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Lets get our creative juices flowing people! (Please don't sue me Smogon)

Fossil Pokemon - Obsuchus - The Lava Crawler Pokemon: Rock/Fire. A Dimetrodon covered in obsidian. Revived from the Spine Fossil.

Evolves into

Spinobs - The Molten Spine Pokemon: Rock/Fire: A Spinosauraus with a flaming spine. Evolves at level 35 after defeating a water type Pokemon in battle.

Abilities: Dry Skin, Storm Drain. Hidden Ability: Rock Head.

Level up moves: Tail Whip, Scratch, Roar, Leer, Stealth Rock, Flame Charge, Ancientpower, Dragon Tail, Night Slash, Fire Fang, Rock Slide, Lava Plume, Flare Blitz, Aqua Tail, Dragon Dance, Eruption

Egg Moves: Crunch, Head Smash, Hyper Voice, Outrage, Charm, Scary Face, Earth Power

Notable Tms: Hone Claws, Dragon Claw, Bulk Up, Sunny Day, Taunt, Rain Dance, Solar Beam, Earthquake, Dig, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Rock Tomb, Aerial Ace, Overheat, Scald, Will-o-wisp, Shadow Claw, Rock Polish, Stone Edge, Bulldoze, Dark Pulse, Surf, Strength


Basic: 60 70 70 50 60 50 BST - 360

Stage 1: 85 107 95 80 75 78 BST - 520

Egg group: Monster, Dragon

Basically a Dragon Dancer that abuses Flare Blitz and Head Smash with Rock Head, or uses Dry Skin or Storm Drain to patch it's water weakness and maybe even go mixed with Storm Drain. Can benefit in rain, sun or sandstorm. Watch out for Mach Punch and Earthquake.

It has all these water moves and abilities because Spinosaurids were fish eaters.

I'll make the other fossil if people actually care.

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I've created a few fan Pokemon. Including a legendary, starters, and a couple starter evolutions.

The legendary:


This is Regasus, the Element Pokemon, and the Pokemon that controls Earth's four major elements (earth, fire, water, and air). It's a Light/Flying type (yes, in the region I made up, I introduce the Light type. I think it's a cool idea, alright? xP) that's based on a Pegasus. I love equines and I think we need a Pegasus Pokemon. :P Its ability is a new ability known as Regulate, which allows Regasus to temporarily change its Light type to whatever type the move it's using is, if the move is Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Rock, or Ground. Basically, it gets STAB from any of these move types as well as Light and Flying. It also learns two signature moves, Photon Flash, a powerful Light type move, and Elemental Energy, a Normal type move whose real type depends on the battlefield's environment. It powers up moves of that type by two points.

Regasus is also the master of the Elemental Quartet, four legendary Pokemon that each were given command of one of the elements by Regasus. I haven't named them all yet, but one of them is Fire/Electric (lightning is actually a form of fire and can cause more fire), another is Flying/Ice (the air legendary), the third is a sea beast called Mosarain, who is Water/Dragon, and the fourth is Ground/Grass (the earth legendary). I would have gone with Water/Ice for Mosarain, except we already have several Pokemon with that type combination and air can be very cold as well (strong blizzard winds?).

Laslty, Regasus also created a new evolution stone, the Rainbow Stone.



The Grass starter is Tawnog, the Groundhog Pokemon. It evolves into a Grass/Normal type called Hograss, then into the Grass/Normal type Punxaton. It's a fast Grass type that can also learn Dig, scratching moves and clawing moves. It has high attack stats, but low defenses.

The Fire starter is Kinder, the Little Goat Pokemon. It evolves into the Fire/Psychic type Ignihorn and then again into Fire/Psychic type Flaries. It's the most balanced of the starters, but excels most in attack and sp. defense. It can learn headbutting moves, including Zen Headbutt and Head Smash later. It can also learn Flame Charge, Flare Blitz, Stomp, Blaze Kick, and other such moves. While Kinder and Ignihorn are based on goats, Flaries is based on a ram.

The Water Starter is Hippa, the Hippo Pokemon. It evolves into the Water/Fighting Drippotta, and again into Water/Fighting Hydrotamus. Upon evolving, Hippa becomes bipedal and its evolutions are also based on sumo wrestlers. In fact, Hydrotamus is known as the Sumo Pokemon. It's a slow Pokemon, but has good defenses and attack power. The Hippa line shoots water from their large nostrils much like the Tepig line shoots flames. It learns moves like Body Slam. Arm Thrust, Heavy Slam, punching moves, etc.

Also, Tawnog's evolutions:


Yeah, I realize they're a bit similar to Quilava and Typhlosion. I couldn't think of anything else for them though.

Oh, I sprited them too.



Note that these pics were done awhile ago though. Probably not my best work. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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A pair of fighting legendaries, both reptillian humanoids, one a fighting/dragon, a master of fighting, great offensive stats and defences, but poor speed. The other would look similar, but different colour scheme and a translucent body, because he was the rival of the other pokemon who lost, a fighting/ghost-type. Good offence and speed, poor defences.

Also, a pair of version exclusive pokemon, a water/fairy dolphin with speed and is a special attacker, and a water/steel physical wall/attacker deep-sea shark. I also had a great idea for a grass starter Pokemon themed off a mage.

I might develop them more later.

Edited by Knight
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I made a few for whenever I find the time to figure out how to use the Pokemon Essentials Kit to make my own fangame (I wouldn't hold your breath):

A Fairy/Flying type named Heyluk, which evolves into another Fairy/Flying type named Lissan. One of the starting moves for this line is going to be Torment.

Dunspartan (Normal/Dragon), Dunsparce's much-needed evolution.

An Ice/Normal Pokemon known as Dierwulf, which gets used in a Game of Thrones themed gym (The gym in question actually uses two types, Ice and Fire).

Also, a legendary quartet based on the four horsemen of the apocalypse: Malsano (Poison/Bug), Malsato (Fire/Ground), Milito (Steel/Fighting), and Morto (Dark/Ghost). I'm guessing it's pretty easy to figure out which is which.

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Oh yes, there were a few other ideas I had that I haven't drawn yet.

Light type Eeveelution named Illumeon. It evolves from Eevee using a Rainbow Stone, which I mentioned in my previous post. It is the fastest Eeveelution (the speed of light and all) and has high special attack, but mediocre defenses and poor attack. Known as the Illumination Pokemon, it guides lost travelers at night to safety. Because Rainbow Stones are the rarest evolution stone, Illumeon is the rarest Eeveelution.

I was going to introduce a Fairy type Eeveelution since I had come up with the Fairy type, but this was before gen 6, so yeah lol. Instead, I'm going to do a Dragon type Eeveelution called Draconeon. I haven't come up with any information besides this though.

I'm also doing a Jack-o-lantern Pokemon called Jackorn. Yes, I know we got Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist in gen 6, but I don't like the latter, so I'm designing another one. Maybe it'll be an alternate evolution for Pumpkaboo. It's a Ghost/Grass type that can also use Fire type moves. And as with Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist, it can also learn Trick-or-Treat. Originally, it wasn't going to have an evolution or pre-evolution, but now it might because gen 6.

Also, a bit more info on Mosarain, one of the members of my legendary quartet. It's a powerful beast with high attack and speed and is based on the mosasaur, an ancient marine reptile that was a vicious carnivore of the sea. It learns moves like Aqua Tail. Aqua Jet, Dragon Claw, and more.

I just came up with a new idea as well. A Fairy type rabbit Pokemon based on the Easter Bunny. Bunday will be its name, from the words bunny and Sunday (because Easter is always on a Sunday). It will be able to evolve, but I'm not sure what to name the evolution yet. :P It will get a signature move called Easter Egg, which confuses the target and lowers their defenses by one point.

Edited by Anacybele
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