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Fire Emblem in Smash 4 Thread (2 Non-FE Newcomer Confirmed! An FE Assist Confirmed! 4/8/14)



139 members have voted

  1. 1. What other Fire Emblem Lord would you like to see in Smash as a playable character?

    • Alm
    • Sigurd
    • Seliph
    • Leif
    • Roy
    • Lyndis
    • Eliwood
    • Hector
    • Eirika
    • Ephraim
    • Ike
    • Micaiah
    • The Avatar (New Mystery of the Emblem)
    • The Avatar (Awakening)
    • Lucina
    • Chrom

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Give me back my Mewtwo. I'd like some female character love so Micaiah or Eirika (but any female lord not named Lucina would be fine for me)

But I think the masterknights are the chars that could be the more interesting moveset-wise.

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@Viewitful. Supports actually started in FE4 techically, then grew in FE5, then got made standard in FE6, then refined in later games. Like FE9. So it actually was a long process.

Actually they started in FE3 FYI.

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Wow I had no idea Robin had such support. No matter how mqny of you gang up on me I still don't like thr idea personally. But I suppose I am alone on that.

@Viewitful. Supports actually started in FE4 techically, then grew in FE5, then got made standard in FE6, then refined in later games. Like FE9. So it actually was a long process.

Support avatar all you guys want maybe disgusting was a strong word but thats how I feel on the matter and hell I love Awakening lol

It doesn't take that long for a series trend to establish. Two Zeldas in and Z-Targeting was how you played 3D Zelda. That was my point. Although I was specifically referring to support conversations, I see your point.

There is quite the big difference there in Japan at least. A reference to Marth to people who haven't played the game? "Get this game."

That doesn't make sense to me. From an initial look, sure, but she looks completely different from Marth. It's not referential in nature for any new FE fans. It's the fact that that's part of the game. I understand that there is a certain marketability to Masked Marth's appearance, but that doesn't change the fact that Lucina's on the cover. We are talking about characters' appearances, and Masked Marth is a Lucina appearance.

I don't actually give a damn whether or not she is in Smash. Saying she's the "poster girl" means that you foremost associate the game to that character.

It depends on what you mean. Associating a game with Lucina makes sense because she represents the key feature of children and inheritance. One of themes of the game was about one generation taking over the other. So saying Lucina could be representative of the game is very reasonable statement:

"Also, for the first time in a while, we put in a lot on the theme of one generation taking over for another." - (Tohru Narihiro, development producer)

Who becomes the poster character for something is a mixture of what the creators say and who represents the game for fans. Luke Skywalker is unquestionably the most important character in the original trilogy. But the most emblematic character in that trilogy is Darth Vader. Cecil is the main character of Final Fantasy 6, but the poster boy is Kaine Highwind. Happy Days follows the exploits of the strangely balding Richie Cummingham, but the poster boy is the Fonz.

Spoiler or not, like your statement of the Legend of Zelda for Sheik... they may have a central role, but from Japan's perspective, you're playing up Lucina's importance and role. There has been an established "Link" haha, to main characters... so Zelda and Link being promotional characters is a given.

I haven't been playing up her importance. I've been saying this entire time she is a tritagonist. Third main character. Sheik is the second most important character OoT and is depicted as such. For fans who have never played a Zelda game, Sheik looks like the game's second most important character. Main characters get promoted in the media.

Awakening? Lucina is a spoiler character. You're saying "She's a spoiler, so she gets special treatment as the poster character." No, because people who haven't played the game but have heard of it immediately identifies it with Chrom. Just like how people identified FE with Marth immediately in the west before it came out here.

I'm saying she can never supercede Chrom in media promotion because she's an instant spoiler. She gets promotion proportional to ger role.

Poster character for FE7? All three lords. Because all are identified with the game equally regardless of story progression.

Eliwood and Hector are the game's main protagonist, depending on what mode you use. Lyn, regardless of what mode you pursue, in the game, is still the game's tritagonist. Just like Lucina is Awakening's tritagonist.

You are taking what it means to be a lord in Fire Emblem and extrapolating to the concept of a main character. Main characters in fiction are done so because of their role in the story. Within the context of the game's main story, Lucina is still one of the game's main characters. It's perfectly reasonable for her to be a poster character, considering she is one of the game's main characters.

I don't actually give a damn whether or not she is in Smash. Saying she's the "poster girl" means that you foremost associate the game to that character.

To be fair, this is part of the Smash Bros forums, so that's why I brought that up.

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I would like Isaac from Golden Sun for our magical swordsman,

That... would actually be awesome. But we could have two!

while being the god tier, horribly overpowered goddess character that'll outclass even Meta Knight

Final Smash: RNG Manipulation

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That doesn't make sense to me. From an initial look, sure, but she looks completely different from Marth. It's not referential in nature for any new FE fans. It's the fact that that's part of the game. I understand that there is a certain marketability to Masked Marth's appearance, but that doesn't change the fact that Lucina's on the cover. We are talking about characters' appearances, and Masked Marth is a Lucina appearance.

The name "Marth" is the promotion. That was what she was associated with. You are thinking with the perspective that YOU MUST HAVE PLAYED THE GAME BEFOREHAND. She *IS* important, only AFTER the whole children and inheritance stuff. Being the "poster" character does not require that for appeal.

To be fair, this is part of the Smash Bros forums, so that's why I brought that up.

The only reason I'm making a big deal out of your posts... is that you're made that statement casually that "Nah she's Awakening's poster girl too in Japan."

While you've been saying "her promotions have been proportionally poster-girl material considering her instant spoiler status", it doesn't change that you're speaking for her status as "poster girl" for Japan simply from looking at the materials Japan has had through this site such as the OST and Artbook.

Please browse the Japanese side of the internet barring the fanmade goods. Lucina isn't the poster girl from that perspective.

That is the only reason I'm getting on your case.

You are completely qualified to say she is the poster girl for the Americas and Europe, because that's exactly what they did. You, however, can't make that statement simply saying "she's an instant spoiler, so she gets less promotion... but she's still the face of Awakening in Japan."

Let me make it clear what I'm saying:

You are playing up her importance more than you should about her "status" as the face of Awakening in Japan.

I don't give a damn about her plot importance or whatever. Or how it's plausible the she could be in smash... or how reasonable it is that she could be a poster character in your own definition. What I care about is that you're making statements like that CASUALLY, when your definition of someone as a face of the game is clearly different that ho I understand "poster character" to be.

That is ALL I'm getting on your case about.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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In the end I think that we can say, FE is the smash brothers wildcard. We have absolutely no idea who besides Marth will be there.

Roy and Ike being in previous Smash Bros helps their chances but also FE has so many main heroes with fans its like

"Sakurai used Metronome!"

Also Sakurai does like to go back to old ideas, Leif was considered the 2nd FE dude in melee before Sakurai visited IS and saw Roy's design

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The name "Marth" is the promotion. That was what she was associated with. You are thinking with the perspective that YOU MUST HAVE PLAYED THE GAME BEFOREHAND. She *IS* important, only AFTER the whole children and inheritance stuff. Being the "poster" character does not require that for appeal.

The only reason I'm making a big deal out of your posts... is that you're made that statement casually that "Nah she's Awakening's poster girl too in Japan."

While you've been saying "her promotions have been proportionally poster-girl material considering her instant spoiler status", it doesn't change that you're speaking for her status as "poster girl" for Japan simply from looking at the materials Japan has had through this site such as the OST and Artbook.

Please browse the Japanese side of the internet barring the fanmade goods. Lucina isn't the poster girl from that perspective.

That is the only reason I'm getting on your case.

You are completely qualified to say she is the poster girl for the Americas and Europe, because that's exactly what they did. You, however, can't make that statement simply saying "she's an instant spoiler, so she gets less promotion... but she's still the face of Awakening in Japan."

Let me make it clear what I'm saying:

You are playing up her importance more than you should about her "status" as the face of Awakening in Japan.

I don't give a damn about her plot importance or whatever. Or how it's plausible the she could be in smash... or how reasonable it is that she could be a poster character in your own definition. What I care about is that you're making statements like that CASUALLY, when your definition of someone as a face of the game is clearly different that ho I understand "poster character" to be.

That is ALL I'm getting on your case about.

Ah. I gotcha. That's fine, but I'm not going to back down from my statements. We clearly disagree on the status of Marth as representing Lucina, and thereby allowing any Marth depictions to count as Lucina. Regardless of whether or not they have played the game, objectively, any time Masked Marth is depicted in media, it is 100% Lucina in the picture. Therefore, a Masked Marth poster is a Lucina poster. Any poster that features characters doesn't reveal the names usually. To give a more appropriate example, I believe if there was a poster of the Black Knight fighting Ike, it would also be a Zelgius poster.

I don't speak or read Japanese, but that doesn't mean I can't make a statement based on what I've seen. Your word has more veracity due to your experiences, so people can trust what you say better. Bear in mind, to tell you the truth, the promotions I've seen in America for Awakening mirror in my opinion of the Japanese approach. I don't see any real difference. I actually havent seen an Awakening ad on TV or the internet, but that's probably because I don't really watch commercials on TV or ads on the internet. But you clearly know more, so people can take your word for it, if they choose to do so.

We do appear to have a different definition. From what I understand, your definition (and correct me if I'm wrong) purely means the frequency of appearances in promotional and commercially sold material.

Here's the definition according to thefreedictionary.com, which is the one I'm using:

poster boy, poster girl:

1. (Business / Marketing) a person who appears on a poster

2. a person who typifies or represents a particular characteristic, cause, opinion, etc. Also called poster child.

The arguments I've been making is based on the second definition. I don't believe there is a need to get so annoyed. The second definition is definitely more subjective. But Lucina does appear on posters as Masked Marth. Lucina is on those posters; again, objectively. So she would fit the first definition as well.

I keep bringing it back to Smash because this thread is the Smash Bros forum, so I do feel the need to keep it slightly on topic.

Edited by Viewtiful_J
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Now that I think it over, Chrom and or Lucina have the potienal for 3 types of movesets

1. A moveset based only on their sword style from cutscenes and animations.

2. Pair up mechainic with each other or Avatar with said style(s) above

3. Mishmash of their alternate class choices via reclass.

As much as I perfer a good chunk of lords over them. They do have a bit of choice

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Marth is basically a Fragile Speedster and Ike is a Mighty Glacier. Chrom and/or Lucina would most likely be somewhere in the middle if Sakurai considers including them into the game. I would personally like to see at least one Awakening character into Super Smash Bros 4 (I am an Awakening nut). Lyndis is my other preferred candidate to appear in Super Smash Bros 4 should Chrom and/or Lucina fail to get a spot. For villains, I'm still sorting out my list of favorite villains so that will take a while.

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Marth is basically a Fragile Speedster and Ike is a Mighty Glacier. Chrom and/or Lucina would most likely be somewhere in the middle if Sakurai considers including them into the game. I would personally like to see at least one Awakening character into Super Smash Bros 4 (I am an Awakening nut). Lyndis is my other preferred candidate to appear in Super Smash Bros 4 should Chrom and/or Lucina fail to get a spot. For villains, I'm still sorting out my list of favorite villains so that will take a while.

Yes. I feel that they have an obligation to, after teasing us with her as an assist trophy in Brawl.

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Why was Lucina supported again?

She's in only one released game. And you don't even get a game over if she reaches 0HP unlike Chrom and the Avatar.

Because Chrom is so uninteresting that patternists are looking for anybody thet might be plausible to include from Awakening that's more interesting than him

Also because vagina

And I guess maybe there are a few people who legit like her.

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I'm just going to sit back and continue to anticipate Marth, Ike, and Chrom.

There's not much likelihood anywhere else, except for maybe MU. But I kind of doubt it.

Also, the "blue haired sword user" thing is hilarious. We have like eight characters with brown hair that use hand-to-hand combat, but I never hear anyone complaining about that. Not to mention four blonde characters with electric attacks. Hair color isn't somehow indicative of uniqueness of a character or moveset potential.

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Also, the "blue haired sword user" thing is hilarious. We have like eight characters with brown hair that use hand-to-hand combat, but I never hear anyone complaining about that. Not to mention four blonde characters with electric attacks. Hair color isn't somehow indicative of uniqueness of a character or moveset potential.

This a million times over. Ike having a sword and blue hair are the only things he shares with Marth aside from Counter. And even then, their Counters are a little different. Ike's is a bit slower, but more powerful. It also has a larger range thanks to Ragnell being such a big sword. Otherwise, Ike plays entirely differently. Heck, he might as well wield a big club instead of a sword.

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I don't care if we get another blue-haired sword wielder. As long as they are not a clone of Marth in any way (and preferably someone from Awakening) I'll be okay. And in all honesty, I was half expecting Marth to be replaced in the next Smash Bros by someone else.

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It won't happen, but I really want to see Hector for ssb4. he just... idk

I want Ike to return more than I wanna see him, but if they do hector, definitely make him the same type of badass that Ike is.

I'm so glad Awakening was successful enough to ensure fire emblem's survival and Marth's continued addition.

Ike will probably be on the Console version, While Chrom (OR HECTOR... PLEASE!!!!) goes to the mobile version.

Also.. One of the released maps looks like Arena Ferox... Am I right?

Edited by WrathN'Resolve
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