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Halloween Traditions


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Since I ended my trick-or-treating when I was 12, I began a tradition of just watching scary movies (even if the movies aren't that scary) along with some friends.

I also play FE Sacred Stones, because you know, remnants and spiders and gargoyles and shit.

What are your traditions?

Edited by Cal the Tactician
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I carve pumpkins, watch a halloween themed movie and order pizza with my partner every year now.

This year I'm making a few batches of homemade cookies for us to have after the pizza.

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I went Trick-or-Treating last year, but I'm not going to this year, I'm just too old. XD I've been too old for years, honestly, but it's hard to resist the candy. :P

And we carve pumpkins and dress up, of course! In fact, I just finished mine and I think it's the best pumpkin I've done yet! :D


It's King Boo! Luigi's nemesis, for the Year of Luigi. ^^

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Oh yay! Thanks! ^^

My stepdad is way better than me though. He's a master at the art of pumpkin carving, he's so good. :o

In that case, have you heard about this pumpkin carver that had his house filled with pumpkins of different carvings? It's pretty badass.

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Since I ended my trick-or-treating when I was 12, I began a tradition of just watching scary movies (even if the movies aren't that scary) along with some friends.

I also play FE Sacred Stones, because you know, remnants and spiders and gargoyles and shit.

What are your traditions?

You stopped? I'll continue trick-or-treating until I'm in my 20s! Free candy!

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You stopped? I'll continue trick-or-treating until I'm in my 20s! Free candy!

Yeah, free candy and weird looks from folks XD

Anyway, the reason why I stopped at 12 was because I moved to a new neighborhood after we were evicted from our apartment. I didn't know anyone in that neighborhood, and I never made friends from there.

And besides, we always had leftover candy from the night; so really, I can understand the excessive amounts of candy afterwards, but I just decided to stop going trick-or-treating.

But hey, that doesn't mean you have to. You go, Carter. You go get that candy.

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