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Pokemon X/Y Ingame Tier List Discussion

Don Draper

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This is just me weighing in on something, but would I be correct in assuming that the elemental monkeys would be ordered Panpour > Pansage > Pansear?

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fake out is a good filler move but it hardly matters at all in-game.

It's probably not too bad if you have to deal with Sturdy, since it breaks the ability without giving them a chance to retaliate.

Edited by Alg
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This is just me weighing in on something, but would I be correct in assuming that the elemental monkeys would be ordered Panpour > Pansage > Pansear?

this should be correct although all the monkeys are pretty bad due to not coming with their STAB until Lv10 (and in the case of Pansear, laughable STAB). I actually did manage to carry a Simipour all the way to endgame, but it's still pretty bad compared to the others; I reckon I'd have a much better time if I went with Azurill instead...

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this should be correct although all the monkeys are pretty bad due to not coming with their STAB until Lv10 (and in the case of Pansear, laughable STAB). I actually did manage to carry a Simipour all the way to endgame, but it's still pretty bad compared to the others; I reckon I'd have a much better time if I went with Azurill instead...

True that. I assume laughable STAB will put Pansear a tier down relative to the others (again).

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With regards to the elemental monkeys, Pansear actually has the best STAB now. Incinerate got buffed to 60BP. This outdamages Pansage's Vine Whip by 15 and Panpour's Water Gun by 20.

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With regards to the elemental monkeys, Pansear actually has the best STAB now. Incinerate got buffed to 60BP. This outdamages Pansage's Vine Whip by 15 and Panpour's Water Gun by 20.

What a reversal... But then there's their level 22 STABs to consider.

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With regards to the elemental monkeys, Pansear actually has the best STAB now. Incinerate got buffed to 60BP. This outdamages Pansage's Vine Whip by 15 and Panpour's Water Gun by 20.

doesn't matter, the Mega Lucario train doesn't stop at that point

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