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Shadowed war

Lance Masayoshi

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Make sure not to get sand in those glorious beards. (I assume you are on scorched sands)

I am. Wolverine currently has 2hp and has no way to heal. Fortunately, he's hiding in General Beard's mighty beard

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I am. Wolverine currently has 2hp and has no way to heal. Fortunately, he's hiding in General Beard's mighty beard

One day his beard may be so large and strong he has no need for armour... The hallowed beardmail armour...

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I'm gonna start rping.

Makoto was as tired as he was last night. He should have waited until he recovered from his cold, but was to stubborn to follow his own advice. He walked into the lone inn and ordered some water and bread with the last remaining gold he had. He didn't bother to sit down, for he was already in a rush. The Innkeeper finally brought him some cold water in a jug and warm toasty bread, which he scarfed down as he left the inn. He climbed up to his horse, took a sip of water and put it in his messenger bag. Makoto felt bad for stealing the horse from a Feroxi Inn not to far from Lights camp, but he was in no condition to walk to Ylisse, Nor would anyone be without stopping to take a rest a few times. He whipped the laces of the lasso issuing the horse to start moving, and he took off down the trail to Ylisstol.

Edited by Mondei
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I'm gonna start rping.

Makoto was as tired as he was last night. He should have waited until he recovered from his cold, but was to stubborn to follow his own advice. He walked into the lone inn and ordered some water and bread with the last remaining gold he had. He didn't bother to sit down, for he was already in a rush. The Innkeeper finally brought him some cold water in a jug and warm toasty bread, which he scarfed down as he left the inn. He climbed up to his horse, took a sip of water and put it in his messenger bag. Makoto felt bad for stealing the horse from a Feroxi Inn not to far from Lights camp, but he was in no condition to walk to Ylisse, Nor would anyone be without stopping to take a rest a few times. He whipped the laces of the lasso issuing the horse to start moving, and he took off down the trail to Ylisstol.

(Now we have 2 front line fighters. Ones lost, one can't hold a sword... Thanks...)

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(Now we have 2 front line fighters. Ones lost, one can't hold a sword... Thanks...)

(Hey well last time we had 3 wounded and suddenly had control over all of Ferox, so maybe this time around you'll win the war!)

(Also, don't worry, Makoto is still helping out, he will build up a resistance for Light in Ylisstol so when you guys arrive you have a fighting chance from the inside.)

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(Hey well last time we had 3 wounded and suddenly had control over all of Ferox, so maybe this time around you'll win the war!)

(Also, don't worry, Makoto is still helping out, he will build up a resistance for Light in Ylisstol so when you guys arrive you have a fighting chance from the inside.)

(We have Ferox? Okay... And that's helpful, but now I'm 5th wheeling. (Light's a clergyman, and doesn't count))

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Aeran stood up slowly, after having had his first sleep in days. The nightmares had returned, worse than before, an he was worried. These visions were more disturbing than any that had come before them, though he still could only make out a faint image in his mind. That was, in part, what scared him, the fear of the unknown. He stretched his arm, then let out a whimper, remembering the injury he had sustained in the bandit attack. He left the cart, and sat against a tree. He noticed Makoto had also gotten up.

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So you get a baby Manakete... Lucky...

With a positive speed modifier!

I am. Wolverine currently has 2hp and has no way to heal. Fortunately, he's hiding in General Beard's mighty beard

Man, I've been playing so much Lego Marvel lately....that game is such a tease about Deadpool.

Also anyone can start nao.

Anon got up slowly that morning. Not a single person was awake, although Makoto had seemed to be missing. The assassin was feeling restless and thirsty, and tired of water. So he got up, threw on a parka and walked over to the town.

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"Really? I've had two men gone in the exact same month. Where is he? I don't care if he's alone by himself. It's too dangerous."

"I dunno. I assumed he's just gone for a walk. He does that a lot..." Aeran said nonchalantly. "Still, In his condition..."

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Anon walked slowly into the bar. Among the people there, he noticeably stuck out. He was young, pale, thin and lacked scars. However, bars were places that were either highly bigoted or inviting in Anon's experience, and here seemed to pay him no mind at all. He sat down, silently bought a drink, and began to ponder anything that came to mind, uncharacteristically quiet as this happened.

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*Merida wakes up* Nnngh, I feel like I've been asleep and dead for the past 4 days...


"I give him an hour."

"Okay. So what's the plan for today? Y'know... Unless you want to talk about yesterday..." He said sheepishly.

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"Okay. So what's the plan for today? Y'know... Unless you want to talk about yesterday..." He said sheepishly.

"Really? I would rather have Anon or- I mean just him tell you. Making me think about it makes me sick."

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"Really? I would rather have Anon or- I mean just him tell you. Making me think about it makes me sick."

"Yeah... Fair enough. Any news on the new guy? I haven't seen him since before the bandit attack..."

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"....I don't want to worry about it. He'll be fine. He looked capable."

"Yeah. He didn't seem to like me, so he's obviously quite intelligent." Aeran laughed. "Anything need doing boss? My arms not too bad, and it's boring just standing round here!"

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