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Been a while... :o


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Well, been quite some time once again - I'd like to thank everyone for the several birthday wishes they've left me in my absence. Brought a smile to my face coming back to see that. :P

I've mostly been absent from the Internet in general, and I recently reopened an old piece I was working on nearly two years ago now - was hoping to get some criticism and such, and couldn't seem to find anywhere active to try my luck - so I checked here and noticed a significant boom after all this time. Figured why not immerse myself again! So here I am. :) Howdy.

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Aha, seeing the username was an instant deja-vu moment. Definitely has been a while - good to see some of the oldies stuck around. :P

I can imagine - I've been frequenting the mainsite a lot since Awakening's release myself. Never really got an urge to return to the boards until last night however.

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I'm doing well too, it's been quite a roller coaster for me--but when is it ever not? Haha. I just recently started Uni, so I moved out of California and over to New York. That's going well too, but I have a couple big exams coming up in the next couple of days so that is kind of stressing me out a bit haha.

I just recently got back from a pretty substantial posting hiatus as well. I was a really active member over at BSN (BioWare Social Network), specifically the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer forum, but I got permabanned there so I needed something to fill my forum addiction, and what better place than SF? Especially since oldies are starting to come back. now that I think about it I haven't seen Dei in forever

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That sounds pretty hectic man - hoping all works out! Best of luck on the exams!

And permabanned? Doesn't sound like you bud. Do I even waaaanna know? ;P
I haven't spoken to him in quite some time - it's strange. After talking to him almost every day for three years, I haven't heard from him in at least one. Wonder what he's up to...

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Well, basically. I necro'd an old thread of mine, called myself out, and challenged myself to a Thunderdome (1v1 in ME3), and the mods permabanned me for it. I'm still trying to get my ban revoked and my friends and I all think it's stupid, considering other people have gotten away scotch free for worse things. http://imgur.com/a/DEyTQ But I did get screenshots! I am xOrpheon. The moderation team over at BSN has seriously taken a hit in competency. So it really isn't my fault I got perma'd :P

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Oh my lord. Definitely a strange reason for a ban - but alas, you've come back at a good time, as have I! Ha, hopefully all is resolved.

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