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Colors3D Art


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I have been making art on colors 3d for a while now on my 3ds XL and want to show you all some of my art (If anyone is interested) I am not the best at drawing but I am trying to improve and I have a lot while using Colors 3D , My art is a mix of FE, Pokemon, Zelda ect...

you can find my art here, as I make more pictures I will post them there as well

There is about 40 or so pictures on there at the moment (Keep clicking the arrow on the side of the picture to see them all)


I am also willing to take requests but I cant draw anything to difficult and don't expect it too look good XD

(Drawing is also difficult for me as I don't have proper function in my right hand since I kinda cut of some of my fingers as a child they are reattached but I cant use them properly so yeah it makes things hard drawing really hurts my hand..)

Edited by Shelie
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