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Tales of the Abyss 3D


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I grabbed this a few weeks ago. ToTA on the PS2 was what got me into the Tales series to begin with and it is great to play again, and get all the secrets I missed before.

Still love the characters, story, ost etc, hell Anise has grown on me somehow she still is my least favorite of the main 6 however.

Luke is still who I mainly use although I've gotten pretty good with Guy and Jade.

The loading times are much much MUCH better. Also I highly recommend this port for anyone who wants to get into the Tales series

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I couldn't agree more! ToTA is awesome, It wasn't my first tales game but it was my first tales game I have finished. In fact I am doing a new play through of this game right now on my 3DS, I would love to get a NA ps2 just so I can get this game and play it on the TV, I even just recently got the Anime.

This game when I got into a certain part of the story made me so emotional and made me really feel for the characters, one of the first games I have played to do that to me. I don't know if others have responded in the same way to it but it was a bit of a tearjerker to me. I don't recall ever feeling so strongly for characters in a game.

But I do defiantly recommend this game to anyone who has a 3ds & wants to try a tales game to try it out! and don't get put off from the start trust me it gets heaps better.

I love Tales Of The Abyss <3

Edited by Shelie
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I couldn't agree more! ToTA is awesome, It wasn't my first tales game but it was my first tales game I have finished. In fact I am doing a new play through of this game right now on my 3DS, I would love to get a NA ps2 just so I can get this game and play it on the TV, I even just recently got the Anime.

This game when I got into a certain part of the story made me so emotional and made me really feel for the characters, one of the first games I have played to do that to me. I don't know if others have responded in the same way to it but it was a bit of a tearjerker to me. I don't recall ever feeling so strongly for characters in a game.

But I do defiantly recommend this game to anyone who has a 3ds & wants to try a tales game to try it out! and don't get put off from the start trust me it gets heaps better.

I love Tales Of The Abyss <3

There are so many Tearjerkers in ToTA T_T. Also I find Luke's development some of the best character development in gaming history

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There are so many Tearjerkers in ToTA T_T. Also I find Luke's development some of the best character development in gaming history

Yeah I agree, when those tearjerker moments started happening, every time I just felt for the characters, every single time all the way through the story and its not a short story, I absolutely loved Luke's character development, I already liked him from the start but as the story progressed I just loved him. I have watched the ending to the game so many times and it still gets to me every single time.

Luke, Guy, Jade, Tear & Asch are some of my favorites from the game. Natalia & Anise are alright but I like the others a bit more than them.

Edited by Shelie
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Yay! TOA love! :D

I adore this game, it was the second tales game I beat and yes, Luke has the best character development I have ever seen in a story. I've only played the original PS2 version, but now that I have a 3DS I've been meaning to get the new port. What extras does it have over the original??? :0

TOA anime is also the best Tales anime; good 26 episode length, none of this 4 or 11 episode BS that the others had (they were beautiful, but so short). And that prequel movie for Vesperia just had too many one-shot characters that I didn't care about; would've been better if they had done a series for the actual game story line. Alas...

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Well I cant say if anything is different on the port version since I have never played the NA version, but I agree the Anime is totally awesome, after playing the game and then watching the anime, getting to see different things that weren't in the game was just a delight, I been watching it at the moment with my family and me being the only one to have played the game its so funny watching my family not understanding things fully or the full backgrounds of different characters and I am their just fully enjoying myself trying the best I can to explain things to them XD

Oh and ToTA soundtrack is pure awesome I am going to get the OST someday.

Edited by Shelie
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obligatory ToTA mafia mention here

Out of all the Tales games, this is the one that I hold near and dear to my heart. It could be because of all the musical references. . .or it could be because I happen to find a minimal number of characters annoying by the end of the game. :P:

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And cause you also feel for all the antagonists (Well I did) I don't think there was a single character in this game I didn't like. None of the other tales game even come close to this game for me, though I did thoroughly enjoy Xillia as well (Gaius <3) but ToTA is Tops! (Well I haven't played Symphonia or Vesperia yet though)

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Nah, that's not too disappointing; I'd like to have a portable version of the game somewhere down the line and I've missed playing it, so I'll try and get it soon.

You're so lucky Shelie that your family watches it with you; only my sister and brother watched it with me, and my mom and other sis don't want to because one thinks that the "science" (fonons, isofons, fonon frequency) is too complicated when it really isn't, and the other just doesn't watch anything that isn't shoujo anime. -_-;

And I have the entire soundtrack to the anime; its so gorgeous!

What is this about ToTA mafia??? I've always wanted to try joining a mafia game here but I'd be such a noob it wouldn't even be funny...

Edit: I feel for most of the villains, but most of them do really bad things that overrides that sympathy. Like, did they REALLY have to massacre Iemon and Co. in Sheridan? That really lost a lot of points with me. But yeah, I guess they do deserve some pity (Sync especially). The only one I really didn't like at all was Van; I didn't really like his reasons for being the big bad, and he was the one who manipulated most of the other God Generals into being baddies after their tragedies. Got so annoying near the end with this stupid egomaniac shtick with Luke and Asche. I hate smugass, entitled villains....

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Okay well I would say Van was my least favorite in the whole game but I still didn't dislike him, I thought that massacre was unnecessary as well T_T

but regardless of what they did I still felt for them of things that happened to them in the past, Though everything that happened later could have been avoided if it wasn't for Van...

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Was it really that bad? I don't remember having much trouble with it

I did; but then again that's usually because I typically have some trouble in the early game of most Tales games because I'm underleveled. I'm always trying to get through the game fast for the story, so it eventually bites me in the butt later when I can't beat a boss and then I have to grind for levels. I can never seem to grow out of this habit....

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I did; but then again that's usually because I typically have some trouble in the early game of most Tales games because I'm underleveled. I'm always trying to get through the game fast for the story, so it eventually bites me in the butt later when I can't beat a boss and then I have to grind for levels. I can never seem to grow out of this habit....

Haha that's funny, because I am the exact opposite while I love to play games for their stories I always usually spend a great deal of time grinding levels cause I find it fun (I am weird) And I always do it regardless of the game and its difficulty, and also cause I think it will help me later in the games story, could be why I didn't find Legretta hard, though I don't remember my level the first time I fought her.

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Okay well I would say Van was my least favorite in the whole game but I still didn't dislike him, I thought that massacre was unnecessary as well T_T

but regardless of what they did I still felt for them of things that happened to them in the past, Though everything that happened later could have been avoided if it wasn't for Van...

I honestly don't like how easily forgiven Anise is when

Ion dies

But then I realize Lukes whole ordeal made everyone a bit closer also there is Mohs but yea... I feel for the majority of the cast.

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I quite enjoyed the 3ds port of Tales of the Abyss. I had got into the series a year prior to obtaining the game with Tales of Symphonia and I really liked that game and I was not disappointed with Abyss. The only thing I had major gripes with was Anise's character.

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The mafia game in questionAhem. . .I like the fonon field system FSR, even if some of those combos make no sense (how does a heal turn into a self-defense buff?!).

FOF was fun, I of course like most people did the whole Sunshine chamber on void tempest with Severing Wind combo with Guy because its hilarious.

Also alot of Luke's and Asch's Artes like to set up for Lightning Tiger Blade I noticed. Then there is the fun of having Tear and Jade just make the map chaotic with fields every which way lol

Anyone know if Luke/Asch's Demon Fist has an FOF change? I swear it doesnt I have tried it. With like every element yet Guy gets lucky with Demon Fang meshing with fire

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Eff the 3D killing the framerate though.

You would expect the advanced spells like Meteor Storm would be the ones responsible...

But something as simple as this kills it:



I have voiced skits ya scrubs.

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Eff the 3D killing the framerate though.You would expect the advanced spells like Meteor Storm would be the ones responsible...But something as simple as this kills it:jEDnSAs.pngAND WHY DIDN'T THEY ADD A SKIP SCENE FUNCTION INTO THE PORT.I have voiced skits ya scrubs.

Lol I always have the 3D off :P. Also voiced skits I will admit I am somewhat jealous. But then again if they were voiced I'd rather english. Luke/Asch, Guy and Jade are voiced by 3 of my fav english VAs lol.

Also scene skip would be nice but the thing I do is put people into odd costumes for story segments which can make even the most serious moment comical

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I was a bit bummed out that the port remake for the 3ds didn't have anything new like they usually do for port remakes on concole versions

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I was a bit bummed out that the port remake for the 3ds didn't have anything new like they usually do for port remakes on concole versions

Really? I though it had stuff that went unused in the PS2 version...

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I was a bit bummed out that the port remake for the 3ds didn't have anything new like they usually do for port remakes on concole versions

Really? I though it had stuff that went unused in the PS2 version...

No. It was just the PS2 version for the US.

As in, it's the retcon of "America got the better stuff".

So Japan got new stuff.

Which is *ONE* of the reasons I bought the Japanese version.

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No. It was just the PS2 version for the US.

As in, it's the retcon of "America got the better stuff".

So Japan got new stuff.

Which is *ONE* of the reasons I bought the Japanese version.

Hm, what stuff apart from voiced skits does the Japanese version has that the North American doesn't?

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