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Awakening as a nominee in VGX 2013

Acacia Sgt

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Every game has its stronger and weaker characters, but I don't feel GF does a good job at balancing their own.

Balance isn't exactly one of FE13's strong points either.

To be perfectly honest, I'm biased against Pokemon's multiplayer because I don't like grinding for perfect IVs every time I want to test a new strategy, so instead I test them on Pokemon Online or some other fanmade simulator. The problem is, out of the ~100 matches I've played on there, literally one guy was a good sport. Maybe it's because I give my sweepers names like Cow Tipper and Attack Wagon, but it's not very fun to play when people spend more time yelling at you in chat than they do fighting.

In regards to this difficulty discussion, this is far more entertaining (to play or watch) than any Nuzlocke run: http://speeddemosarchive.com/PokemonFireLeaf.html#E4R2SS

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And Nintendo tournaments allow banned crap like Excadrill and Garchomp to mop the floor with anything.

Every game has its stronger and weaker characters, but I don't feel GF does a good job at balancing their own.

The only pokemon that is broken in Nintendo Metagame is Smeargle, and Smeargle is already restricted.

Also Excadrill and Garchomp is not broken in GF's own metagame. I can easilly argue that Hitmontop and Crescellia >>>>>>> Garchomp and Excadrill.

Edited by Eradicator Boner
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Brokenness isn't a matter of opinion, it's a matter of statistics. You can argue all you like that Blaziken and Excadrill aren't broken, but the fact is that if there's an extreme difference in wins vs. losses in teams that have one and teams that don't, it's an indication that they could be over-centralizing the metagame and/or outright being the metagame. It's just like Meta Knight, you can argue all you like that he's not broken, but when such an inordinate proportion of tourney winnings go to players using him, it's obvious that something is wrong.

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This is Spike TV. Neither FE or Pokemon are going to win when FF14 exists in the same category (Ni no Kuni is just too obscure to realistically win). Spike is incredibly biased against Nintendo anything.

Except FF14 was really shit, got some awful press because it was really shit, and then wasn't a massively incredible game on re-release to wash away all that bad stuff. Also, it's an MMO.

Poor FF14.

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Thing is, this is Spike, so while I am glad that Ni no Kuni did win (it deserved it out the list), FF14 is the shiniest game from the biggest publisher. And yeah, it's an MMO, which means the player base is huge. Since this is Spike, it's easy to immediately assume the game that caters the most to dudebros is the game that will win and the network has a long way to go to prove me otherwise.

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Brokenness isn't a matter of opinion, it's a matter of statistics. You can argue all you like that Blaziken and Excadrill aren't broken, but the fact is that if there's an extreme difference in wins vs. losses in teams that have one and teams that don't, it's an indication that they could be over-centralizing the metagame and/or outright being the metagame. It's just like Meta Knight, you can argue all you like that he's not broken, but when such an inordinate proportion of tourney winnings go to players using him, it's obvious that something is wrong.

Ban Crescellia problem solved

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And yeah, it's an MMO, which means the player base is huge.


You know MMOs have historically had smaller playerbases than other games, right? A quick Google says FF14 has around 1.5mil, which is larger than I estimated but unless I'm WAY out of the times not exactly "huge."

I mean, I'm not defending the journalistic credibility of Spike TV but in fifteen years of MMORPG I've never heard the term correlated with "huge player base" before.

EDIT: CAVEAT the last time I was really involved in MMOs and really cared was in the years right before WoW started to hemorrhage subscribers. Anymore I'm just "la la la i play guild wars 2 off and on" so my opinions might just be five years out of date :P

Edited by Integrity
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