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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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Manix: So you can accept priorities for your role, but not for Grass? Seriously?

Considering Prims stated he got courriered before Manix claimed his actions, I don't see why Manix would lie about that as scum?

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we have no indication of how the courier works, but at least we can assume based on other claimed results about grass

There are no others except scorri, who is consistent with my role.

Anyway Manix was deathtunneling on me and not listening to reason. He's pretty scummy. (IIRC Prims said his slot didn't look great on the Eury vote?) (ALSO role inconsistencies.) If someone says Manix is playing to town meta by tunneling on me, then either

1. you're wrong

2. it's intentional

or 3. Manix should be policy lynched

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seriously elie

why would I, as scum, crumb my role eleventy billion times and my past playerslot push the eury lynch for having a similar role?

I dunno, scum has a lot of info what with watcher+rolecop so shrug

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@Refa: The idea is that it's a slip.

Also I dunno how much Bizz buses but eh.

Just get a huge "parked vote on scumbuddy thinking it wouldn't take off" vibe from his D1.

I pushed Eury hard D1 even after people started voting her so ;/

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If Grass is legit town then kirsche is my best bet for scum. Just get a huge "parked vote on scumbuddy thinking it wouldn't take off" vibe from his D1.

This, although I did say earlier it read like tunneling and not bussing. But I think I qualified it too. eh.

grass: from what i could tell earlier in the day, you were probably lying about targeting bbm because i knew the drive couldn't have been responsible.

Scorri said my claimed action was consistent with her results, and probably responsible for both roleblocks. Why did you disregard that?

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Anyway Manix was deathtunneling on me and not listening to reason. He's pretty scummy.

there's a difference between "not listening" and "choosing to be confident in what I believe"

find the difference

i don't regret any of this push at all

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Okay since there was a real flood of posts I'm going to repost my scumreads so they don't get totally buried:

Venno, Poly, Manix. Venno for reasons previously stated (and I don't see that crumb so yeah), Poly for getting on the easy wagon, Manix for bad tunnel and other stuff.

Come to think of it though

[spoiler=rolespec]We've seen town tracker and scum watcher, wouldn't be surprised to see town voyeur and scum follower, which would make Manix town

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