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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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this forum update is dumb as shit

i honestly don't understand, since shinori was considered very obvtown after eury's flip + protective role

Shinori's role only hooks a person the night after though, right? The mafia just send their weakest role on a kill and then someone else the following night to get around the problems of getting roleblocked. I think this is valid if I didn't completely forget Shinori's role.
Hi Poly Refa is town sure but what are your scumreads? Kind of skimmed the last page, need to probably read the longer posts in depth soonish (or tomorrow).
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sb is there an actual reason to read refa as town or am i completely missing something here?

(also on the roleblock stuff, i think it's right but there's a chance i'm wrong, for one reason)

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i don't really like how you're dismissing stuff against refa with "oh I found something on D1". I've already figured you're not masons with him from some post D1 (#101 according to my notes), so i'm really confused.

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The given facts in that game were that Eclipse was a proven Cop but was still pretty suspicious based off PoE and three flipped town info roles, and Cop is more useful for an ITP than mafia. And the fact that she actually was mafia is irrelevant; she got lynched and wasn't town-sided. Also, what I was saying was clearly a reference to your filler game, but ok.

SB- it felt like she wasn't really building cases, just pointing out whatever was bad in the game. But that got fixed anyways, like I said.

Grass's overall suspicion on Vhaltz (slightly leaning scum) does not seem to match with how much Grass is attacking him.

Urgh just when my stomachache stops, my head starts hurting.
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I am here! Give me some time to read over anything and make a post. Hopefully it'll be worth the wait, at least be above the vanilla tier of posts, eh?

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(also on the roleblock stuff, i think it's right but there's a chance i'm wrong, for one reason)

actually yeah there's another possible reason but ~purposeful ambiguity~ because yeah (i'll/via'll bring this up later when relevant (if they pick up on this))
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Also another thing that's really dumb and Grass painted as suspicious is my mentioning my "brain fart" in my last D1 post. I mentioned it in direct relation to Prims and scorri who I 180º switched my reads on not much earlier in the day so this should've been really obvious. Grass isn't reading my posts.

OH! I completely misread that. I read the clause about the "brain fart" as being attached to Eury somehow, and then I couldn't find anything at all that might have been a brain fart wrt Eury. That makes a lot more sense now.

with scorri and Prims out of the picture after realizing my brain fart Eury is probably like the second best thing for a lynch today

dat linguistic ambiguity, never occurred to me until you said your brain fart was about scorri and Prims

Grass's overall suspicion on Vhaltz (slightly leaning scum) does not seem to match with how much Grass is attacking him.

I thought he was scummy but people keep refuting my cases on him. But also if your opinion of someone is different from most of the rest of the game's opinion it makes sense to talk about it a fair amount since that's new stuff. Like, I think Objection is reasonably scummy but haven't really talked about it because that's well-trodden ground and I don't have anything new to contribute. On the flip side, I felt that I had a lot to contribute about Vhaltz. (No longer.)

Also apparently I'm not reading Vhaltz's posts. I sure thought I was, and I reread them several times, but I legitimately missed stuff. My bad.

Current scumreads: Venno > Objection > ???

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unofficial votals

BBM (1) - kirsche
Grassbridger (4) - BBM, Prims, Vhaltz
Objection! (6) - Polydeuces, SB, Shin, Vennobennu, Elieson, Refa
Refa (1) - Manix
Vennobennu (2) - Objection!, Grassbridger

Not voting - Shinori, scorri

I find it interesting that the people voting Venno are the people on the wagons. (Including myself.) Dunno if that makes us look scummy or townie or not-like-scumbuddies or like-scumbuddies, but it's probably worth mentioning... Personally, I think Objection! and Venno are bussing each other. Venno is maintaining an Objection! vote despite finding myself and BBM scummy without saying too much on Objection!, and Objection!'s case on Venno is brief and barely-there (although that isn't much more than anything else he's got).

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LAN over :( Brief skim:

kirsche finding me scummy for not immediately throwing a vote other reads as scummy to me because I can't see the benefit of throwing votes around when ppl are close to being hammered 1/3 into the day. Disliking it, ok cool that's your prerogative, but if inn actually scummy for it, then, no.

Being hesitant to throw down a vote is scummy, yes. If you're worried about hammer, count votes.

speaking of refa i'd like some other opinions on him from others. go nuts

Nothing struck me as glaringly bad but I tend to just skim his posts.

Current scumreads: Venno > Objection > ???

Where's Shin.

I think I need to sort out my scumreads. I don't have faith in any of them anymore. BBM's recent content has been rather good, so I think it might just be a rehash of PToE mafia. I really have no faith in my objection! read whatsoever, I feel like's scummy but not scum if that makes any sense. Also what people have said about Shinori makes sense.

I'd be happy to lynch Grass just because he's throwing his vote everywhere and it's bugging me and that's like the worst thing I can think of right now. The sad thing is I probably won't be able to get a good reread in N2 just because of where the phase ends/begins (assuming I have timezones right).



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Personally, I think Objection! and Venno are bussing each other.

daaaamn this is contrived

I wouldn't mind lynching Venn since he's just kind of there and everything Shinori has said about him just going with the flow is true. But Grass is scummier.

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k I'm not dead and not being retarded

I'm re-reading Grass & Venno to see if I can find any scumminess between the two of them, but I'd still rather lynch Objection on the grounds that his content still blows.

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k I'm not dead and not being retarded

I'm re-reading Grass & Venno to see if I can find any scumminess between the two of them, but I'd still rather lynch Objection on the grounds that his content still blows.

Poly: do you think Objection's actual content is scummy? Sure, lack of content is itself scummy after a certain point, but of the stuff he's actually posted, do you think it has scum intent? Personally, I'm mostly finding him scummy for the lack of content moreso than what he's actually posted.

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You can't claim that Objection and I are unrelatedly scummy and also bussing each other; pardon me if I'm misreading this, but it just sounds self-contradictory. Pick one and stick with it.

I haven't said much about Objection recently because there's very little to be said; his posts are infrequent and so small and inoffensive as to wrap around to being notable again. There's not much for me to add to what's been said before, by better players. But @Grassbridger, personally I think his lack of strong reads and independent opinion throughout the game thus far is scummy. (Not that I'm a font of knowledge myself, but I think he's worse about it than I am)

As for me taking BBM's post out of context...yeah, that's my mistake. I read his post history but didn't read all the posts surrounding his, and missed that part. So I'll retract that point.

There's another reason I think Shin is town from his posts, but it's not something I can explain in-thread.

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Poly: do you think Objection's actual content is scummy? Sure, lack of content is itself scummy after a certain point, but of the stuff he's actually posted, do you think it has scum intent? Personally, I'm mostly finding him scummy for the lack of content moreso than what he's actually posted.

I don't like the bit of content he actually has had, since it feels either forced (i.e, his pressing Elie about his dislike of the Eury wagon, especially since she turned out to be scum) or just plain dumb (i.e, his interactions with Venno, which amount to him waffling to a ridiculous degree).

He just seems like reckless scum or dumb town, and thus far I'm leaning the former by a significant margin.

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You can't claim that Objection and I are unrelatedly scummy and also bussing each other; pardon me if I'm misreading this, but it just sounds self-contradictory. Pick one and stick with it.

You are.

Your scumminess and Objection's scumminess being independent means that they have no bearing on each other. It doesn't mean that it makes you seem unlikely to be scumbuddies, it means it doesn't give any evidence one way or another.

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Also: how about my attack on Shin at a time when nobody else was doing that, and my case on Vhaltz when no one else was doing that? That's not a lack of independent opinion. (It might be bad scumhunting, which others have accused me of, but that's not what you said.)

Venno is doing a thing where he avoids sheeping at the expense of actually having good points. I find that scummy.

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FTR I have role-related reason to believe that I'm confirmed town and Grass is the second coming of hitler but I can't claim them in thread only give vague and frustrating hints, better listen to me and lynch him!

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