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How many tabs do you usually use?



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  1. 1. How many tabs?

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It's usually 6+ just depends on what the tabs are. Facebook, twitter, email, mal, espn, and something I googled for school work are always there. Right now with the recent release of Pokemon X/Y I've got some tabs with smogon and serebii open as well.

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Way way too many. I eventually bookmark them all and start from 4 or 5 again, but then it builds up when I drop a video game and open multiple new faqs for multiple games and also when I find more manga or whatever to read and it opens more and more tabs and right now I'm over 30 tabs so yeah.

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I currently have about 36 open for some reason......but usually its only around 20. A lot of it are help/info pages from Serenes or Serebii depending on whether I'm playing Fire Emblem or Pokemon, a shit ton of youtube tabs for the Let's Plays I follow, a handful of tabs for the k-dramas I watch with my family in the evening, and of course my sacred SF tab. The extra tabs are probably from my job hunting activities.

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I rarely have more than two open at a time. More than that and I'll start to prune.

Obviously there are exceptions (sf plus two mechromancer tabs to compare builds, physics homework plus ebook plus google tab, etc) but two is my General Browsing level.

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Way way too many. I eventually bookmark them all and start from 4 or 5 again, but then it builds up when I drop a video game and open multiple new faqs for multiple games and also when I find more manga or whatever to read and it opens more and more tabs and right now I'm over 30 tabs so yeah.

Oh my god I hate it when I click an interesting link that requires more reading and you think "Oh it's cool I'll just finish this and continue this link later." You do that like ten times for each page and then before you know it you have twenty tabs of shit that you have no time or will to read so you bookmark it later and now you have a bajillion bookmarks and you don't even remember why you bookmarked them anymore. I have a bookmark folder named "Mechs" and I think it started as a directory to store information on Battletech and now it's full of shit like X-Com mods, a page about esoteric medieval dueling versus women, and a page breaking down the realistic chances a knight would have of defeating a samurai in open combat.

What the fuck

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I literally have 29 tabs opened at the moment, spread between IE and Chrome. Also, I have a session manager on Chrome that allows me to save tabs and the total number is a grand 83.

I think I need help

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