OP sorry for going off topic.

Edited by Jedi
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Yes we get it you hate FE6, kindly stop repeating yourself. Or should I start mentioning to you that FE13 has counter every time the game is brought up?

Are you going to say every other FE has no fake difficulty at all? I mean I've used every single character in FE6 and they are all by normal means useable [i don't play LTC much of course]. Sure special treatment for some but in the end it's just like every other FE it just has throne issues and the enemy stavers are hilariously easy to gimp [they target low def not low res etc] so I don't see your problems apart from the thrones.

Note to the OP sorry for going off topic.

Or maybe I didn't like seeing Soul use a double standard, and had to call it out. TBH, though, I always thought FE6 was easier than RD, talking from a normal mode perspective.

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RD is already easier than any other game on NM beacuse of battle save <_<

Ignoring that, Part 1 is reasonably challenging from the start but I really don't see how the rest of RD is hard, it's mostly just tedious.

FE6 NM siege magic/status stave spam is annoying but I've heard that FE5 has the same deal but staves still have infinite range in that game soooo....

Edited by Irysa
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RD is already easier than any other game on NM beacuse of battle save <_<

Ignoring that, Part 1 is reasonably challenging from the start but I really don't see how the rest of RD is hard, it's mostly just tedious.

FE6 NM siege magic/status stave spam is annoying but I've heard that FE5 has the same deal but staves still have infinite range in that game soooo....

The battle save card doesn't impress me in the least.

Funny you say that, because that's exactly what I think of FE6.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I wasn't entirely serious about that statement. Next time I'll have to use strikeout instead of emoticons....

I still don't really see how FE10 NM after part 1 is hard though. The maps are the epitome of "throw op unit into the middle of everything", and they take forever because of the animations/excessive amounts of ally/other forces present constantly. Even if FE6 maps are wide open, at least there's not another 20 units who need to have their turn after enemy phase... At the least you kind of need to plan with your positioning in FE6, even on NM or you will get berserked and shit hits the fan. Roy is also still fucking mediocre and annoying to have to look after compared to Miccy, Ike or Elincia.

Edited by Irysa
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I still don't really see how FE10 NM after part 1 is hard though. The maps are the epitome of "throw op unit into the middle of everything", and they take forever because of the animations/excessive amounts of ally/other forces present constantly. At the least you kind of need to plan with your positioning in FE6, even on NM or you will get berserked and shit hits the fan. Roy is also still fucking mediocre and annoying to have to look after compared to Miccy, Ike or Elincia.

Congrats, you described pretty much every other FE game as well. Oh wait, you don't really get any OP units until part 4, which is a rout fest.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Haar isn't an OP unit now? Even ignoring him, the other GMs are pretty stupidly overcapable compared to the chumpy DB or CKs, and letting Jill solo 3-6 and 3-13 is generally the most pain free method of beating those chapters too. And 2-3, 2-E (unless you're sane and just let Haar kill the boss quickly), 3-P, 3-4, 3-10, 3-12, 3-13, 3-E (kill me, dont get me started on part 4 either), are all way way way too fucking long for what the map actually ask you to do (move to end of linear map, "survive" x turns, or dump someone in the middle of a lot of enemies) , not only in terms of actual objective, but also as mentioned the large amount of neutral/other units that waste time on the map...

I don't hate FE10 or anything, there are some cool maps in there too. It's just segregated between all that...

Edited by Irysa
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Haar isn't an OP unit now? Even ignoring him, the other GMs are pretty stupidly overcapable compared to the chumpy DB or CKs, and letting Jill solo 3-6 and 3-13 is generally the most pain free method of beating those chapters too. And 2-3, 2-E (unless you're sane and just let Haar kill the boss quickly), 3-P, 3-4, 3-10, 3-12, 3-13, 3-E (kill me, dont get me started on part 4 either), are all way way way too fucking long for what the map actually ask you to do (move to end of linear map, "survive" x turns, or dump someone in the middle of a lot of enemies) , not only in terms of actual objective, but also as mentioned the large amount of neutral/other units that waste time on the map...

I don't hate FE10 or anything, there are some cool maps in there too. It's just segregated between all that...

Now you're conveying how I feel about FE6. Again. Mainly because seize maps are boring as all get out, as I see it. That said, I never really felt the same way as you do on the subject.

And in all honestly, I just don't see me agreeing with you on this anytime soon so we might as well just call it quits.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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