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One-Shot Mafia Game Thread - Game Over


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Refa guessed like the entire scumteam D1 or something.

I don't remember exactly what he was saying, but he said it a lot :P:

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If you're talking about the question of who killed euklyd if there were no actions on him, shinori's flip had already explained it. Because he had flipped, I thought it would make sense for me to not make much of it.

In fact, if I had claimed someone on euklyd, I would have either contradicted poly (if I said shinori) or going into a 1v1 with the claimed killer (if I said anyone else). That would be akin to game-throwing.

Edited by Huck Finn
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can't selftarget; so why wouldn't you have outed a watcher/no watcher report on euk for your claim, and doing it on d3?

if you had said there was no result on euklyd n2, then you'd claim as such, and shinori would have been powerlynched (and scorri eventually would have confirmed it as well)

which would have made coasting into lategame a lot easier imo

Edited by Manix
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That's what I thought of at first (but with role cop on shinori rather than voyeur on euklyd), and I should have pushed harder for it in the QT. I was worried it may have been too selfish and the mods would have considered it going against my wincon.

Live and learn I guess.

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bussing someone using a fake night result isn't unheard of baldrick; the only thing worth noting is communicating that to your partner(s). if they don't want to go through with it, it's probably better if you don't.

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I decided shinori would have said no without even asking him, which was silly on my part. I've got to be more cut-throat if I want to win mafia games D:

Edited by Huck Finn
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I decided shinori would have said no without even asking him, which was silly on my part. I've got to be more cut-throat if I want to win mafia games D:



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The general idea behind the setup is pretty obvious. All roles were limited to try and push people to rely on scumhunting, but an entirely vanilla game is kind of bland (sorry Prims) and we've proved that we're not particularly good at them. Did it work? Well, it kind of did. There was still role based PoE etc lategame but at the same time it wasn't anything like a town hooker/cop/whatever hunting down the last mafia.
Things to note about general play
I'm not so sure that the mafia should've hardbussed Objection/kirsche's slot like they did when they still had the Driver left to use, considering if town still had a protective role left it could've been pretty useful from preventing another kill from being blocked. If a player's claim is so bad that you think that they can't possibly be mafia or they would've faked something different, lynch them for it. Also, when you think that there's too many info roles in the game you should probably lynch them instead of alternatives. Aside from that, I don't really feel like there was any standout mistakes that aren't limited to single players, so eh.
Setup etc
1 shot follower
1 shot tracker
1 shot tracker
1 shot weak jailkeeper (weak only means fails, are not informed that this is the case)
1 shot weak jailkeeper (weak only means fails, are not informed that this is the case)
1 shot mason recruiter (dies upon recruiting mafia, cannot state target in thread before recruiting, overrides target's role)
1 shot poisoner (if jailkeeper is protecting, target will still die)
1 shot refill (refills target's shot)
1 shot hook
1 shot sneak
1 shot driver
1 shot rolecop
It might seem at a glance that town had a lot of investigation/protection, but in reality they only had an impact on the game for one night, and potentially 4 (if the Restorer hit a protective role) chances to mess with the mafia's kill over the course of the entire game isn't really a lot. The Jailkeepers had the "weak" modifier triple hooking can cause the mafia too much pain, and Jailkeepers are generally more balanced than Doctors, and it also helped to stagnate role usage, so that not everything would be fired off on Night 1. I went with the Trackers/Follower because they're generally more fun that Cops imo (although in development the Follower was a Cop, until a week before the game started or something). The rest of town's roles were a little less standard. The Restorer could potentially be a huge boon to the town if it hit the right role, but it didn't come into play here. The Poisoner was for the sake of having a town kill that people might actually doubt. People tend to label Night/Dayvigs as autotown, so the Poisoner was meant to be a naturally scummier variant. I actually considered Janitor!Vigilante instead for this, but I figured Poisoner was simpler and the delayed kill allowed the target to out any results they might have or whatever. Mason Recruiter is just generally a cool role I wanted in from the start that never gets used on SF mafia. I felt like I had to put a post restriction in place to stop it from functioning as essentially a second Cop if their target died (while a Cop was in the setup, anyway.)
As for the Mafia, their roles were for the most part there to counteract the town ones. The Driver could screw up hooks and act as a way to bypass protection (or even steer the Mason Recruiter/Poisoner onto a Mafia/Townie), the Sneak was to obviously get by the investigative roles, but could also act as to potentially frame a townie (which nobody ever thought of, although it was a pretty big risk to use it on it). The Rolecop was just there for the sake of information. I kind of wish I made it Rolecop+Follower or something in hindsight because it seems a little weak, but I don't think it mattered. Scum could've gotten better fakes I supposed but the only thing was that they were allowed to fake literally any active role in existence so I don't think it was such a big thing.
Player Analysis
Refa: His reads were actually pretty good, but he got into wall wars with 2/3 of the scumteam D1 and got mislynched. Part of that was because BBM couldn't read (in more ways than one) which was unfortunate.
Objection: His play was pretty defensive and his reaction to Refa's flip was not good. Reactions can be hard to fake, but if you can't make it convincing, don't try and fake one. It'll just do you more harm than good.
kirsche: kirsche was fine, his playerslot was just too heavy to shake off the lynch.
Trollstool/Euklyd: In future, be more confident in your reads and push them a bit more. I don't really remember your play being standing out as particularly bad but I don't really remember much that you did.
Shinori: Please don't modkill yourself. I'm not particularly mad because it didn't really hinder the town in any way, but still. I don't really know why you chose to force a 1v1 when Poly was a likely lynch anyway, or why you faked it on a particularly easy mislynch for that matter? Someone who wasn't particularly protown but would be harder to mislynch would probably have been a better option.
Bizz: I didn't really think there was much wrong with Bizz's play that comes to mind. Good job?
Eurykins: Please don't self hammer. Aside from that I thought your play was mostly okay, but if you ever get under heavy suspicion, scumhunt more. Even if your defence is okay you're still not really providing an alternate lynch, so you might just end up dying anyway.
Polydeuces: Try and make your play easier for other players to understand? There were some moments where we weren't really sure what you were saying, and I think it was the same with the players too.
scorri: scorri was under the radar but her play wasn't bad or anything, and she saved Poly from being mislynched from Shinori so props to that. Her lynch was pretty stupid.
BBM: Learn to read please. You pretty much already know what you did wrong so I won't list it.
eclipse: eclipse's play was alright even if she mispoisoned, although she kind of gave up in the end.
Baldrick: Aside from the shoddy fakeclaim, Baldrick's actual play was pretty good. He was never obvtown but he moled well and ended up winning the game for the mafia, so congrats.
Town MVP: Bizz
Mafia MVP: Baldrick
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Eurykins: When you were scumhunting, that was okay. When you were throwing around paranoia, asking people to claim for no reason, and self-hammering, that was NOT okay. You don't self-hammer unless you're scum or a role that does something on death. Otherwise, you're depriving the town of discussion time.

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this will forever be remembered as not having a single serious vote on me all game 8) 2townie4u

Edited by The Best SK
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I believe I only got two votes, I could be wrong though. One was a bus and the other was immediately retracted due to a misread.

About shinori 1v1 with poly, I think that was my idea. On the basis that it was the least suspicious thing to do since poly was likely going to track shinori.

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baldrick you should join more games so that my view of you isn't permanently fixed as "that guy who gets really mad at himself every time he plays"

if he gets mad at himself even when he wins, i doubt that view is going to be changing anytime soon :p

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But prims, I will surely just reinforce that view. I cannae help meself!

Pedit: stopping being ninja'd by others you idiot I hate you IRL.

Edited by Huck Finn
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