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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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The Naughty one is male with Run Away, unfortunately :/ For the record, none of the Eevee have their DW ability.

That's fine, I'm still interested in the other two. Anything interest you in my sig link?

I only have one with 31/x/31/x/31/31 left, which IV's does this Phantump have?

I have 4 with x/31/31/x/31/31, and one with x/31/31/31/31/x.

Do you have any 4 IV Riolu? If so, I'll give you a 4 IV Mienfoo for it. I'll offer the Growlithe for a Gible, and the Solosis for a Fletchling.

I have six 4 IV Riolu:

3 Prankster 31/x/x/31/31/31

2 Prankster x/x/31/31/31/31

1 Inner Focus 31/x/31/31/x/31

I'll trade the other two for an equal number of IVs, so a 4 IV Gible and a 3 IV Fletchling.

Uh, no, I'm 'X.' (Unoriginal, I know. xP)

Then who was trying to trade me an Egg earlier?...

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Then who was trying to trade me an Egg earlier?...

I'm ready to trade when you are.

I'm giving you a 31/31/31/x/x/31 Horsea, a 31/x/x/31/31/x Squirtle with Water Spout, Aura Sphere, and Dragon Pulse, and a Friend Guard Cleffa.

You're giving me a Charmander, Bagon, and Larvitar, right?

What's your in-game name?

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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I'm ready to trade when you are.

I'm giving you a 31/31/31/x/x/31 Horsea, a 31/x/x/31/31/x Squirtle with Water Spout, Aura Sphere, and Dragon Pulse, and a Friend Guard Cleffa.

You're giving me a Charmander, Bagon, and Larvitar, right?

What's your in-game name?

Cody. And for verification, I'm sending you:

Charmander, male, Quirky, Blaze, x/x/31/31/x/31 w/Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Dragon Dance

Bagon, male, Naive, Sheer Force, 31/31/31/31/x/x w/Dragon Dance

Larvitar, female, Jolly, Guts, 31/x/x/x/31/31, w/Outrage and Dragon Dance.

Tierno would be proud of my Dragon Dancing group.

Is one of the x/31/31/x/31/31 male? i would take this then if you dont mind.

Yes, both Hasty with Frisk.

Edited by Gcubedude
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I have to go for about 30 minutes, but I'll be ready to trade when I get back.

Kay, just offer me the trade when you are back then, ingame name is Lily.

EDIT: Thanks for the trade, this will make some things for me easier.

Edited by Lordofhomer
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If anyone wants them, I've got a buttload of Shroomish I don't mind unloading. They go from 2 to 5 IVs and most have their Hidden Ability and the Egg Bullet Seed and Worry Seed. I don't have much of a preference, but I am looking for a decent female Togepi.

Ah, I can give a list of all the Jolly/Adamant Shrooms I have if I need to as well.

Edited by Kon
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If anyone wants them, I've got a buttload of Shroomish I don't mind unloading. They go from 2 to 5 IVs and most have their Hidden Ability and the Egg Bullet Seed and Worry Seed. I don't have much of a preference, but I am looking for a decent female Togepi.

Ah, I can give a list of all the Jolly/Adamant Shrooms I have if I need to as well.

I'm interested in a breeding pair with as many perfect IVs as you're willing to give, preferably with a HA female (male ability doesn't matter). I can trade you a female 4 IV Togepi and anything else from the offer list in my sig.

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I have a spare female with 3/31/31/31/31/31 and a male with 31/31/31/31/31/x, both Adamant with Quick Feet. Do you mind them having nicknames? I will be glad to take your Togepi, and the Protean Froakie in exchange.

Also, I have Instacheck installed on my computer, which allows me to check everything on a Pokémon, including IVs, EVs, even the Trainer and Pokémon's Shiny values. All That needs to be done is showing the Pokémon in a trade and I can record everything you want me to.

Edited by Kon
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I have a question how long did it take you guys to breed 4-5 IV pokemon I been at it for days now and as far as I am getting is 3 IV, to not clutter here (if anyone even replys) could you PM please

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If anyone wants them, I've got a buttload of Shroomish I don't mind unloading. They go from 2 to 5 IVs and most have their Hidden Ability and the Egg Bullet Seed and Worry Seed. I don't have much of a preference, but I am looking for a decent female Togepi.

Ah, I can give a list of all the Jolly/Adamant Shrooms I have if I need to as well.

Could I get a jolly one with its hidden ability? Preferably one with perfect IVs at least in attack and speed, if possible.

My signature has a link to a list of what I can trade.

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I've been breeding Mawile for the past few days, and now have 3 Adamant Mawiles with 5 perfect IVs (Sp. attack is the non-perfect stat). They also have the egg move Fire Fang.

I'd like a female ralts with the hidden ability Telepathy, but feel free to make me other offers.

Edit: I also have several Adamant Mawiles with only 4 perfect IVs.

Edited by Silver Pegasus
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I have a question how long did it take you guys to breed 4-5 IV pokemon I been at it for days now and as far as I am getting is 3 IV, to not clutter here (if anyone even replys) could you PM please

I've been IV breeding 3 pokemon in the last several days, and each pokemon has taken only a few hours to get perfect 5 IVs (six to eight hours tops); it takes awhile, especially if you're particularly unlucky, but its gets easier the more you breed since you'll have more 3, 4, and 5 IV parents across multiple egg groups to help streamline the process. I think it also helps that I have a 4 IV and a 3 IV Ditto that cover all of the perfect IVs needed to help get me started faster, especially when I only have a male of the wanted species.

I've been breeding Mawile for the past few days, and now have 3 Adamant Mawiles with 5 perfect IVs (Sp. attack is the non-perfect stat). They also have the egg move Fire Fang.

I'd like a female ralts with the hidden ability Telepathy, if anyone has one.

Edit: I also have several Adamant Mawiles with only 4 perfect IVs.

I've been breeding lots of telepathy Ralts, and I can give you one of the breeding rejects (only has a few perfect IVs). I'd like one of those perfect 5 IV Adamant Mawiles, please!

Edit: Has perfect IVs in Attack (lol), Defense, Special Defense, and Speed.

Edited by Silver Lightning
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I've been breeding lots of telepathy Ralts, and I can give you one of the breeding rejects (only has a few perfect IVs). I'd like one of those perfect 5 IV Adamant Mawiles, please!

Only a few perfect IVs? Hmmm....well, since Telepathy is a hidden ability, I'll trade you a perfect 5 IV Adamant Mawile. Just make sure the Ralts you give me is a female. Can you trade right now?

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Just gauging interest, I have a box full of 4(maybe a 5 here and there?) IV timid litwick eggs(no hidden abilities tho), and I really don't feel like hatching them, how many takers would I have if I were to give them away? Main reason I'm doing this is because I already got the litwick I wanted. (can't give them away atm, maybe in a few hours)

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Could I get a jolly one with its hidden ability? Preferably one with perfect IVs at least in attack and speed, if possible.

My signature has a link to a list of what I can trade.

I would love to trade you, but unfortunately the only Jolly of mine with its Hidden Ability only has Speed (I thought my lowest was 2, honestly). I can breed you a better one, but it might take a little while. Is that okay?

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I would love to trade you, but unfortunately the only Jolly of mine with its Hidden Ability only has Speed (I thought my lowest was 2, honestly). I can breed you a better one, but it might take a little while. Is that okay?

Well, I can get the IVs myself, although that will take more time...

What about the IVs on other ones (especially adamant ones)? Getting the right nature should be faster if I have one with good IVs.

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