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Zelda Help

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I am an all around skilled nintendo gamer. I've played at least one of nearly every game in all of the main series. I am good at Pokemon, Mario, Pikmin, Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem, Kirby, Star Fox, Mother, etc. However, there is one series I am well known amongst my friends and nintendo related communities alike that I am extremely atrocious at. That is The Legend of Zelda series. I currently own II Adventure of Link (I have made no progress on at all), Ocarina of Time (I got to changing to Adult Link and that's when I got stuck.), Skyward Sword (I'm still searching for those things in the forest) Twilight Princess (I am stuck in the water temple thing), Wind waker (I am in the place where you fly on the leaf), and Majora's Mask (I still don't know what to do on the 3 days).

The only games I've beaten are Phantom Hourglass (Great game) and Spirit Tracks (Too short)

I want to learn how to be good at LoZ games so I can beat them or at least not get frustraited and never play the games again.

I am a relatively skilled gamer. Shooting, Bosses, anything with the skills won't give me trouble. What gives me trouble is getting lost, dungeons, or just having no idea where to go. Is there a certain mindset I need to solve the Legend of Zelda puzzles?

If anyone would like to help me, I would be very very appreciative!

Also, should I play them in the order of release or the official timeline (either way is fine with me I have the timeline saved in my images)

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Ahh, Zelda. First recommendation to you is to check every nook and cranny, if something looks significant, it probably is. Always check the map for rooms or areas you haven't visited and be aware of any chests. The item most recently recieved is most likely the item that will help you solve your next obstacle. If you are truly stuck, a wiki or walkthrough may help, and don't be quick to discard help from your travelling companions or any of the locals.

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The timeline is... absolutely rediculous because of OoT!Zelda, you really can't play them in chronological order even if you tried.

Since I pretty much know TWW inside and out thanks to playing it like 7 times maybe... the Forest Haven/Forbidden Woods can be annoying, is it just the leaf flying that is bothering you? The Wind Waker is probably the easiest game in the series, but some of the skill can be tough to master. Are you jumping into the whirlwind right? Try jumping just before it crosses your path. And if you run low on magic, look for a Boko Bud. For some reason, just jumping in and out of one of those replenishes Magic. The boss is probably the easiest one ever, though.

EDIT: Oh wait, I forgot one thing. Did you get the second empty bottle from the submarine near Bomb Island (Hoho will be pointing to it if you are having trouble finding it)? It helps to be able to have 2 faries that early.

As a last bit of advice if you are playing the Gamecube version and have no issues with glitch exploiting, Stop and Swap's your friend. Especially in the Savage Labyrinth.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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In OoT do you just not know where to go? If that's the case your fairy will usually give you a hint if you call her. Or if you're stuck in a temple just look up a walkthrough. The first adult temple (Forest) is a bit confusing with its keys iirc.

I'd say skip the first two games for now, they're less fun imo. In terms of difficulty WW is pretty easy while MM can be pretty challenging, so leave that for at least after finishing OoT since it's a direct sequel anyway.

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The timeline is a joke. Play them in whatever order you want.

^ hmmm this

with zelda games i try try and try again and experiment alot with things and equipment and blocks, usually that works. If I get TOO stuck then I look up online, sometimes when trying things sometimes something in the brain just clicks, or if it's been 30 odd tries and nothing, i take a break and head off somewhere else or go chase some chickens

Edited by mikan-tsumiki
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Like previously mentioned, the best tip is to look everywhere. Learn to spot things that might be important now or later and try to make a mental note. Sometimes, the solution to a problem is in the most obvious of places. If you still can't figure it out, don't be afraid to look on the internet for a solution. Also get used to knowing all of your tools and the multiple things they can do. For example, the leaf in Wind Waker allows you to glide, but it can also as a fan to push things and propel a platform.

I'd suggest starting with either OoT or WindWaker. OoT is the first game I've played in the series, but the water temple can be rather frustrating(one of my friend thought she was stuck in the water temple because she didn't open the right door with a small key) while Windwaker is generally easy, but the last quest can be pretty long and tedious. Next should be either Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess. Keep Majora's mask for last(I haven't played Zelda 2, but things I heard about it don't make it seems like a pleasant game). MM is a great game, but understanding how it works can be pretty difficult, since you need to replay the same 3 days constantly and some useful tools(like the time slowing song) require some investigating.

For continuing in OoT, Navi is infamous for her constant nagging about where you should go. For the forest temple(the first adult temple), you need to get the hookshot that is hidden in a cave beneath one of Kakariko's Graveyard gravestone(look for one that has orange flowers on the left row IIRC).

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