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Good efficient reclasses you would recommend


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List reclasses and promotion paths that facilitate a playthrough in a general efficiency playstyle, whether obvious and well-known or less common, taking whatever immediate or longterm benefits you deem significant into account.

Reclasses I enjoy doing:

Chrom/Lucina -> Cavalier (then into either Great Knight or Paladin) - work their way up in weapon rank easily with Discipline (Chrom to use better effective weaponry as a support partner, Lucina to lead in Pair Up on her own with a strong mom like MU), early Javelin access, mobility

Lon'qu / Panne -> Wyvern Rider

Provides stable 1-2 range, mobility and flight. I find Sully not as needy for a flier reclass and I always appreciate it when I can send her into a group of archers where most of my other mounted units would not risk going.

I think I'm going to try a Nosferatank Miriel on my next HM run.

Curious to hear about other people's reclasses carried out in this game, especially efficient children builds. I still don't know what to do with my Morgans for example.

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Wyvern!Panne is a definite. As is Cavalier!Chrom.

Those are the only two I can think of. Perhaps Wyvern!Lon'qu, and Cavalier!Ricken doesn't sound unlikely. Myrmidon!Stahl isn't so bad (better than vanilla Lon'qu) if others are doing the heavy lifting.

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Cav Ricken sounds gimmicky even though he might be the only caster that's somewhat fitting for a physical reclass. On the one hand, he will reclass into a decent strength base and be really bulky, but his growths are underwhelming (40% str?) and he might be pretty slow too.

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Personally I think his STR growth is higher than 40% as a cavalier, but perhaps it's just me getting lucky in that stat? Yeah, he has a chance of having mediocre SPD, but it's comparable, in a way, to Frederick and Stahl.

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Cav Ricken sounds gimmicky even though he might be the only caster that's somewhat fitting for a physical reclass. On the one hand, he will reclass into a decent strength base and be really bulky, but his growths are underwhelming (40% str?) and he might be pretty slow too.

Ninja'd. I was totally about to say this.

The only Tharja that has never not completely sucked for me is Knight!Tharja... odd as it may seem.

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None of you can stop Thief!Assassin!Henry.

Such high skill, holy fuck. And he gets more Speed to mitigate his general offensive issue.

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HM Morgan: Wyvern Rider

LM Morgan: If he inherits Galeforce, then Sorceror; if he inherits Deliverer, then Hero. Life-drain is a bit more useful in efficient LM than in HM since the enemies are so strong and since you're not really gaining much EXP if you're Rescue-skipping everything.

Lunatic+: I sold my 3DS before I could finish it (got to Ch. 8), so I can't speak from personal experience. But it seems like the three most reliable ways to beat Lunatic+ (not necessarily quickly) are life-drain spam (obviously you need to be a bit more careful because of Counter, but it still seems pretty effective), Galeforce spam, and bow spam. Morgan can obviously pull off any of the three, and you'll probably have a couple other children characters on hand.

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