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The War For Our Future: Chat Thread

HK Motendra

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Upon Criz' return. We must tell her where were at and HK is already guiding her upon her next RP post as we have got to make it connect somehow with her characters long absence.

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Upon Criz' return. We must tell her where were at and HK is already guiding her upon her next RP post as we have got to make it connect somehow with her characters long absence.

That's… not something to be stated. That's something everyone already knows, Aya.

Anyway, we're camping near Mila Tree. There is no base.

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Hey there. There have been a few changes in the RP. Be sure that you refer to the OP for what you missed

Or contact an Admin. Whichever one you're more comfortable with. ^^

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Oh, wow. This looks pretty interesting. The thread was even started on my birthday!

If only I had joined sooner, since it's probably too late now. I'm assuming theat people can join in with the story, but I'm actually not certain. I love roleplaying (But I'm usually pretty busy) so I'd join if you'd have me.

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Oh, wow. This looks pretty interesting. The thread was even started on my birthday!

If only I had joined sooner, since it's probably too late now. I'm assuming theat people can join in with the story, but I'm actually not certain. I love roleplaying (But I'm usually pretty busy) so I'd join if you'd have me.

Actually, we'd be willing to have anyone who's interested join us. Just come up with you character's info (class, stats, Inventory, skills, and bio (Send the bio to Dodgedusk)) and send it to any of the Admins, which are Sorin, Dodgedusk, Aqua (also known as Kat) and myself. Once done, we'll figure out how to fit you into the story.

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I'll start off with the Inventory-Stat related stuff.

My statsheet is right here: (Along with a portrait!)

Name: John. Nickname/Alias Draco.

Birthday: 11/21/01
Birthplace: Moved to Ylisse at some point.
Last Known Residence: A bunker somewhere in Ylisse

Class: Myrmidon
Speciality: (List special skills). Luna and Armsthrift, despite not being able to reclass to any mounted units. Starting skills: Avoid +10, Luna, Armsthrift, Maybe Vantage (If a high enough level)

Voiced By: My IRL voice. The Awakening avatar voice #1 is closest to my IRL voice.
Crit/Skill Activation Quotes: On my profile, under the first spoiler.

'That's enough."
"Ignorance is bliss."

Stats: Here's my statsheet. It has most of my stats and some other stuff on it. http://i.imgur.com/35xc33Z.png

Appearance: I look almost exactly like my SF profile picture. Here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/uploads/profile/photo-thumb-10065.gif?_r=1388215678

As for my clothes, take this: http://static4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130812011848/fireemblem/images/thumb/0/07/Rutoga_%28Binding_Blade_Artwork%29.png/320px-Rutoga_%28Binding_Blade_Artwork%29.png make everything almost entirely black, except the cloak. Make it black, with some red stripes on it, and that's what I'd wear.

Oops, forgot the bio. I could provide that if necasarry.

Oh, and thanks again for letting me join. I love this kinda stuff.

Edited by dracojawn
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To help the admins better to PM it to them.


Yes, it would be beneficial if you did, but ... its here. Also, we're not using an EXP system, so you don't have to worry about leveling up. We're using final stats for the entirety of the RP, so you can start as a promoted class. Skills are not locked to a certain class set either, so you can have just about any skill that is accessible with your gender (Unique skills are only allowed if you have a back story that explains why you have it.)

Edited by Hero-King
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Yes, it would be beneficial if you did, but ... its here. Also, we're not using an EXP system, so you don't have to worry about leveling up. We're using final stats for the entirety of the RP. Skills are not locked to a certain class set either, so you can have just about any skill that is accessible with your gender (Unique skills are only allowed if you have a back story that explains why you have it.)

Actually, skills are used to decide reclass possibilities, so please try to not choose from more than three trees (well, four, but one reclass is automatically tactician).

Also, you can only have a unique skill if you ask the admins and we agree, but our agreement is dependent on a backstory explanation.

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Actually, skills are used to decide reclass possibilities, so please try to not choose from more than three trees (well, four, but one reclass is automatically tactician).

Also, you can only have a unique skill if you ask the admins and we agree, but our agreement is dependent on a backstory explanation.

Right then. I wasn't sure when we'd get back to reclassing, so that slipped my mind

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Alright then. For the skills, I wanna say that I inherited Luna and Armsthrift from my parents or something, but that's barely a plausible excuse. This whole skill thing might be problematic, so I should plobably just drop the whole thing to save usa ll some trouble.

Also, should I provide a bio or something like that?

If there's anything else you need to know, let me know. Thanks.

Also again, is my info log fine on this thread right now or should I PM someone with it? If it's the latter, please give me the username of the person I need to tell.

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Alright then. For the skills, I wanna say that I inherited Luna and Armsthrift from my parents or something, but that's barely a plausible excuse. This whole skill thing might be problematic, so I should plobably just drop the whole thing to save usa ll some trouble.

Also, should I provide a bio or something like that?

If there's anything else you need to know, let me know. Thanks.

Also again, is my info log fine on this thread right now or should I PM someone with it? If it's the latter, please give me the username of the person I need to tell.

In game skills are fair game. You don't need an explanation for them, as they determine you class sets for when we decide that everyone can reclass. A skill that requires backstory is one that one wouldnt normally be able to gain, such as Shadowgift, or a skill that you came up with yourself that makes sense and is approved by the Admins.

Info logs like Weapons, items and skills are PMed to Sorin.

making a Bio would help as well. Those are sent to DodgeDusk on the Bios Thread


Kat (Aqua) handles suports Shadow. Those are done through PM with who you support. You should also figure out who you'd like to support

Edited by Hero-King
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Okay, then:

Level: Somewhere around 10-15. Likely 15.

  • HP:: 65
  • STR:: 32
  • MAG:: 7
  • SKL: 39
  • SPD: 41
  • LCK: 22
  • DEF: 23
  • RES: 10
  • Sword: A

    I mostly just looked at the stat caps for FE13 Swordmaster on the Wiki and reduced the stats a bit, but some planning was involved.
Edited by dracojawn
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Actually, skills are used to decide reclass possibilities, so please try to not choose from more than three trees (well, four, but one reclass is automatically tactician).

Hold the phone... I need to change one of Samson's skills then. (He has skills from 4 different trees-merc (sol) barbarian(counter, axefaire) wyvern rider (sword breaker) and priest... Will probably change sol to ignis/despoil or sword breaker to patience/ armsthrist

Edit: aaand I double posted :(

Edited by BravuraLevi
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Clouded with conflicting thoughts all over the place, Dusk almost didn't hear what seemed to be a horse trotting over to him. Shaking his head, he turned around and indeed, saw a horse. Cocking his head slightly, he squinted at the mammal and soon recognised it as Zephyr, Breezy's horse! "Zephyr! Glad to see you eventually made it back..." He paused for a second, soon realising that Breezy himself wasn't on the horse. "Uh, where's Breezy? ... Oh for Naga's sake, why am I speaking to a horse?" Reaching out to grab the animal's reins, he noticed a piece of parchment slipped underneath the saddle. Taking it out, he flicked his wrist so the paper would snap in the air. "Zephyr, I don't know horse, but you seem pretty upset" He then looked at the parchment and noticed it had writing on it. Reading the letter, his face dropped. He could only stare at the words he just read. "Buh-Breezy's... no, that's a damn impossibility!" Leading the horse back into camp, he went to the centre of the camp and exclaimed with a broken voice "I... I have an announcement to make..."

Damn typos

Alicia heard Dusk speak, and the feeling she felt was one of pain. Ace also turned upon hearing Dusk's voice. Both twins looked at Dusk, dreading the news to come.

Is anybody else turning up?

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