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New dance

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Dancing. Is not a crime.





Yeah! Ever since the dawn of time if anything man had the right to howl at the moon all night!

Aaaooooo! Moon all night!

When folks were tribal, back before the bible they we're liable to dance or maybe.


They had a battle to win!

1000 cool points to anyone who figures out what that's from.

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Fun fact: The video this is from is actually a spoof of an adult anime that only a sick psycho would wanna watch. We're talking like child molesters.

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Fun fact: The video this is from is actually a spoof of an adult anime that only a sick psycho would wanna watch. We're talking like child molesters.

How would you know that? And why would they be making fun of FE?

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What!? Do you think I should enjoy girly chibi men dancing!? :o

Great, it's the Ike/Marth Carol...Carell...Carl...whatever the other dance thing all over again.

Edited by Branded_Blade
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lots of topics were burnt. i don't know which one you're talking about.

suzaku, and serene:

I don't hate you... and I don't want to see either of you banned, because if you continue down this path, that's where it'll end for you. Even if by some miracle I was fired, you have 2 other mods and a mess of members who have seen what jerks you have been.

you know... I only add people to my friend list when I truly consider them my friend (or friendly rival in Zero's case) and I don't want to fight you. But the forum comes first and if you break the rules then I will take action. You've said time and time again how you're gonna change, but you haven't changed at all. Who knows... maybe you need a disaster to knock sense into you, like Luke from Tales of the Abyss... or like how I magicked away FFtF. I know people can change for the better. Don't make me a liar for having faith in you.

Of course, but there are no girls :( :(

@BLUEKNIGHT: I can see your reading I'm just wondering if your ready.

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If your are talking about the BlueKnight thing yes. I saw he was reading, but I didn't post fast enough

I see. I saw the quote from the "hey guys" topic and thought you got mixed up somehow.

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