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Terms that you dislike.


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Terms that I dislike, huh?

Meh, that's rather hard for me to say. What basis do I need to come to such a conclusion? Should I just pick a word that I feel is overrated? But even that's hard to justify, after all that is just my opinion, bro; something that I feel is overrated is something y'all might get butthurt over. Or maybe I should just throw out something that I find to be rather cliche, but I don't want to be guilty of misrepping it. I'm not a racist, but people of certain cultures (*coughbritscough*) who are overly interested in semantics will accuse me of being a noob without giving my arguments a second thought, just saying (I'm sorry I don't have a deep seated grudge against marrying someone named Sue, guys). My idea of an entertaining day does not entail getting bitched at by the local elitist slut for being clearly ignorant and not railing against the latest fad. Or maybe I should just yolo and go through with it anyways (after all, it is my privilege as a user to be able to post what I want, as long as I abide by the better-than-iTunes terms of service)? I mean, I guess if it's that hard for me to pick a word, I could just derp and not pick a word at all...but I can't let my voice go unheard just because my brain turns to mush at the thought of being confronted by some brony whore. Really, I don't know why I am so worried, for compared to me, those fags are but insects (or was it the other way around, I forgot), railing against the heavens...in other words, I'm fucking OP (got all dat swag). Call me a Gary Stu if you like, but I feel like my epicness is sorely underrated on this site as a whole...Or maybe I'm just spending too much time listening to the trolls. What was I talking about again? Oh right, terms that I dislike. I obviously can't say none of the terms, as I do dislike some of them. I just feel like some people looked up stupid words specifically to post them here, I mean who the fuck has ever heard of boypussy or girlwood before? And don't even get me started on what the hell is a whovian. In the interest of keeping this post from getting any longer, I'll just laze out and pick OMGUS. Because I don't know how to pronounce it.

I feel like I'm forgetting something here...ohwait I got it.


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headcanon is pretty awful imho

i mean what is wrong with the word "interpretation," humanities majors (speaking as one) love the word, i don't get why so many people in a certain section of the forums choose to use this made-up word that makes them sound like spergbots from tumblr/fanfiction.net/deviantart

Edited by Soran Ibrahim
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Generic. Most of the time, people use it to describe something they don't like.

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When I use to play World Of Warcraft I hated it when everyone use to say Pro & You mad Bro or something like that and there was some others I forgot now but they got me so annoyed

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When I use to play World Of Warcraft I hated it when everyone use to say Pro & You mad Bro or something like that and there was some others I forgot now but they got me so annoyed

u mad bro

Seriously though, that's like the whole internet.

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I hate it when internet terms are used IRL. I cringe when I hear Lawl(really?), YOLO, herp derp, noob, trolled(actually this is bearable), Y SO SRS?, fail!memes, etc IRL. Might be forgetting more stuff.

Oh, I also hate it when people say cock. It just sounds weird man. Like, I want to giggle and pull my hair out at the same time when I hear that word( I prefer saying dick instead.) I also dislike the word 'slut.'

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When people say lol in real life -______-

Why why why why, its so stupid

Ikr that's just messed up.

Oh I got more phrases.

Bitch, please.

That's what she said.


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Oh yes people saying lol out loud is another also from when I use to play world of warcraft on vent people would say lol so often, I am like are you serious you sound so retarded when you say that, I have so many from WoW that annoyed me especially when people shortened things on vent when they could just say the word...

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Those first two are self explanatory. The rest...don't fucking use them if you can't use 'em correctly.

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I also hate it when people say retard. It's pretty insensitive towards those who have mental or physical disabilities, or any variation of the two. I've spend time with students with disabilities, and they are one of the nicest people in the whole school. They want acceptance like everyone else, and they want the same things as any one else.

As well as any variation of the word "retard". like R-tard, tards, etc.

Sorry I made a rant, I guess people would accuse me of being "butt-hurt" (which is still my most hated word). But I just hate that word so much.

Edited by Cal the Tactician
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Just remembered of the term I hate THE MOST:

BOURGEOIS. seriously, I hate this too much. (not the historical social class, but using this to refer to current elites)

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The misuse of literally really grinds my gears, to the point that I wanted to punch whoever altered the dictionary to accommodate the damn thing. Gay and retard are high up on my list as well. :/

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Don't get me wrong, it's a fine word, but I often don't like the conversations it's used in.

I just googled it and holy shit they DID alter the dictionary entry of literally

that's sad

When I first read that definition, my head literally exploded.

First place I saw it mentioned was actually here.

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The misuse of literally really grinds my gears, to the point that I wanted to punch whoever altered the dictionary to accommodate the damn thing. Gay and retard are high up on my list as well. :/

Why do you hate the term "gay"? Or do you just mean the misuse of it as an insult?

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