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Healer Mafia - D6 ends on Dec. 15 at 8:00 PM HST


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No like... regardless of Grass's flip, this death tunnel was *bad play* You're completely ignoring other possibilities for what might have happened, and just sticking with the mentality that you are right. You've claimed things multiple times that are just not true (role results saying Grass is scum, that it was a 1v1, etc.) and essentially strongarmed this phase into being nothing but a Grass lynch and that's just *bad*

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do i actually have to explain this again

elie; i thought scorri was follower. ergo, since I knew one of the drive targets was shinori at least, I knew that the driver wouldn't have been responsible for the prims' roleblock. at that point, I made the assumption that grass was scum lying about his target, considering bbm claimed to idle well before grass outed his target

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Don't dedicate yourself to following crumbs then, as crumbs may not indicate exactly what you think, particularly info role crumbs?

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Prims: If Grass was scum, then people should argue for why he's scummy without rolespec. Don't rolespec tunnel into oblivion. Especially since *someone* literally just made a game designed to punish rolespec because of how much they hate it.

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^^If Manix/Bizz were ITP, I don't think they'd have gotten suspicious over Eurykins claiming Watcher D1.

grass was scummy regardless of roles yall are babies

if he's town then i think the scumteam is kirsche/poly. poly's claim sounds fake as heck

OK, I'm not familiar with backup, but doesn't it usually state the role it's backing up? Not sure if Eclipse does things differently in that regard, but that's the impression I get.

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Prims: If Grass was scum, then people should argue for why he's scummy without rolespec. Don't rolespec tunnel into oblivion. Especially since *someone* literally just made a game designed to punish rolespec because of how much they hate it.

I don't think it can be really argued that I wasn't scummy (without rolespec). But yeah that whole rolespec thing, I think it's more a comment on how godawful Manix's game was than anything else.

I'm done, have fun with my flip, hopefully eclipse will confirm (or update) my results in-thread like I asked.

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okay can we at least save this shit for postgame? There is nothing to gain from discussing the merits of lynching Grass unless you're going to argue why somebody is scum for the way they handled it.

imo: grass lynch owned, would not be surprised if he turned out to be mafia messing with us.

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poly basically claimed backup driver

see #28 for a crumb sb probably picked up on

SB probably thought Poly was his scumbuddy before I gave much BETTER role crumbs. Considering SB voted me before then, it's obvious he didn't pick up on that at the time.

I don't think there's a backup driver.

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Because why would they be suspicious of town having too many tracking/watching/w/e roles from their perspective if they weren't town?

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Ftr I can see manix being scum especially if grass flips town, because tomorrow he can just go "oh I was super confident in my reads and all" and no one will care or think any less of him. With as quick as the lynch drive went, it'll be easy to just excuse it as "we all thought he was scummy, guess we were wrong".

I'm concerned because he turboed this deathtunnel to all oblivion.

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Well, that was something! Time to use my post ration card. You guys should stop posting, I've had like 30 new replies since I started typing this. I'd avoid trying to base too much on the times I was scum, I've only ever done it twice and the first was my first game ever.

Grass, you've been considered scummy since D1 and your wagon has a lot of legitimate reasons. The sudden attempt to get a Manix wagon going isn't going to help anyone. This could either be a desperate attempt to not get lynched, an attempt to cause a mislynch or even a bizarre distancing tactic. I'm more for option 2. Whilst I agree that Manix's deathtunnel might come across as unpleasant, the basis of the Grass=scum theory does have credibility. Eli's Manix vote looks bad, I really don't like how close in proximity it was to Grass's.

Considering everything has pretty much already happened and I can't really post much more, I'll leave it at that. I really think Eli is something to look out for!

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elie: do you actually think scum has voyeur and watcher

and you're still ignoring context around the ~vague reasoning~ via gave for their eury vote back on D1, which is obviously because of their role

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