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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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Poly, I targeted Elie on N2. Didn't get anything that suggested scum. (Oh btw, I have an active role)

I targeted Shin N1.

well what did you find, then?

Also, Shin, Elie just more-or-less claimed the other redirection role (which I assume would lessen the odds of a second driver), so I have no clue WHAT Refa's role is. It's honestly bugging me.

Grass's retaliatory posts aren't making me feel any better about his alignment, but a hammer this early would be dumb IMO. Venno's posts seem like suspicion, but I'd like to know what he got from his results before then, especially N1. I wouldn't put it past Clipsey to make an insomniac SK, and Shin's my #1 suspect for that now since Elie's claimed. Would like to know if Kirsche or Refa got anything noteworthy from their night actions, since they're the only ones who don't seem to have given anything. Kirsche in particular, since I'm thinking you're right behind Shin for SK potential due to your low post-count.

btw, since I'm tired of the crumbing on shit... I'm town vanilla, but I have something that can change my role down the road. It's related to someone specific, but I have no idea who that someone is; ergo, I'm not sure what or how my role can change. Based on the character I've been given (Ryosuke Takahashi from... Initial D, I believe?), I suspect I'd get a driver-esque role if those oh-so-ambiguous conditions are fulfilled.

My lynch priority is now Grass >>>> Venno (since he feels like he's distancing from the Objection lynch despite voting it himself) >>> Shin = Kirsche = Refa. The last three are contingent on the latter two's night results and whether or not we can get anything on the SK that can lead us to somebody outside of those three. Unless somebody would like to claim vig, which would change it again.

Any lynch today other than Grass seems dumb, IMO. That said, Shinori or anyone else looking to vote Grass, don't hammer yet. I want to know as much as I can before moving on to N3.

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Poly, you're probably a backup for like, cop or doc or something and just not being told what role/who it is.

I don't really have any other scumreads right now. Might do some association-hunting later if I'm not too busy/discouraged.

People who have already voted me and are so sure I'm scum should consider unvoting me to see who else would vote me if given the opportunity. (Not joking: you'd get to see a pseudo-larger wagon to analyze, and since this is my idea, after I flip town it'll confirm that this wasn't a scum plot to give scum an excuse to unvote me.)

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I'd rather not claim until it's necessary. But from my results, it doesn't look like Shin is mafia or SK either. Maybe the mafia can guess it already anyway, but just in case I'd like to keep my exact role to myself for now.

I don't see how it's possible that I'm distancing myself from a lynch that I voted for; I definitely supported the Objection lynch, not going to make any claims otherwise. I just generally regret that we got a town lynched.

(Oh and please nobody hammer right now, there's no need for that.)

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Actually wait I think Elieson may have had a scumslip:

Welp that was unexpected. Apparently I wasn't successful in targeting vhaltz, but I was doubly successful in targetIng grass (sry if your results are confusing because of me).

Elie has been hard defending me, which I assume involves defending my roleclaim--thus believing I don't have any results, since I'm odd-night. In fact, since his claim is even-night redirector, I'm assuming part of the reason he thinks I'm town is the odd-night part of my claim. So it seems weird that he would give an apology for my results, which he should believe I don't have.

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Actually wait I think Elieson may have had a scumslip:

Elie has been hard defending me, which I assume involves defending my roleclaim--thus believing I don't have any results, since I'm odd-night. In fact, since his claim is even-night redirector, I'm assuming part of the reason he thinks I'm town is the odd-night part of my claim. So it seems weird that he would give an apology for my results, which he should believe I don't have.

Tbh I just forgot your claim

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Also, the main Reason I apologized is:

I made Vhaltz target Grass, but my [modified] results indicate that I made Grass target Grass. Since my results indicated that I was successful, I figured that I actually redirected something.

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I'm certainly not one to call people out for forgetting things. My reasoning was that it was significantly less likely that you would forget my claim if you were simultaneously townreading me due to your even-night nature (ie townie telling the truth) than if you were claiming even-night as a convenient excuse to not

But yeah results just indicate if your action worked, even if it didn't do anything. Like, doctor gets "successful" notifications regardless of whether or not the protection mattered. (I was doc in Shipping, which was an eclipse game.) My N1 action had this property too, hooking BBM on a night he apparently idled.

Actually, I just realized something. I was informed my N1 action was successful, but I was NOT informed that I successfully targeted two people. All I know is that I successfully targeted BBM, and that I was not redirected. Scorri, should I have also gotten a notification that I successfully targeted Prims?

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oh lol I forgot to finish that sentence

My reasoning was that it was significantly less likely that you would forget my claim if you were simultaneously townreading me due to your even-night nature (ie townie telling the truth) than if you were claiming even-night as a convenient excuse to not take responsibility for odd-night redirects, because the first (where you're town) is more closely tied to my role than the second (when you're scum).

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also refa is easily sb's codriver partner, looking back ;/

that said, i don't it confirms refa as town. refa out targets please

N1: Shinori (seriously SB what the hell)

N2: Grassbridger

Good I thought vhaltz was scummy. I didnt shoot him but I did target him ftr.

I feel better about grass today.

So I'm guessing that's who SB targeted.


I was redirected to myself but saw no one visit me.

Which makes me think that I was somehow a victim of SB's role but why didn't I see whoever else visit me visit me.

Wait, what?

Also, something I'm wondering. Vhaltz getting NK'd means either the other driver (I'm gonna assume Refa for convenience's sake) redirected the NK towards Vhaltz, or the SK wanted to get rid of the double-vote.

While I'd love for that to be the case, pretty sure it's SK unless someone claims vig shot (um...assuming it is 1 shot).

I guess SK could have tried to kill Grass and got redirected to Vhaltz.

@poly: scorri was softing an info role, that's probably why

also shinori was driven to himself, making the targets shinori/scorri. there's another kill out there

Either scum has a bus driver or some other redirecting role of some kind, or someone's lying here. OK, considering all of the confirmation, just ignore that latter one.

Also Elieson is not a liar.

Also I'm really not happy with that proposed "voting block" when exactly 0 of those people are confirmed town.

Noone is confirmed town and voting blocks make it easier to catch scum.

well what did you find, then?

Also, Shin, Elie just more-or-less claimed the other redirection role (which I assume would lessen the odds of a second driver), so I have no clue WHAT Refa's role is. It's honestly bugging me.

...Really? Honestly, I'm assuming at least 3 (4 if you count SB) redirection roles here. There's me, SB, Elieson, whoever targetted Manix, and apparently Shinori and scorri and wtf I don't have any idea what's going on here. :\

Also would be OK with a Grassbridger lynch (oh boy, because my vote really makes a difference). Kind of got this gut thing on Polydeuces that's bothering me, will elaborate on that later.

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"I guess SK could have tried to kill Grass and got redirected to Vhaltz."

Wait, I just realized that if I'm right about who SB targeted, then Vhaltz couldn't be the target of any kills. I don't see why scum would try to kill Grassbridger, considering he was ashooin' for a lynch the following day. No claimed vig shot, so discounting that for now. So pretty sure I was right with the above (of course...this is all assuming SB DID target Vhaltz). Which makes me realize why I was bothered by Polydeuces. How did he come to this conclusion first? Like, I don't get it. Also then he flipflops on whether or not he believes my role, despite seeming pretty confident before.

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I'm not as sure now because Elie claimed redirect, ergo, I feel like the likelihood of three redirectors is low.

And I dunno, gut feeling? Seeing as how I don't have any role-related info like you guys, I'm coming up with crazy-ass theories. I didn't actually think that had any ground.

So, who do you think SB targeted last night then? This is actually pretty significant if you know, because then we've got a lead on the SK.

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I'm not as sure now because Elie claimed redirect, ergo, I feel like the likelihood of three redirectors is low.

And I dunno, gut feeling? Seeing as how I don't have any role-related info like you guys, I'm coming up with crazy-ass theories. I didn't actually think that had any ground.

So, who do you think SB targeted last night then? This is actually pretty significant if you know, because then we've got a lead on the SK.

Vhaltz. Also, gut feeling makes me think that you're SK, and since SK is obviously cooler than scum, I'd rather focus on lynching scum. :p

Also also, considering that there is an SK, I'm inclined to believe the setup is 13/4/1 (maybe some other third party, but fuck if I know). Tempted to look for associative reads off of Grassbridger, but I don't want to do that until he flips. BRB checking up on Vhaltz's and Eurykin's logs.

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im ready for hammer, everybody wants grass dead and the game's going to stagnate / rely on rolespec until he flips

eclipse won't be on for like forever so this won't really accomplish anything until she gets on

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Except I outright claimed earlier (vanilla with some ambiguous-as-fuck role-changing condition that Clipsey always seems to give me).

SK is probably Kirsche or Shin in some weird insomniac variant of the SK, then. stop trying to mislynch me every damn time. ;_;

I can get behind that setup, but assuming Grass is the third scum (hypothetically), then who's the fourth FYPOV?

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Poly why are you rolefishing me?

Also, me aside, suspecting Shin for not posting much when he as a posting restriction that prevents him from posting a lot is dumb. What do you make of his actual content?

there were some driving or redirecting antics, the odds are that SB was the scumteam's nightkill.

SB was town codriver so ???

@Elie: let's wait for confirmation from Manix I guess.

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here's why grass is scum (since people are complaining about it):

1) he is likely lying about his N1 target, because I have role results that imply that the driver is 100% not responsible for grass's target being different. unless scorri comes in and says something about it. considering what we already know about BBM's claimed target

I targeted Scorri but somehow my action got also redirected to myself and affected both her and me? Which doesn't really make sense considering nothing else should have been able to affect her...

should basically say grass should know he was redirected to prims. case closed. shinori as well; he knew he was redirected.

2) his responses are snippy and trying to discredit anything possible

3) suspects me for being vague. okay, tell that to my past slot because they did it too.

4) i have eleventy billion crumbs in thread detailing my exact role, have fun

also lolmanix for saying godfather confirms existence of cop, just makes me go wtf about your anon game all the more

eclipse doesn't like putting in roles that are useless. did you read her posts after my game? learn to context grass.
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