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Do you own any animals?


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nope, just a fishy. It is dead now


Though my friend owns a dog and he likes me more than my friend

Also I occasionally take care of a dog too, for a family friend.

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Birds lots of birds, and I am still going to get more birds, so far I have 5 cockatiels & 1 cockatoo plan on getting 2 rainbow lorikeets also going to get some chickens eventually & Ducks and plan on getting some other kinds of birds in the future

Use to have 10 rabbits though and 4 cats and a dog and 2 mice and 3 other birds that died......

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A dog of about nine? years old named Yuuki. But his name doesn't match his real personality, but the fault of that lies in my parents and I.

Had a cat before named Shadow but I had to give him up and then another cat sometime last year named Danger but he... he escaped through my window.

Oh and I have a few goldfishes in my house.

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I've been an animal person my whole life! :D
I currently have:
4 teddy bear hamsters
2 gerbils

a leopard gecko

a frilled dragon

an emperor scorpion

7 fish (plecostomus, 2 gold barbs, 2 black skirt tetras, a scissortail rasbora, and a giant danio)

Over the past 11 years I have had over 100 pets.

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